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Exercises. Ex.1. Answer the questions consulting the text:

Грамматический комментарий | Will have | Упражнения | READING COMPREHENSION. A LETTER HOME | Тесты и задания для контроля | Коммуникативно-речевой практикум | Hobbies people have. Read and do tasks. | Read the extract and answer the questions. | Choose the correct form of the verb. | Грамматический комментарий |

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  7. Exercises

Ex.1. Answer the questions consulting the text:

A. 1. What is the girl’s name? 2. How old is she? 3. What’s her nationality? 4. What is she? 5. How many people are there in Ann’s family? 6. Are her grandparents on a pension? 7. What is the name of Ann’s mother? 8. How old is she? 9. What does she look like? 10. What is she like? 11. What is she? 12. What is Ann’s father’s name? 13. How old is Ann’s father? 14. What does he look like? 15. What is he like? 16. What is he? 17. What is the name of Ann’s uncle? 18. How old is he? 19. What is her aunt’s name? 20. How many cousins has Ann got? 21. What is the atmosphere in the family like?

B. 1. What’s your name? 2. How old are you? 3. What’s your nationality? 4. What are you? 5. How many people are there in your family? 6. What is your mother’s name? 7. What is she? 8. What is your mother like? 9. What does she look like? 10. What’s your father’s name? 11. What is he? 12. What is he like? 13. What does your father look like? 14. Have you got any brothers or sisters?

C. 1. What things are you interested in? 2. Are you popular with the friends? 3. Who is your sister/brother married to? 4. Are you patient? 5. Have you got any cousins? 6. What is your friend like? 7. Have you a good sense of humour? 8. Are your grandparents on a pension? 9. What is your father? 10. What is your mother? 11. How old are your parents?

Ex. 2. Find English equivalents in the text:

позвольте представиться; бабушка и дедушка; уходить на пенсию, она замужем за; молодожёны; свободная и тёплая атмосфера в семье; широкоплечий и темноволосый мужчина; голубоглазая очаровательная женщина; у него хорошее чувство юмора; хорошо одетый; он популярен среди друзей; мой отец добродушный, терпеливый и дельный (деловитый); любящая мать; у меня с ним хорошие отношения; он всегда интересуется тем, что я делаю; я пытаюсь следовать его совету; я не меньше люблю свою маму; душа семьи; любимец; хороший цвет лица; ровные белые зубы; курносый нос; красиво очерченные губы; у неё прекрасное чувство цвета; у моей мамы хороший вкус; она имеет дело с маркетингом; она подходит моему отцу в этом отношении; у них много общего; он женат на; он не женат; она не замужем.

Ex. 3. Translate from Russian into English:

1. Вы заняты в 5 часов, - Нет, я свободен. 2. Его сестра учительница, - Нет, она секpетарша. 3. Эти девочки сёстры, - Да, они сёстры. 4. Ваши студенты свободны сейчас?5. Мой план хорош? 6. Сегодня холодно. 7. Я не готов. 8. Вы не дети. 9. Он не мой ученик. Он ученик Брауна. 10. Это не моя ручка. Моя ручка чёрная. 11. Эти яблоки не сладкие. 12. Её сыну не 15, а 19 лет. 13. Я интересуюсь историей и психологией, а (and) мой друг компьютерами. А вы чем интересуетесь? (what things…) 14. Наташа и Саша – молодожёны. 15. Моя сестра замужем за Михаилом. Он мой деверь. 16. Моя подруга высокая и стройная. 17. Мои двоюродные братья ещё не женаты. 18. Я – любимец моей матери. 19. Мой брат высокй и широкоплечий. 20. Моя мать – душа семьи. 21. Мой племянник интересуется компьютерными играми. 22. Моя кузина невысокая и олненькая. 23. Как зовут вашего дядю? 24. Сколько лет вашим родителям? 25. Ваше имя Мария? 26. Вас зовут Мария, не так ли? 27. На ком женат ваш брат? Что он за человек?

Ex. 4. Вставьте my, our, your, his, her, its, their:

1. 1. I’m going to wash _____ hands. 2. She is going to wash _____ hands. 3. We’re going to wash _____ hands. 4. He’s going to wash _____ his hands. 5. They’re going to wash _____ hands. 6. Are you going to wash _____ hands? 7. I saw Liz with _____ husband yesterday. 8. I saw Ann and Ted with _____ children. 9. I saw Ted with _____ wife, Ann. 10. I saw George with _____ brother, Bill. 11. I saw Liz and Philip with _____ son, Bill.

2. 1. Do you like _____ job? 2. I know Mr. Watson, but I don’t know _____ wife. 3. Mr. and Mrs. Baker live in London. _____ son lives in Australia. 4. We’re going to have a party. We are going to invite _____ our friends. 5. Ann is going out with _____ friends this evening. 6. I like tennis. It’s _____ favourite sport. 7. `Is that your car?’ 8. I want to phone Ann. Do you know _____ phone number? 9. I’m going to wash _____ hair before going out. 10. This is a beautiful tree. _____ leaves are a beautiful colour. 11. Do you think that most people are happy in _____ jobs?

Ex. 5. Перефразируйте следующие высказывания в соответствии с моделью:

These are our books. These books are ours.

1. Those are our tickets. 2. Is this your pen? 3. That is our dog. 4. This is his typewriter. 5. Are those your gloves? 6. Is that my umbrella? 7. This is Mary’s hat. 8. That is my brother’s house. 9. This is his coat. 10. Are these my flowers? 11. Is that your car? 12. Is that her tape-recorder? 13. This is my house. 14. These are my dogs. This is his car. 16. These are his sons. 17. This is our office. 18. These are their flowerbeds. 19. This is their garden. 20. That is her handkerchief.

Ex. 6. Вставьте me, us, you, him, her, it, them:

1) 1. I don’t know those girls. Do you know _____? 2. I don’t know that man. Do you know _____? 3. I don’t know David’s wife. Do you know _____? 4. I don’t know Mr. Stevens. Do you know _____? 5. I don’t know Sarah’s parents. Do you know _____?

2) 1. I don’t eat tomatoes. I don’t like _____. 2. George is a very nice man. I like _____. 3. This jacket is very nice. I like _____. 4. This is my new car. Do you like _____? 5. These are my shoes. Do you like _____?

3) 1. Give Gane this watch. Give _____ this one, too. 2. Give the children these ice creams.

Give _____ those ones, too. 3. Give Tom this book. Give _____ this one, too. 4. This is my passport. Give _____ my passport, please. 5. That is my coat. Give _____ my coat. 6. Those are our umbrellas. Give _____ our umbrellas, please. 7. That is Jane’s dictionary. Give _____ the dictionary.

Дата добавления: 2015-10-02; просмотров: 66 | Нарушение авторских прав

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