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Mechanical handling equipment

Lesson one


At present all modern -ports are equipped with various mechan­isms and machines that do the job of loading and unloading. Among the equipment there are quay cranes, floating cranes, float­ing coaling cranes, heavy lift cranes, power-driven elevators, con­veyors, excavators, electric cars, diesel locomotives, etc.

Cargo handling equipment includes rail-mounted cranes, fork lift trucks and mobile cranes. The stevedoring industry moves towards greater use of mechanization and improved handling methods. Goods are now delivered at greater speeds and at smaller costs, possible damage has been brought to the minimum. Most goods loaded and unloaded are palletized. Pallets are handled by fork lift trucks. Fork lift machines are used in ever increasing numbers on the wharves to carry general cargo. Besides, greater use is made of fork lift machines in ships' holds.

Unit loads that cannot be palletized are handled by cranes. The- lifting port appliances include stationary and mobile cranes. There are bridge cranes at transloading points.

Much work is done by quay cranes. In the last few years, quay cranes have been greatly improved and now many ports are equip­ped with speedy level-luffing self-propelling electric quay cranes of up to 5 tons capacity.

Although quay cranes have become larger and more efficient, it is the mobile cranes, and particularly the fork lift trucks, that have revolutionized the handling methods. The fork lift truck is now used to lift, convey and stack loads. There can be no doubt that it was the employment of the fork lift trucks that made engineers and stevedores pallet-conscious. At present pallets, stillages and special containers for handling by fork lift truck are widely used

in ports. Mechanization of handling cargoes ensures growth of speed of loading and unloading and reduces demurrage.

Improvement of shed equipment is also of great importance. Many new types of electric capstans and electric pneumatic hoists are now in use. Among the small lifting appliances are the latest types of heavy and light portable jacks.

New cargo handling equipment has revolutionized methods of handling of goods and provided a new approach to the problem of transfer of goods from ship to shore and their delivery to their destination.


Loading погрузка

Unloading разгрузк

аquay crane береговой кран

floating crane плавучий кран

floating coaling craneу глеперегрузочный плавучий кран

heavy lift crane тяжелый кран

power-drivenс механическим приводом

rail-mounted crane кран на рельсовом ходу

fork lift truck автопогрузчик

mobile [moubail] crane передвижной кран

stevedoring industry зд.организация погрузочно-разгрузочных работ

palletize пакетировать

pallet универсальная площадка

in ever increasing numbers во все возрастающих количествах

generalcargo генеральный груз

liftingappliancesподъемные приспособления

stationary ['steifnsri] стационарный, неподвижный

bridge crane мостовой кран

transloading point перегрузочный пункт

level-luffing изменение вылета стрелы с горизонтальным пере­мещением груза

self-propelling самоходный

efficient [l'fijnt)] производительный, продуктивный

to convey транспортировать, подавать

to stack укладывать штабелями

to invert переворачивать, опрокидывать

pallet-conscious ['konjas] сознающий значение пакетного спо­соба переработки груза

stillage стеллаж, низкая подставка

demurrage [di'mArid3] простой (судна)

shed equipment складское оборудование

capstan лебедка с вертикальной осью, кабстан

pneumatic |nju:'maetik] пневматический

hoist подъемник

jack таль, домкрат

approach подход

destination местоназначения



I. Answer the following questions:

1. What mechanisms and machines used in loading and unload­ing do you know?

2. Why does the stevedoring industry move towards greater use of mechanization and improved handling methods?

3. How are the pallets handled?

4. What machines are used for carrying general cargo?

5. What machines are used in ship's holds?

6. What is done by cranes?

7. What are floating cranes used for?

8. What machines do the heavy work of loading and unloading?

9. What equipment has revolutionized the handling methods'

10. What operations does the fork lift truck do?

11. What methods of cargo handling do you know?

12. What small lifting appliances do you know?


II. Analyse the following sentences:

1. Goods are now delivered at greater speeds and at smaller


2. Fork lift trucks are used in ever increasing numbers on the wharves to carry general cargo.


III. What is the function of the verb "should" in these sen­tences? Translate the sentences into Russian:

1. We said that we should discharge the ship in 10 days. 2. This cargo should be handled by the cheapest method possible. 3. Engi- ners should use better handling methods to make work easier. 4. You should read this article on electric crane equipment. 5. There should be a definite correlation between the quantity of cargo and the shed capacitv.


