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Mathematization of natural sciences

К теме № 1: Установление значения слова | B. Make up English-Russian pairs of the word groups equivalent in meaning. | К теме № 3: Многофункциональные слова | К теме № 6: Перевод словосочетаний | К теме № 8: Перевод страдательного залога | К теме № 10: Инфинитивные обороты | К теме № 11: Причастие | К теме № 12: Герундий | К теме № 13: Модальные глаголы | К теме № 14: Сослагательное наклонение |

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Exact science in its generally accepted sense can be referred to as a family of specialized natural sciences, each of them providing evidence and information about the different aspects of nature by somewhat different working methods. It follows that mathematics in its pure sense does not enter into this frame, its object of study being not nature itself. Being independent of all observations of the outside world, it attempts to build logical systems based on axioms. In other words, it concentrates on formulating the language of mathematical symbols and equations which may be applied to the functional relations found in nature.

This “mathematization”, in the opinion of most specialists, is witnessed first in physics which deals with general laws of matter and energy on subatomic, atomic and molecular levels. Further application of these mathematical laws and studies is made by chemistry and results in structural bonds between the elements of matter being established.


2) Check up for comprehension:

1. What is generally understood by exact science? 2. How does the author describe “specialized” natural sciences? 3. Why does mathematics not belong to this family? 4. What is the objective of mathematics? 5. Is there only one definition of the objective? 6. What does the application of mathematical laws in chemistry result in?



Text 3. A. Read the introduction to yourself and state its topic (follow the guide words to the author's thought equivalent toоднако, скорее, noэтому). Answer the questions: What is the main characteristic of the problems discussed in the four units of this book? Are the problems discussed in detail and covered in full?


In the four units, forming this book an attempt is made to keep the discussion within the range of problems of common interest for most scientists whatever their particular fields. However, it is by no means claimed that the items grouped under the same topic deal with the problem discussed in sufficient detail, let alone cover it in full. Rather, it should be emphasized that the items include but fragments of opinions concerning the subject under discussion expressed by outstanding scientists on different occasions. Therefore, what is presented here is, of necessity, only part of what was said

The first discussion is focused on the relations between pure and applied research, theory and experiment, science and technology, scientist and layman. The discussion is opened by the Soviet physicist academician Lev Artsimovitch and concluded by the American physicist prof. K. K. Darrow. It covers the following items: A. Science and Technology. B. What Science Is. G. Research: Fundamental and Applied, and the Public. D. Scientific Innovation: Its Impact on Technology.

B. Give Russian equivalents of: an attempt is made; what is presented here is... only part of what was said elsewhere.

Text 4. A. Look through the text concentrating on the beginning of each paragraph and write down a plan, either in English or in Russian (time limit — 10 min.):

Дата добавления: 2015-10-24; просмотров: 104 | Нарушение авторских прав

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