Some computer specialists claim that it is impossible to develop artificial intelligence in principle. The human brain is a very sophisticated system composed of billions of interconnected cells. Each cell is extremely complex in itself. A rather plausible hypothesis says thatan individual cell processes the signals penetrating it like a computer. Therefore, even the most sophisticated machine we may imagine, cannot even be compared to the human brain. There is one other problem that prevents an answer in the affirmative, namely (viz.), the decade-old discovery that the two hemispheres of the human brain have different functions. Each hemisphere has its own, absolutely different method of thinking. One hemisphere thinks logically, the other – in images. Our thinking is based on two types of perception of the world around us – the sensual – subconscious and the conscious. What a human being is conscious of and can, therefore, express in words, constitutes only a small part of the work done by the brain.
It is impossible to observe thinking processes directly. We can only judge them indirectly, studying how information delivered to the brain is transformed. That is why so little is known about what is going on in the "imaginative" hemisphere. Without that it is impossible to develop an intelligence even vaguely resembling the brain. The world of feelings, distress or emotions, which are of such importance to human thinking and behaviour, is as yet inaccessible to us. A machine, in general, cannot think either logically or figuratively. That is a function innate only in live, highly-organized matter. Still, there are people including some well-known scientists, who believe that artificial intelligence will not only be developed but will exceed human intelligence in power. They even set the time limit for this – the early decade of the 21st century. Others try to assure that artificial intelligence has already been created. "It is the reality nowadays," they claim.
The modeling of creative processes gave birth to the term "artificial intelligence". But that does not mean that the computers possess it. The "intelligence" has been "packaged" in it by an expert who developed the program for solving some practical creative problem. Man differs from the machine in that he does not simply fulfill the programs stored in his memory but also develops them himself, depending on the goals facing him. One of the trends in "artificial intelligence" now being intensively developed is to design "thinking robots" capable of a certain amount of independent activities. Enthusiasts expect such machines to appear any moment now. But we should hope this to happen in the near future. Robots will continue to work for a long time as yet in conditions where man has to step in and take control of certain stages.
to claim | вимагати; претендувати; заявляти |
artificial intelligence | штучний інтелект |
brain | головний мозок |
sophisticated | складний, ускладнений |
interconnected cells | взаємопов’язані клітини |
plausible | правдоподібний, вірогідний |
to penetrate | проникати всередину; проходити скрізь; пронизувати |
therefore | тому, отже |
imagine | уявляти, припускати |
to compare | порівнювати, уподібнювати |
to prevent | запобігати, попереджати |
affirmative | твердження, заява |
namely *viz. (лат. videlicet) | саме, тобто *а саме |
discovery | відкриття |
hemisphere | півкуля; півкуля головного мозку |
thinking | мислячий, розумний; роздум, думка; погляди, концепції, мислення |
perception | сприйняття, відчуття, усвідомлення, розуміння |
sensual | чуттєвий |
subconscious | підсвідомий |
conscious | свідомий |
human being | людина |
constitute | складати, засновувати, призначати |
to observe | спостерігати, помічати, вести наукові спостереження |
to judge | вирішувати, оцінювати, судити, рахувати, вважати |
to deliver | передавати |
vaguely | невизначено |
resemble | нагадувати |
distress | горе, страждання, нещастя |
behaviour (behavior) | поведінка |
inaccessible | недоступний, недосяжний |
innate | природний, природжений |
matter | матерія, речовина |
exceed | перевищувати, переходити межі |
power | здатність; сила; потужність, енергія |
to assure | запевняти, завіряти |
to create | творити, створювати |
to fulfill | виконувати, здійснювати |
trend | загальний напрям, тенденція |
certain | визначений, певний |
stage | фаза, стадія, період, етап |
to step in | увійти, включитися в справу |
Дата добавления: 2015-10-02; просмотров: 89 | Нарушение авторских прав
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