IV. Translate these sentences into English:

1. Применение различных усовершенствованных приспособле­ний увеличило объем комплексной механизированной обработки jсудов. 2. Все суда, прибывающие в наш порт, обрабатываются 4 в срок. 3. Трюмы № 2, 3 и 4 будут разгружаться береговыми кра- нами. 4. Количество перегружаемого груза в нашем порту значи-iтельно превышает послевоенные цифры. 5. Эти бригады смогут 1 обеспечить высокопроизводительную работу плавучего крана. 6. В наших портах широко используется механизация процессов jподъема и перемещения грузов. 7. В России около ста лет назад подъемные краны производил Костромской механический завод.

8. В конце XIX века крупнейшие машиностроительные заводы страны производили различные типы подъемного оборудования.

9. Инженеры должны хорошо знать устройство подъемно-транс­портных машин. 10. Автопогрузчики могут быть использованы

как для работы в трюмах судов, так и на складах. 11. Все про->; цессы, выполняемые машинами, должны обеспечить безопасность работы и сохранность груза. 12. Еще несколько лет тому назад в этом порту целлюлозу грузили вручную. Затем грузчики перешли на пакетный способ погрузки целлюлозы, увеличив выработку в 2 раза. 13. В конце года состоится конференция по обмену опы­том организации перегрузочных работ в портах. В ней примут участие делегации многих стран.


Lesson two


The most important means of cargo handling in loading and discharging ships is by their own gear. Ship's gear is so important for the following reasons: (a) it makes the loading and discharging of ships possible in ports where there are no quay cranes, (b) it provides the only practical means of discharging of loading ordina­ry general cargo overside when ships are not able to come along­side berth, (c) it gives the ship a possibility for cargo working pur­poses to be independent of power failures on shore, (d) it is often superior in lifting capacity to the average quay crane, and last, but not least important, (e) it has to be carried by the ship wherever she goes.

For cargo handling purposes, ship's gear consists principally of: (a) masts or Samson posts. Masts are situated in the centre of the ship and where Samson posts are used they are sited on each side of the ship, i. e. port (left-hand side facing the bow) and star­board (right-hand side facing the bow), (b) derricks (also known as cargo falls), (c) preventers, (d) rigs and (e) union purchase. Some vessels are fitted with deck cranes instead of derricks.

Masts and Samson Posts

The purpose of the masts of Samson posts for cargo handling is <.to support the derricks, runners, blocks, when they are rigged, i. e. in position for loading or discharging cargo. The masts are them­selves supported by steel wire ropes known as stays and shrouds. The stays run fore and aft, the shrouds athwart ship. They form part of the ship's "standing rigging." The number of masts on a modern power-driven ship depends mainly on the number of holds and hatches in the ship. A hold is a compartment in a ship provi­ded for the carriage of cargo, a hatch is an aperture in the deck of a ship which gives access to the hold, through which cargo may be hoisted or lowered. In an ordinary 5-hatch cargo ship there are usually two masts, one between number 1 and 2 hatches and one between number 4 and 5. Number 3 hatch is usually situated amid­ships, and for this reason is often hemmed in by superstructures which do not in many cases leave sufficient room to accommodate derricks. This difficulty is overcome by using Samson posts, which, since they are situated near the corner of the hatches instead of the centers, permit shorter derricks to be used. When Samson posts are used, two are required, one for each side of the hatch. Some ships are designed with Samson posts at all hatches. Some cargo vessels are constructed with three forward of the bridge and two aft. Most modern cargo ships are constructed so that the largest hatches are each provided with two masts, one at each end, this permits of additional purchases being rigged. Ships' holds are numbered from the bow of the ship (forward) to the stern of the ship (aft). In some ships the Samson posts are built very high and joined in pairs by bars athwart the ship.


