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Список использованных источников


1 Анфиногенова, А.И., Бурова, И.И., Силинский, И.И. Практикум по

разговорному английскому языку и переводу / [Текст]: учебное пособие. -

СПб.: Издательство "Союз", 2003. - 416с.

2 Вохрышева, Е.В., Григорьева, В.Г. English in Library and Information

Context / [Текст]: учебное пособие. - Самара: Изд-во СГАКИ, 1998.- 380с.

2 Костенко, С.М., Борковская, И.Б., Михельсон, Т.Н., Успенская, Н.В.

Пособие для научных работников по развитию навыков устной речи [Текст]. -

Ленинград "Наука", 1988. - 149с.

3 Мифтахова Н.Х. Пособие по английскому языку для III-IV курсов

химико-технологических вузов / [Текст]: учебное пособие. - М.: Высшая

школа, 1981. - 134с.

4 Шелягова Т.Г. Методические рекомендации по развитию навыков

устной речи на английском языке по теме "Научно-исследовательская работа"

[Текст]. - Минск, 1987. - 87с.

5 Collins. Русско-английский, англо-русский словарь [Текст]. - Harper

Collins Publishers, 1994. - 563p.

6 Margaret van Naerssen, Moya Brennan. SciTech [Текст]. - Heinle

Publishers, 1995. - 320p.

7 Moscow News, 2004 # 1.

8 Stuart Redman. English Vocabulary in Use [Текст]. - Cambridge University

Press, 1997. - 270p.

9 Thomas Kral. Economic considerations. English through content: applied

economics [Текст]. - Washington, 1996. - 135p.




1.4.7 Use the following situations to start a short talk:


1 Your scientific adviser has looked through your paper meant for the conference. He is making some critical remarks now.

Key words

Look through, publish research paper in the next issue of our journal,consult smth, smb, speed smth up, I tried hard to find the necessary information. I could find nothing, to be the worst article.


2 You are upset about your research findings. You can't get any positive result. Your friend tries to cheer you up.

Key words

To be interested in research work, to carry on research in…, to have a particular interest, I congratulate you on a good beginning, to be of great practical or theoretical significance


1 What is the subject of your thesis? 2 Have you already published any articles?

3 Where and when did you publish them? 4 What are the titles of your published

papers? 5 What problems do you deal with in those papers? 6 What are you going to

prove in the course of your research? 7 Is there much or little material published on

the subject of your research? 8 Who are your published papers addressed to? 9 What

do you give much attention to in you published papers? 10 What is of particular

interest in your paper? 11 How many parts does your paper consist of? 12 What is the

purpose of your paper? 13 What do you treat in your introductory part? 14 What do

you say in conclusion? 15 Whom do you makes references to?



1 What is the subject of your thesis? 2 Have you already published any articles?

3 Where and when did you publish them? 4 What are the titles of your published

papers? 5 What problems do you deal with in those papers? 6 What are you going to

prove in the course of your research? 7 Is there much or little material published on

the subject of your research? 8 Who are your published papers addressed to? 9 What

do you give much attention to in you published papers? 10 What is of particular

interest in your paper? 11 How many parts does your paper consist of? 12 What is the

purpose of your paper? 13 What do you treat in your introductory part? 14 What do

you say in conclusion? 15 Whom do you makes references to?


1 What is the subject of your thesis? 2 Have you already published any articles?

3 Where and when did you publish them? 4 What are the titles of your published

papers? 5 What problems do you deal with in those papers? 6 What are you going to

prove in the course of your research? 7 Is there much or little material published on

the subject of your research? 8 Who are your published papers addressed to? 9 What

do you give much attention to in you published papers? 10 What is of particular

interest in your paper? 11 How many parts does your paper consist of? 12 What is the

purpose of your paper? 13 What do you treat in your introductory part? 14 What do

you say in conclusion? 15 Whom do you makes references to?


1 What is the subject of your thesis? 2 Have you already published any articles?

3 Where and when did you publish them? 4 What are the titles of your published

papers? 5 What problems do you deal with in those papers? 6 What are you going to

prove in the course of your research? 7 Is there much or little material published on

the subject of your research? 8 Who are your published papers addressed to? 9 What

do you give much attention to in you published papers? 10 What is of particular

interest in your paper? 11 How many parts does your paper consist of? 12 What is the

purpose of your paper? 13 What do you treat in your introductory part? 14 What do

you say in conclusion? 15 Whom do you makes references to?


3 Условие и следствие условия в русском предложении выражены при

помощи сослагательного наклонения, причем все высказывание относится к

прошлому и выражает нереальное предположение:

Если бы у меня были деньги, я бы. поехал в Мексику (в прошлом году).

По форме это русское предложение полностью совпадает с предложением

в п. 2, но смысл высказывания заключается в том, что денег у говорящего не

было, поэтому поездка не состоялась.

При переводе на английский язык условная часть ставится в Past Perfect

Tense, а следствие условия переводится с помощью глагола would + have +

Participle II смыслового глагола.

Если бы я видел его вчера, я Бы спросил бы его об этом.

Я бы сделал эту работу, если бы у. меня было время.

Он не простудился бы, если бы

надел теплое пальто.

Вы могли бы застать его там, если

бы вы зашли в 6 часов.

Если бы не он, я бы закончил свою

работу вовремя.

В условных предложениях может использоваться инверсия, т.е. изменение

порядка слов. Условные предложения могут присоединяться к главному

предложению без помощи союзов, если в состав сказуемого входят глагольные

формы had, were, could.

Had I time, I would do this work. = If I had time, I would do this work.

Если бы у меня было время, я бы сделал эту работу.

Were she here, she would help = If she were here, she would help me.


Если бы она была здесь, она бы помогла мне.


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