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Упражнение 16

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Читайте также:
  1. Выполняйте упражнение с 61 точкой
  2. Игра-упражнение «Правила жизни».
  3. Пилатес. Упражнение 3. Скольжение по стене.
  4. Продолжайте упражнение, пока вам это нравится.
  5. Пятое упражнение
  6. Тибетское упражнение на принятие себя.
  7. Третье упражнение

А. Найдите определение, выраженное комплексом "су­ществительное + причастие", которое всегда сто­ит перед определяемым словом, характеризуя вы­полняемое им действие.

Пример: the blood-forming tissue

= the tissue that forms blood

Б. Переведите предложения.

1. The skeleton houses bone marrow, the blood-forming tissue.

2. The haemoglobin-containing erythrocytes are produced in bone marrow and
released into the circulation, where they remain for about 120 days,

3. The symptoms of bacterial pneumonia are a sputum-producing cough, fever, |
chills and chest pain.

4. Lungs are the respiratory organs in air-breathing vertebrates.

5. A heat-regulating centre in the hypothalamus of the brain functions much like a

6. Aspirin is one of the most reliable pain-relieving medications.

7. The weight-bearing joints are the most frequent site of degenerative diseases,

8. DNA is the information-storing molecule and RNA is the information-carrying
molecule of the cell.

9. Blood-clotting proteins circulate in the blood plasma in an inactive proenzyme

10. When the coronary arteries are narrowed by atherosclerotic plagues, the flow of
oxygen-bearing blood to the heart is impaired.

11. Vitamin As general immunity-boosting properties have been known for a long

12. Thanks to the constant work of osteoblasts (bone-building cells) and osteoclasts
(bone-destroying cells) our entire skeleton is replaced every 7 years or so.

13. Transfusions of red blood cells are sometimes required for emergency treatment
of severe life-threatening anemia.

14. Hemoglobin is a red iron-containing protein in the red corpuscles.

15. Fat is a necessary part of diet because of the vitamins and energy-giving calories
which it contains.


16. Pollution is now studied in laboratories and evaluated medically for its cancer-
causing potential.

17. Antibody-producing cells bear specific antibody molecules on their surfaces.

18. In 1628 W. Harvey ['hd:rvi:] published an epoch-making dissertation on the
circulation of the blood.

Дата добавления: 2015-10-02; просмотров: 35 | Нарушение авторских прав

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