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Task 10

How to choose the right computer | Task 10 | The first and most important storage device | Task 10 |

В каком параграфе (укажите номер параграфа) текстаThe Central Processing Unit” говорится о:

Which paragraph of the textThe Central Processing Unit” tells about:

a) The function of the registers;

b) The three main components of the CPU;

c) The operation of the ALU;

d) The way by which CU, ALU and Registers are connected to the rest of the computer?


Variant IV

Task 1

Употребите глагол to be в нужной форме ( am, is, are, was, were, will/shall be ) и переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. We …… qualified specialists in Information Systems in five years.

2. Many students … good at computer work today.

3. Lecturers and professors give consultations to students, if it … necessary.

4. This year the number of students at Classical University … about twenty thousand.

5. There … different techniques of programming today.

6. Two months ago I … very busy at work.

7. Understanding … the best way between two points of view.

Task 2

Поставьте глагол to have в нужную временную форму (Present, Past, Future) и переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. We …… extra-mural department in Agricultural Academy.

2. … you … Linear Algebra Last term?

3. The academic year in Russian universities and academies … two terms and a third period of practical work for full-time students.

4. Thirty years ago the academy …… a computer center (модальный глагол в отрицательной форме).

5. We …… examinations in English next term.

6. When you are in your first year, you … a lot of work.

7. … we … a lecture on Calculus tomorrow?

Task 3

Вставьте нужный предлог и переведите предложения.

1. My brother is a student …… financial college.

2. …August I entered the Academy and became an extra-mural student.

3. ……the end …… each term we have tests and examinations.

4. Text-books … all subjects can be borrowed from the library.

5. It is November now. The first semester will finish …… two months.

6. What do you do? Tell me …… your job.

7. She is an office worker. She usually works …9 …… 5 pm.

Task 4

Раскройте скобки и поставьте глагол в соответствующее время группы времен Simple. Переведите предложения.

1. This young lecturer always (use ) multimedia computer to illustrate his lectures.

2. In six months we (upgrade) the whole computer network

3. Today programmers (use) about two hundred programming languages.

4. Fifty-sixty years ago only mathematicians and scientists ( work) on computers.

Task 5

Вставьте походящие по смыслу модальные глаголы (can, could, must, may, might) и переведите предложения. Помните, что у модальных глаголов есть заменители (have to, has to, had to, am/is/are to, was/were to), которые придется употребить в некоторых временах.

1. You … have your passport about you, if you want to open a bank account.

2. It was so dark; we … to switch on the light.

3. You …… find something useful in IT technologies in on-line journals on this subject.

4. Students … use PCs in the computer centre in the library.

5. In many large shops you … pay by credit cards now.

6. The weather forecast says it … rain in the afternoon.

7. The IT consultant was very good; he … answer all our questions.


Task 6

Заполните таблицу отсутствующими (сравнительной или превосходной) формами прилагательных и переведите их.

Fill in the blanks with absent comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives or participles and translate them.

Model: strong – stronger – the strongest

Сильный – более сильный – самый сильный

Efficient – more efficient – the most efficient

Эффективный – более эффективный - самый эффективный

easy ? ? более длинный/долгий the easiest ?
great ? ? ? the greatest ?
good ? better ? ? самый лучший
bad ? ? ? the worst ?
complicated ? ? более сложный ? ?
time- consuming ? more time-consuming ? ? ?
far ? ? более далекий ? ?

Task 7

Translate the text. Переведите текст.


1. All components of the CPU are connected to the rest of the computer by buses.

2. A bus is a group of parallel wires which carry different signals between different parts of the computer.

3. Some buses are bidirectional, which means they allow data to flow in both directions.

4. Most computers have three main buses: the data bus, the address bus and the control bus.

5. The data bus is a bidirectional bus. It carries data and instructions from the memory to the CPU and from the CPU to memory.

6. The address bus is a unidirectional bus. Data can flow only one way - from the processor to the memory. Data are addresses which identify places in the memory where data or instructions may be found or stored.

7. The control bus is a bidirectional bus. It carries instructions to and from the CPU and from the CPU and other parts of the computer.

8. The control bus is a collection of lines which carry different signals. For example, the clock line carries a signal from the clock chip to synchronize the operations of the processor.


Task 8

Прочитайте текст и найдите в нем английские эквиваленты следующим русским словам и словосочетаниям. Read the text and find the equivalents to the following Russian words and expressions.

Шина управления, адресная шина, тактовый генератор, двунаправленная шина, переносить различные сигналы, большинство компьютеров, могут быть найдены или храниться, поток данных может идти только в одном направлении, между различными частями компьютера.


Task 9

Answer the questions. Дайте ответы на вопросы по тексту.

1. What do bidirectional buses allow?

2. What three main buses most computer have?

3. Is the address bus unidirectional or bidirectional?

4. What does the address bus do?

5. Do lines of the control bus carry different signals?


Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 61 | Нарушение авторских прав

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