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  1. Ownership


join   purpose unlimited liability company limited liability company   be liable (for) debt assets sole trader/proprietorship (general) partnership об'єднуватися, приєднуватися мета компанія з необмеженою відповідальністю компанія з обмеженою відповідальністю бути відповідальним (за) борг; зобов'язання майно, активи одноосібна власність товариство private limited company (BrE) / limited liability company (AmE) public limited company (BrE) / listed company (AmE) shareholder share wealth offer (v) public stock exchange закрита акціонерна компанія   відкрита акціонерна компанія з обмеженою відповідальністю акціонер акція багатство пропонувати громадськість фондова біржа


A business is an organization of material, human, financial, and information resources that are joined together for a specific purpose. Not all businesses are owned and organized in the same way.

In unlimited liability companies the owners are personally and entirely liable for the debts of the company. This means they may lose their personal assets (e.g., their house or their car) if the company is in financial difficulties.

In a limited liability company (Ltd.) the owners are liable only for the amount of money they have invested in the business.

Unlimited liability companies are subdivided into sole traders (BrE) / sole proprietorship (AmE) (a type of business organization owned and run by one person) and partnership (BrE) / general partnership (AmE) (a firm run by two or more partners).

Limited liability companies are subdivided into private limited companies (BrE) / limited liability companies (AmE) and public limited companies (BrE) / listed companies (AmE). A private limited company/limited liability company is a company which has shareholders (people who own the wealth of a company) but which cannot offer its shares to the public.

A public-limited company / listed company is a company whose shares can be bought and sold on the stock exchange. A public limited company is privately owned. It is not run by the state.


1 Are all businesses owned and organized in the same way? 2 What is the simplest form of business ownership? 3 What are the owners liable for in unlimited liability companies? 4 What are the owners liable for in a limited liability company? 6 What is a partnership? 7 What are limited liability companies subdivided into? 8 What is a private limited company? 9 What is a public limited company? 10 Is a public limited company privately or state-owned?


1 Match words that have a similar meaning:

join purpose sole trader public limited company offer organize personal share


sole proprietorship listed company propose aim unite stock arrange individual


2 The words in the box frequently occur after "debt". Find combinations that mean:1) a person employed to recover money owed by a person or an organization; 2) paying loans back to the lender; 3) renegotiating the form of debts; 4) renegotiating the dates that debts are to be repaid; 5) the overall amount of an organization's debt; 6) a period when a debtor is having trouble repaying their debts.


3 Match the words and phrases in the box with the correct definition: 1) a firm run by two or more partners; 2) a business owned by one person; 3) a company in which the owners are entirely liable for the debts of the company; 4) a company in which the owners are liable only for the amount of money they have invested in the business; 5) a company that may not offer its shares for sale to the public; 6) a company whose shares can be bought and sold on the stock exchange; 7) money owed by one

one person or an organization to another; 8) an item of value belonging to a person or a company; 9) one of many portions into which a company's capital is divided; 10) a market where stocks and shares are bought and sold under fixed rules; 11) a person who owns shares in a company and is, therefore, a member of the company; 12) (owning) a large amount of money, goods or property.

4 Choose the correct word from the box to complete the gaps. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian:

Stock exchange, wealth, purpose, shareholders, sole trader, partners, shares, assets, debts, partnership, sole proprietorship.

1 The person operating a......owns the business in his or her own name. 2 Formed by two or more persons, the... is considered a business entity. Each partner is responsible for the.... 3 All personal... of each partner are at risk if the business fails. 4... receive dividends in proportion to the capital they invest. 5 Being a......she works long hours in her hairdressing business. 6 The partnership collapsed as a result of the criminal activities of one of the.... 7 He has... in British Gas. 8 He is a man of great.... 9 The... of going to school is to learn. 10 He works as a computer operator at the New York.......

5 Fill in the missing prepositions: (on, by, of-2, to-2, in-2, for, within)

The limited liability company provides a framework... which a business can operate effectively. A limited company is usually the best vehicle... business. Shareholders inject capital and receive a return... proportion to the capital they invest. They are eligible to attend an annual general meeting... approve or otherwise the way the directors are running the business. Annual general meetings also determine how much... the profit will be distributed... shareholders.

