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Task 10. В каком параграфе (укажите номер параграфа) текста “The first and most important storage

How to choose the right computer | Task 10 | Task 10 |

В каком параграфе (укажите номер параграфа) текста “ The first and most important storage device” говорится о:

Which paragraph of the text “ The first and most important storage device” tells about:

a) The structure of the hard disk drive;

b) What allows read/write heads move across the disks;

c) The element that protects the hard disk drive;

d) The function of the drive motor?

Variant III

Task 1

Употребите глагол to be в нужной форме (am, is, are, was, were, will/shall be) и переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. First year students …… in the conference hall.

2. In four years these undergraduates …… Bachelors of Sciences

3. A Bachelor of Science … a graduate of higher educational institution who studied four years and passed the final exams.

4. About sixty years ago there …… only two faculties at our Academy, they …… Agronomy and Agro chemistry faculties.

5. Our lecturer … on business trip this week, she …… back next Monday.

6. Last term (=semester) we …… very busy; we had examinations in two new special subjects.

7. Life … short, art … is long.


Task 2

Поставьте глагол to have в нужную временную форму (Present, Past, Future) и переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. We usually …… two or three lectures and one or two practicals every day.

2. … you … Philosophy and History of Russia last year?

3. Next term all the students ……practical classes in laboratories.

4. …we …… an opportunity to test our ideas next year?

5. Twenty-five years ago the Academy …… a computer center (в отрицательной форме).

6. Our Academy library… many helpful scientific journals on different branches of agriculture.

7. Almost all extra-mural students … full-time jobs in the fields of their future profession.

Task 3

Вставьте нужный предлог и переведите предложения.

1. This scientific journal … ecology has got many interesting articles.

2. The examinations will begin …… two weeks; we don’t have much time left.

3. … summer students have two-months holidays, but many of them work.

4. The progress …… this group is very good.

5. Skilled specialists … Information Technologies are always in great demand.

6. I need some additional information …… the latest developments in hardware architecture.

7. …… the end …… our studies we are to write a diploma paper.


Task 4

Раскройте скобки и поставьте глагол в соответствующее время группы времен Simple. Переведите предложения.

1. Capacity of a computer (depend) on how much memory there is.

2. At industrial enterprises computers (control) technological processes.

3. Next year I (upgrade) my PC; then I (use) it for high-quality graphics and animation.

4. Last term all of us ( visit) companies and state organizations and ( study) computers application in business and industry.

Task 5

Вставьте походящие по смыслу модальные глаголы (can, could, must, may, might) и переведите предложения. Помните, что у модальных глаголов есть заменители (have to, has to, had to, am/is/are to, was/were to), которые придется употребить в некоторых временах.

1. You ….. analyze these facts before starting to work on the project..

2. We …… make a final decision without additional data (модальный глагол в отрицательной форме).

3. Extra-mural students … to study from 8.30 am to 7 pm every day without exception because their term of studies in the Academy is only one month long.

4. They don’t understand you. You … present your idea more clearly.

5. In four years you …… to take a post graduate course.

6. …. I borrow this text-book in the Academy library?

7. You … find our technician in office 4 on the ground floor. He … be there now.


Task 6

Заполните таблицу отсутствующими (в сравнительной или превосходной степенях) формами прилагательных и переведите их.

Fill in the blanks with absent comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives or participles and translate them.

Model: strong – stronger – the strongest

Сильный – более сильный – самый сильный

Efficient – more efficient – the most efficient

Эффективный – более эффективный - самый эффективный

small ? ? меньший the smallest ?
profitable ? ? ? the most profitable ?
Good ? Better ? ? самый лучший
Bad ? ? ? the worst ?
successful ? ? более успешный ? ?
time- consuming ? more time-consuming ? ? ?
narrow ? ? более узкий ? ?

Task 7

Translate the text. Переведите текст.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 164 | Нарушение авторских прав

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