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Working on the text. Task 2.Find in the text the English equivalents of the following:

Читайте также:
  1. Form working groups and study the following ethical dilemmas.
  3. My working day ... 6 hours.
  5. Working Conditions
  6. Working on the text
  7. Working on the text

Task 2. Find in the text the English equivalents of the following:

поток контрабанды; незаконный ввоз/вывоз; уплата пошлин и налогов; хранение и продажа; таможенные правонарушения; место сокрытия; интеллектуальная собственность; труднодоступные места; методы обнаружения контрабанды; высокотехнологичное оборудование; собаки, обученные находить наркотики; штраф; федеральная собственность; смертная казнь

Task 3. Insert prepositions, if necessary.

1) the unlawful bringing _____ and taking _____

3) is forbidden _____ law

4) to evade _____ paying duties

5) to find guilty _____ smuggling

6) to punish _____ a fine

7) to take _____ court

8) to turn _____ federal property

9) to entail _____ death penalty

10) to fight _____ smuggling


Task 4. Match the verbs to their definitions:

to restrict to smuggle to swallow to prevent to prohibit to confiscate to punish to conceal to misrepresent to evade


1) to stop something from happening or to stop someone from doing something;

2) not to pay money that you must pay;

3) to limit something;

4) to describe something in the wrong way or to give false information about something;

5) to do something unpleasant to someone because they have done something illegal or wrong;

6) when someone in authority take your things away from you;

7) to make food or drink go down your throat and into your stomach;

8) when people in authority do not allow it;

9) to secretly bring something or someone into a country when it is illegal to do it;

10) to hide something;


Task 5. a) Match left and right to make word combinations.


tax equipment

customs laundering

death fraud

double evasion

money property

intellectual bottom

inside penalty

commercial pocket

high-tech violations


b) Explain the meaning of the word combinations.

c) Use the word combinations to complete the sentences.

1) He has been found guilty of …..

2) Drug dealers may face …

3) A lot of money was spent on the … of the new check- point …

4) We investigate the cases of …


Task 6. Read the texts and complete the chart below.


a) Heroin Confiscated

Russian border guards and customs officers at Sheremetyevo airport seized more than 2kg of heroin from a Pakistany tourist. The man’s documents aroused the suspicions of passport control officers. Customs officers searched his baggage and found the heroin between double sides of his suitcase. The amount is worth $200,000 on the black market.

b) Hippy Chick

A German woman was arrested at Waterloo International Terminal with a kilo of cocaine worth £130,000 strapped to her hips. She was stopped by officers on her arrival and later she was jailed for two and a half years.

c) Icon Smuggler Arrested

A Latvian man was arrested after Russian customs officers discovered 65 ancient icons hidden in his car as he tried to cross the border. Experts are trying to determine the age and value of the icons.

d) Spaniard’s Full Tank

A Spanish motorist has been jailed for eight months after customs officers found 7 kg of 100% pure cocaine hidden in a fuel tank of his car. His smuggling bid was stopped by drug detector dog Josh who gave a positive identification after which officers searched the car.

e) Ivory Seized From Korean

Customs officials at Moscow international airport seized 537 kg of ivory (elephant tusks) found in the luggage which belonged to the wife of North Korean diplomat. Most countries forbid the export or import of ivory.

f) Customs Catch

Moscow customs officials have confiscated more than $70,000 from a US citizen after she tried to smuggle the currency into Ukraine. The money was carried in the inside pockets of her coat. The woman has been detained and a criminal case has been filed.

g) Cat Dodgers’ Fine …£ 1,500

Tree French students, who smuggled two cats into Britain in their car, were each fined £500 under the anti-rabies laws. But the tourists had only £102 on them when they were arrested. Now they face thirty days in jail unless the French Consul agrees to pay the balance of the fine.

h) Human Trafficking Charges

Moscow prosecutors charged 7 men with a scheme to smuggle people into Europe where they were forced into prostitution. Up to 20 people were involved into criminal group, which was headed by an army officer.


