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Which ofSwill's works was forbidden by the Pope of Rome?

VI. LITERATURE OF THE LAST DECADES OF THE 19TH CENTURY | VII. LITERATURE OF THE EARLY 20TH CENTURY | AHrJntACKBH nHTepaTypa 1 страница | AHrJntACKBH nHTepaTypa 2 страница | AHrJntACKBH nHTepaTypa 3 страница | AHrJntACKBH nHTepaTypa 4 страница | AHrJntACKBH nHTepaTypa 5 страница | AHrJntACKBH nHTepaTypa 6 страница | THE COLLECTOR | Ur.11d1cKaR JZHTeparypl |

a) The Battle of Books

b) Tale of a Tub

c) Gulliver's Travels



d) Journal te Stella

15. Which of the religions uocs cadi of the characlers of Tale of a Tub


I) Father

2) Peter

3) Marlin

4) Jack

a) Protestantism b) Puritanism

c) Catholicism

u) Christiantity


16. Match the names of the countries

Gulliver's Travels.


their inhabitants from

I) Brobdingnag

2) Lapula

3) Lilliput

4) the Country of Houyhnhms

a) Yahoos b) Giants

c) scientists

d) Lilliputians

17. Which country was ruled by a wise and cduc.aled mo•arch?

a) Brobclingnag b) Laputa

c) Litliput

d) the Country of Houyhnhms

11. Which country did Swift mean by Hlefuscu?


a) England b) Spain

c) France

d) Germany




t;'·which one of poets docs nul belong lo the 19th cenlury?

:1) Robert Southey b) Percy Shelley

c) l obert Burns

d) William Wordsworth c) George Byron

f) Samuel Coleridge


2. Match the writers works.

I) George Byron a) Lyrical 13allads

2) William Wordsworth b) Wcwcrlcy

3) Percy Shelley c) The Corsair

4) Walter Scott d) Prometheus Unbound


3. Wllich one of the 4 poetic works is out of plac in the following list?

a) Chi/de Harold's Pilgrimage;

b) The Minstrelsy of the Scu//is/1 Border;

c) Hebrew Melodies;

d) Don Juan t.,.·



4. Which one of the 4 heroes of Byron's poems is very much like Pushkin's Eugene Onegin, Lermonlov's Pcchorin and Griboedov's Chatski?

a) Don.Juan

b) Childc Harold c) Cain,,..

d) Conrad

5. Match the titles of Walter Scoll's novels with their c:Mr.•c;tera.

I) I wanhoe a) Richard the Lion Heart

2) The Abbot b) Mary, Queen of Scots

3) Quentin Durward c) Luis XI, King of France

6. Charles Dickens was born in

a) 1799 b) 1812 c) 1821 d) 1870

7. Dickens's first literary work was

a )The Boo/1 of Snobs

b) Sketches by Boz

c) Vanity Fair

d) Dauid Copperfield

8. The name of Mr Dombey's daughter was a) Edith

b) Amelia c) Fleur

d) Florence

I. The We.of the poor in workhouses was described by Dickens in a) David Copperfield

b) Oliver Twist

c) Marlin Chuzzlewit d) Great Expectations

10. Mr. Dornbey

a) was ruined by his companion b) was killed in an accident

c) emigrated to Australia

d) became a Member oi Parliament

II. The word "snob" means

a) a shy and kind person b) a cruel and selfish man

c) a person w ilh a lot of money

d) a man whose attitude io others depends on their financial and social position

12. Vanity Fair has the subtitle

a) A Noue/ \Vithout a Hero

b) A Story o} Two Girls



c) A Novel with a Happy End

d) A Li/estory o/ Rebecca Sharp

13. Rebecca Sharp married

a) Sir PiU Crawley b) Joseph Sedley

c) George Osborne d) Rawdon Crawley

14. Amelia Sedley

a) had to part with her son

b) was a very selfish and cunning person c) had no children

d) lived happily with her large family

15. Match the writers with their works.

I) Charlotte Bronte a) The Strange Case o/ Dr. Jekyll and

Mr. Hyde

2) R. L. Stevenson

3) Joseph Conrad

4) Oscar Wilde

b) Lord Jim

c) Jane Eyre

d) The Picture oJ Dorian Gray

16. Which one of the 4 works by Oscar Wilde is out of place in the fol·

lowing list?

a) The Devoted Friend b) An Ideal Husband c) The Happy Prince

d) The Star Child

Дата добавления: 2015-10-24; просмотров: 61 | Нарушение авторских прав

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LIST OF TITLESrMENTIONED IN THE TEXT-BOOK| Which of th¢.writers is the author of the baUad lt1ather Ale?

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