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Упражнение 33

Упражнение 17 | Упражнение 18 | Упражнвнпе | Упражнение 21 | Упражнеие 22 | Упражнение 23 | Упражнение 24 | Упражненпе 25 | Упражнение 29 | Упражнение 31 |

Читайте также:
  1. Выполняйте упражнение с 61 точкой
  2. Игра-упражнение «Правила жизни».
  3. Пилатес. Упражнение 3. Скольжение по стене.
  4. Продолжайте упражнение, пока вам это нравится.
  5. Пятое упражнение
  6. Тибетское упражнение на принятие себя.
  7. Третье упражнение

А. Найдите конструкцию "Причастие II + инфинитив" в функции определения и определяемое слово. Та­кая конструкция представляет собой сокращённый вариант придаточного определительного предло­жения со "Сложным подлежащим" и сказуемым в страдательном залоге, полный вариант которого выглядит следующим образом:


Among the drugs known to trigger intestinal bleeding are aspirin and other salicylates. = Among the drugs which are known to trigger intestinal bleeding are aspirin and other salicylates.

Переводить такие конструкции следует как прида­точные определительные предложения, содержа­щие "Сложное подлежащее".

Б. Переведите предложения, применяя правила пе­ревода конструкции "Сложное подлежащее" (см. упр. 32).

1. Among the illnesses known to trigger internal bleeding are peptic ulcers, colon
cancer, inflammatory bowel disease and intestinal parasites such as hook-worm.

2. In the 1960's Dr. Goldstein [,gDl(d)'stam] discovered and isolated a humoral
factor, believed to be a hormone from the thymus, which he named thymosin.

3. The advent of antibiotics and the resultant development of resistant strains of
bacteria have introduced new types of pathogens little known or not previously
thought to be significantly dangerous to man.

4. Once thought to be a rare disease, Reye's syndrome is now listed among the ten
major causes of death in children over one year of age.

5. Once thought to be a rare disorder, primary hyperparathyroidism now ranks with
diabetes mellitus and thyroid disease as one of the most common endocrine

6. Once thought to be a rare form of localized bone disease, this disorder is now
diagnozed more frequently because of newer diagnostic techniques, such as bone
scanning, and routine testing of plasma alkaline phosphatase.

7. It was discovered that certain vitamins thought to be simple were made up of
many different components, for example, the vitamin-B complex.

8. The first fluid found to be effective for perfusion of a heart was devised by an
English physician, S. Ringer fringa], and is still known as "Ringer's solution".

9. Cholesterol is a fatty substance thought to be part of the cause of heart disease if
there is too much of it.

10. The second of Bright's diseases is a hemorrhagic disease, believed to be caused by substances created by infections found elsewhere in the body.

Дата добавления: 2015-10-02; просмотров: 46 | Нарушение авторских прав

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