text smuggler object of smuggling place of concealment punishment
a a Pakistany tourist 2 kg of heroin worth $200,000 double sides of the suitcase -



Task 7. Say what you can remember about:


1) one of the main duties of the customs

2) the ways smuggled goods can enter the country

3) the actions that are regarded as smuggling

4) customs violations connected with smuggling

5) the most common objects of smuggling

6) the most common places of concealment

7) methods of detecting cases of contraband

8) high-tech equipment that customs officers use

9) the way people are punished for smuggling



Task 8. Translate the sentences from Russian into English:

1. Контрабанда может доставляться в страну пассажирами, а также поступать с грузом и транспортными средствами.

2. Хранение и продажа контрабанды должны быть запрещены законом.

3. Ты можешь не указывать в декларации личные вещи.

4. Существуют различные таможенные правонарушения, связанные с контрабандой: отмывание денег, коррупция, нарушение прав интеллектуальной собственности и др.

5. При проведении таможенного досмотра используются различные виды

оборудования: сканеры, металлоискатели, видеокамеры на гибких штативах, камеры с дистанционным управлением, наборы зеркал и др.

6. В транспортных средствах есть зоны, труднодоступные для визуального осмотра.

7. Контрабандисты могут использовать различные места сокрытия.

8. Незаконный ввоз и вывоз в страну запрещенных, ограниченных к вывозу и ввозу или облагаемых пошлиной предметов, называется контрабандой.

9. Одной из основных задач таможенников должно быть предотвращение провоза контрабанды.

10. Лицо, признанное виновным в провозе контрабанды, может быть подвергнуто штрафу или привлечено к уголовной ответственности.

11. Сотрудники нашего управления занимаются расследованием фактов нарушения таможенного и налогового законодательства, а также выявлением лиц, занимающихся незаконным перемещением через границу наркотиков, оружия, культурных ценностей и других товаров.


Text 2

Task 9. a) Read and translate the text.


Every country is aware that its territorial integrity and national existence to much extent rests on its ability to police its land and sea borders, and to control its air space. That is why in the developed world, most major international airports have technology for verifying identification, checking for criminal records, and inspecting passengers’ luggage and commercial cargo to prevent contraband and dangerous goods from entering the country.

The use of contraband detection technology enables customs officers to conduct effective, non-intrusive inspections, and allows them to focus on high-risk individuals and goods.

- X-ray systems, including baggage, mobile and roll-in cargo systems;

- Mobile Vehicle and Cargo Inspection Systems (VACIS, gamma-ray systems), used to scan marine containers, rail cars, or trucks;

- Biometric scanning technology, used to scan either fingerprints or iris for comparison to criminal record;

- spectrometry technology systems, used for identifying trace amounts of narcotics residue;

- Remote Operated Vehicles (ROV) for under-vessel detection;

- specimen isolation toilets, used for recovery of banned substances at airports, ship terminals and border crossings;

- flexible video-probes, used to search for undeclared currency and contraband;

- density meters, used to determine the density of a surface or object, which help to discover hidden walls or contraband concealed in car tires;

- fibrescopes, used to view areas that are inaccessible by the naked eye due to obstructions;

- submersible pole cameras, used at marine ports and major commercial border crossings to inspect ships, containers and tractor trailers;

- miniature pole cameras, used at major international airports to inspect aircrafts;

- laser range finders, used to measure the inside of commercial containers;

- mirror kits, used to inspect the undercarriage of vehicles and other hard to reach areas.

These are the latest of innovative state-of-the art technologies and they will be continually refined and upgraded.

b) Make a glossary. Choose seven words to remember.


c) Say which devices are used to search:

- individuals;

- luggage;

- cargo;

- vehicles;

- vessels;

- containers

Дата добавления: 2015-07-10; просмотров: 125 | Нарушение авторских прав

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