Control... the company is... the hands of directors who are appointed... the shareholders to run the company... their behalf.

Grammar: Present Perfect – Теперішній доконаний час (1)


have / has + Past Participle (V3 / Ved)


+ I have read this book twice. Я читала цю книгу двічі.
- She hasn’t done her homework. Вона не виконала домашню роботу.
? Have you ever been to Egypt? Ти коли-небудь був у Єгипті?


Теперішній доконаний час пов’язує минулу дію або стан з теперішнім. Цей час ніби оглядається з теперішнього в минулий і виражає події, що сталися до теперішнього моменту.

I ’ve met a lot of famous people. (раніше) – Я зустрічав багато відомих людей.

He’s lived here all his life. (до цього часу, а може і у майбутньому) – Він живе тут усе своє життя.


Теперішній доконаний час використовується для вираження:

дії в минулому. Нам цікавий досвід як частина чийогось життя і неважливо, коли саме сталася дія.

Have you ever been in a car crash? – Ви коли-небудь потрапляли в автокатастрофу?

My mother has never flown in a plane. – Моя мати ніколи не літала літаком.

дії або стану, які почалися в минулому і все ще тривають.

We ’ve lived here for two years. – Ми живемо тут два роки (протягом двох років).

I ’ve had a car since I left school. – У мене була машина з того часу, як я закінчив школу.

Ex.1. Divide the expressions in the box into those which talk about present and those which talk about past. Choose any two expressions from each list and write sentences about your own educational experience.

last Monday, this year, for the last two hours, last September, when I was a child, in March, since January, at Christmas, last week, since I entered the college, lately, a week ago, this month, in the last few days

Ex.2. Choose the correct variant:

1 He published/has published a new book twice already. 2 I never was/have been to Italy, but I have gone/went to England last May. 3 I sent /have sent them an e-mail this week. 4 Did you register/Have you registered your ticket yet? 5 The plane from Paris has landed/landed an hour ago. 6 How many schools did/have you studied in? 7 The shop never made/has made any money. 8 Did it stop/Has it stopped snowing yet? 9 He was/has been in his office since early morning. 10 Mary called/has called her employer yesterday. 11 I answered/have answered three letters so far. 12 She was/has been away on business since last Monday.

Ex.3. Complete these sentences using the Past Simple or Present Perfect Simple:

1 People (begin) to watch TV about 50 years ago. 2 I am looking for Tom. You (see) him? I (see) him last week, but not today. 3 When I was a child, I never (eat) cheese. 4 He (organize) his sole proprietorship this year. 5 This morning I (take) a little walk. 6 We (be) to our main office since 7.30. 7 I (know) the owner of this company all my life. 8 The company (change) a lot lately. 9 It (not rain) here for weeks. 10 She (be) a regular investor in my business. 11 How long you (be) in your current job? 12 He (have) several jobs since he left our company.

Ex.4. Correct the mistakes where necessary:

1 Your fax has arrived three days ago. 2 I haven't been to the office since Sunday. 3 Has anyone seen my car keys? 4 I’ve passed my driving test. 5 I already had four cups of coffee today, and it's only lunchtime! 6 I’ve been to most countries of Africa but I never visited Congo. 7 He’s passed his exams last May. 8 He was

busy all this week. 9 There’s a lot of work to do recently. 10 Computers have become very important lately.

Ex.5. Translate into English: 1 Вона завжди давала мені багато корисних порад в бізнесі. 2 Ми не бачили його вже 2 роки. 3 Я щойно заплатив йому за цю роботу. 4 Я щойно прочитав звіт наших партнерів. 5 Ви не одержали від нього жодного листа, чи не так? 6 Він надіслав нам ці документи позавчора. 7 Невже він повідомив вам цю новину? 8 У мене був вільний час і я продивився ваш контракт. 9 Твої друзі принесли тобі багато квітів і подарунків. 10 Його стаття була надрукована в нашому журналі. 11 Ми обговорили план співробітництва з цією фірмою дві години тому. 12 Вони інвестували в мій бізнес велику кількість грошей.


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