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In the box some words are similar in meaning but different in use. See whether you can identify this difference and compare your answers with your group mates.

Читайте также:
  1. A look through the descriptions of things you can do with music and try to guess the meaning of the words in bold type.
  2. A) Brainstorm the words which come to your mind when you think of flight.
  3. Abbreviations of words
  4. Ask me whether I liked school when I was a pupil.
  5. B) Explain the difference between the synonyms within each pair. (See Notes on p. 18.) When in doubt, consult dictionaries.
  6. B) Now read through the ads below quickly and find the answers to these questions.
  7. B) Think of situations or microdialogues consisting of a statement (or a question) and a reply to it using the words mentioned above.

A) Match the words in the box with a suitable definition (a – j)


an expedition, a flight, a tour, a voyage, a package, a tour, an itinerary, a trip, travel, a cruise, a crossing


A journey by ship for pleasure – …. A journey by plane - …. The plan of a journey - …. An informal word for journey. Sometimes meaning a short journey - …. A journey for a scientific or special purpose - …. A holiday which includes organized travel and accommodation - …. Taking journeys, as a general idea - …. A journey by sea - …. An organized journey to see the sights of a place - …. A journey from one side of the sea to the other - ….


B ) Use a word from A) in each sentence:

a) The travel agent will send you … for your trip.

b) My neighbours went on a guided … of Rome.

c) Last time I went from England to France we had a very rough ….

d) The first prize in the competition is a luxury Mediterranean ….

e) When you go on a/an …, you pay one price for everything.

f) The college organized a/an … to search for the ancient ruins.

d) Olympic announces the arrival of … OA 269 from Athens.

h) The Titanic sank on its first … in 1912.

i) … is one of my main interests.

j) Mr. Dean is away on a business … at the moment. Can I help you?


3. You’ve got some information on the problem of travelling. Speak of the characteristic features to your deskmate. Replace the underlined parts by the synonyms given in the box.

Travelling is popular with people of different age and lifestyle for different reasons. Some want to have a good rest after long months of hard work; others like to change a dull scene of everyday existence. There are people who travel on business and those who travel for pleasure. Some prefer planes as the quickest means of transport; others go by sea, car, train, bus, coach, take walking tours or hikes. You should bear in mind that every method of travelling has its pros and cons. Some people prefer holidays with the wealth of things to do and places to visit. Others like a quiet holiday by the sea or in the country with nothing to do but walk and bathe and lie in the sun. Travel agencies offer a wide range of options to satisfy all tastes: package holidays, cruises, guided tours, camping, caravan, farm, cultural, activity holidays and what not. Choose the one that is good for you and that you can afford this time.


advantages and disadvantages, boat, a lot of sightseeing, remember, peaceful, to relax, pleasure voyages, a refreshing change, fastest, choices



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