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Следует сохранить культуру стартапа, даже когда у вас уже большая компания

Читайте также:
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  4. Quot;...привели к Нему человека немого бесноватого. И когда бес был изгнан, немой стал говорить. И народ удивляясь говорил: никогда не бывало такого явления в Израиле".
  5. Retrum. Когда мы были мертвыми
  6. VI. Те, что некогда были людьми
  7. А из этого следует первый вывод: прием сахарозаменителей провоцирует переедание!

Как уже говорилось ранее, Apple продолжает свое победоносное шествие благодаря тому, что это огромный стартап. От отсутствия бюрократии внутри проектов и до культуры, ориентированной на технических специалистов, а также акцентирования внимания на верных и влюбленных в компанию сотрудниках, громадная компания сумела сохранить свою корпоративную культуру такой, какой она была во времена стартапа. И эта культура является важной частью того, что делает компанию такой успешной — и, что и неудивительно, такой приятной для работы в ней.




Jay Elliot – начальник отдела HR в Apple –вырезка из ее интервью.

I looked to the HR organization to be much more involved in business decisions, rather than just being caught up in personnel policies. I think that HR, basically, was much more of a business partner than other companies that I'd worked with [such as IBM and Intel], where HR was more of a policy-oriented organization. I looked to the HR organization to be much more involved in business decisions, rather than just being caught up in personnel policies. I think that HR, basically, was much more of a business partner than other companies that I'd worked with [such as IBM and Intel], where HR was more of a policy-oriented organization.

All [workers] have to be on the same wavelength, understanding how each piece of the organization interacts and communicates with another piece of the organization. So if one piece is working on a particular segment of the product -- either hardware or software -- there has to be very strong communication across the organization from the other pieces that are working on the same product.


Это скорее больше по улучшению организационной среды, не знаю, пригодится или нет, но тоже полезно.


· Know your roles! Tightly defined roles ensure that your employees knows exactly what he or she is expected to do, what others do and what other roles they could move into. Those boldly coloured T-shirts that Apple Store employees wear aren’t just for looks; they designate the distinct role each employee plays. From “Experts”who assess visitors’ needs, and direct them to the right place, to “Geniuses” who speak your language when something’s wrong with your precious MacBook, everyone in the store knows his or her place.

· Free up your leadership. When your workforce is deployed effectively—with minimal room in the process for bottle-necking—managers spend less time wondering who should be where and more time keeping the machine in shipshape. Apple Store employees are busy delivering Apple-grade customer service, so it’s up to leadership to maintain the same level of awesome day after day. They’re doing more than managing the operation; they’re coaching staff, leading training and driving sales.

· Make work meaningful. When your employees know that what they’re doing matters, it’s easier to inspire them to do their best. And no one appreciates this more than the employees staffing the stores, who are on the front lines of the customer relationship. Apple would be hard-pressed to deliver their standard of service in retail unless their employees were satisfied with the level of employee engagement.

· Retain with growth opportunities. Many organizations are struggling to retain top talent, but how many offer a great opportunity for college grads to make something of themselves? Besides having a great job portal on their site with multiple open positions, Apple prides itself on promoting from within. For the 20-something “Expert” with a master’s degree who’s manning the entrance to an Apple store today (I could name more than one), that’s pretty encouraging.


Дата добавления: 2015-10-28; просмотров: 42 | Нарушение авторских прав

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