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Possessive Case


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Существительное в притяжательном падеже служит определением к другому существительному, обозначает принадлежность и отвечает на вопрос whose? (чей?).

Притяжательный падеж образуется:

1) в единственном числе путём прибавления апострофа и окончания - s.

Cр.: our teacher ’s lecture, Nancy ’s beauty

Окончание притяжательного падежа читается так же, как суффикс множественного числа.

2) во множественном числе путём прибавления одного апострофа ’.

Cр.: the students’ scholarship

Если существительное во множественном числе не оканчивается на -s, то притяжательный падеж образуется как у существительных в единственном числе.

Cр.: the children ’s pictures

Эквивалентом притяжательного падежа является сочетание существительных с помощью предлога of.

Cр.: the symphony of the composer, the violin of the master



I. Fill in the blanks with the articles where it is necessary.


I usually have ¼ four meals ¼ day. In ¼ morning I have ¼ breakfast. At ¼ University I have ¼ lunch. At ¼ home I have ¼ dinner and in ¼ evening I have ¼ supper. Besides, I like to eat ¼ apple or ¼ banana, or to drink ¼ glass of ¼ juice between meals. Yesterday I had ¼ potatoes with … meat, ¼ cheese sandwich and ¼ cup of tea for … breakfast. At the University I had ¼ piece of pie and ¼ glass of orange juice. When I came ¼ home I was rather hungry. My mother cooked ¼ cabbage soup, ¼ roast chicken and ¼ rice and made ¼ tea. I ate everything with ¼ pleasure. For ¼ supper we had ¼ pancakes with ¼ jam and ¼ sour cream. These are my favourite things. I have ¼ sweet tooth, so I often buy ¼ ice-cream, ¼ sweets, ¼ chocolate, ¼ cakes and ¼ other tasty things.


II. Answer the following questions.

1. How many meals do you have a day? 2. Where do you have breakfast? 3. Do you have any lunch? 4. Do you have dinner at the canteen? 5. Do you have supper at home? 6. What do you usually have for breakfast? 7. What do you usually have for lunch? 8. What do you usually have for dinner? 9. When do you usually have supper? 10. What do you eat when you are very hungry? 11. What do you like to drink when you are thirsty? 12. Do you like fruit and vegetables? 13. Do you agree to the proverb “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”? 14. What special dishes do you cook if you are expecting guests? 15. Do you like cooking? 16. What do you prefer for the sweet?


III. Translate into English using the words given below.


Английский завтрак состоит не только из булочек, масла и кофе. Это овсяная каша с молоком и сахаром, бекон, яйца и мармелад. Англичане обычно пьют чай или кофе с тостами. Иногда они едят на завтрак варёное яйцо, холодную ветчину или рыбу. Британцы, которые работают или учатся, обычно обедают в столовой, кафе или ресторане. “Пятичасовой чай” – хорошо известный английский обычай. Это не приём пищи, а скорее возможность друзьям встретиться и поболтать. Вечером англичане едят немного: омлет, колбасу, сыр, хлеб, фрукты свежие или консервированные.

состоять из … – to consist of …

булочка – a roll

овсяная каша – porridge

бекон – bacon

мармелад – marmalade

вареное яйцо – a boiled egg

ветчина – ham

обычай – а custom

возможность – possibility

омлет – omelette

колбаса – sausage

консервированные фрукты – bottled fruit

IV. Read the text, explain the usage of the articles and retell it.


First I take a table cloth and spread it over the table. Then I put out table mats to protect the table from hot plates and dishes – a small mat for each guest and a large one for hot dishes. I take the cutlery – a knife and a fork. Then there is a little spoon and a fork for the sweet and a soup-spoon for the soup. I put the knives and the soup-spoon on the right-hand side and the forks on the left, except the little spoon and fork, which I put across the top. On the left of each guest I put a small plate for bread and on his right a wine-glass if we are having wine. Then I put out the table napkins for each guest. I put coffee-cups and saucers, cream, sugar and coffee-spoons on the tray and I am ready for the guests to come.


V. Make the correct choice.

1. ¼ apples are good for you.

a) –; b) an; c) the

2. In Britain ¼ coffee is more expensive than ¼ tea.

a) a; b) the; c) –

3. The British Prime Minister lives in ¼ Downing Street.

a) the; b) –; c) a

4. It was very late, so I went ¼ home.

a) a; b) the; c) –

5. We had dinner with ¼ Smiths.

a) a; b) –; c) the

6. Some mountains like ¼ Urals are old.

a) the; b) –; c) a

7. What language do they speak in ¼ England?

a) –; b) the; c) a

8. Which is the largest sea in ¼ Europe?

a) –; b) a; c) the

9. The longest river in the world is ¼ Mississippi.

a) a; b) the; c) –

10. Don’t sit too much in ¼ sun on a hot day.

a) a; b) –; c) the

11. It is not easy to cross ¼ Atlantic Ocean in a small boat.

a) the; b) –; c) a

12.... Great Britain exports very good textiles.

a) the; b) a; c) –

13. He went to ¼ school at the age of six.

a) –; b) the; c) a

14. ¼ Christmas is my favourite holiday.

a) the; b) –; c) a

15. I was thirsty, so I took ¼ second cup of tea.

a) –; b) a; c) the

16. For a hundred of years ¼ Tower of London was used as a prison.

a) the; b) a; c) –

17. ¼ British Museum is a famous museum with a large library.

a) –; b) the; c) a

18. In ¼ “Computer news” you can find all the necessary information on computer world.

a) the; b) –; c) a

19. As ¼ rule women watch more TV than men.

a) –; b) the; c) a

20. There are ¼ lucky people who chose their profession in childhood.

a) the; b) –; c) a


VI. Give the plural form of the following nouns.

egg, waiter, cigarette, teacup, table, napkin, flower, potato, tomato, sheep, cow, leaf, orange, pear, cucumber, peach, nut, apple, berry, ox, city, hero, belief, foot, child, datum, sister-in-law, tooth, fish, herring, supply


VII. Choose the correct form of the nouns, singular or plural.


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