Derricks, usually two to each mast, are fixed to the mast or to a table at the base of the mast. The lower end of the derrick which is joined to the mast is known as the heel of the derrick. The actual joint connecting the derrick to the mast is known as the "goose­neck." The outer end of the derrick is known as the head of the derrick. The lower end of the derrick is joined to the mast. When a derrick is lowered, as is usually the case when the ship is at sea, the free end is supported in a form of a cradle known as a "crutch" which word accurately describes its appearance which closely re­sembles a large surgical crutch. When a derrick is raised in posi­tion for cargo handling it is said "to be topped." It is held in po­sition for cargo handling by a rope. The derricks are usually ca­pable of handling loads from 2 1/2 up to 5 tons. Ships which are required to handle heavy lifts are commonly equipped with separate heavy lifting derricks.


Winches are the machinery by means of which the runners are paid out or hauled in through the blocks attached to the masts and derricks. They are normally constructed with a rotating barrel di-

vided into three separate parts, the centre part is known as the winch drum, and the other two parts on each side of it as the drum ends. Winches are usually provided one to each derrick and situated so that the winch drum is in line with the heel of the derrick They are usually operated by electricity.


ship's gear [gia]судовые перегрузочныемеханизмы

failure I'feilja] авария, разрыв, ослабление

to be independent of power failures не зависеть от подачи энергии

is... superior in lifting capacity to the average quay crane - превосходит по грузоподъемности средний береговой кран

they are sited они расположены

bow [ban] нос

derrick деррик-кран

preventer [pn'vnto]предохранительный трос

rig оснащение, оборудование

union purchase зд. система погрузки и выгрузки двумя стрела­ми, приспособленными для спаренной работы

stay оттяжка (столба)

shrouds [jraudz| ванты, растяжка

athwartship [a`$wotju] поперек

standing rigging такелаж стоячий; тросы, служащие для удер­живания частей рангоута в надлежащем положении

aperture ['sepatjua] отверстие

to give access (to) давать доступ

is... hemmed in by superstructures окpужен надстройками

do not leave sufficient room to accommodate derricks не оставляют

достаточно места для размещения стрел

since they are situated поскольку они расположены

stern корма

bar балка

table плоская поверхность

heel основание, крен

goose-neck узкое место

cradle деревянная или железная опора

crutch вилка, костыль, стоика

accurately точно

which closely resemble sкоторое очень напоминает

surgical хирургический

heavy lifting derrick тяжеловесная стрела

to pay out сматывать

to haul |ho:l] in втягивать, наматывать

rotating barrel вращающийся барабан

winch drum барабан лебедки



I. Answer the following questions:

1. What is the most important means of cargo handling in load­ing and discharging ships?

2. Why is ship's gear so important?

3. What does ship's gear for cargo handling purposes consist of?

4. Where are masts usually situated?

5. Are there any vessels fitted with deck cranes instead of der­ricks'

6. What is the purpose of the masts or Samson posts for cargo


7. What are the masts themselves supported by?

8. How do the stays and shrouds run?

9. What do the stays and shrouds form?

10. What is a hold?

11. What is a hatch?

12. How many masts are there in an ordinary 5-liatch cargo ship'

13. Where are Samson posts usually situated?

14. How are ships' holds numbered?

15. What do we call the lower and outer ends of the derrick?

16. What is the average capacity of a derrick?

17. What kinds of ships are equipped with separate heavy lift­ing derricks'

18. How are winches operated?



11 Analyze the following sentences:

1. This difficulty is overcome by using Samson posts, which, since they are situated near the corner of the hatches instead of the centers, permit shorter derricks to be used.

2. The new machine is known to be very efficient.



III. What are the functions of the -ing forms in these sentences? Translate the sentences into Russian:


1. Care must be taken i,n using this gear. 2. To minimize the possibility of the set slipping when in the air, a piece of timber should be inserted between the set and the chain. 3. By employing this system they overcame many difficulties. 4. Any equipment reducing the cost of load handling must be used in our ports. 5. The new method increased the handling rate and reduced damages.



IV. Translate these sentences into English:

1. Почти все современные суда оснащены судовыми перегру­зочными механизмами. 2. Грузовая стрела — это грузоподъемное устройство, которое состоит из стальной или деревянной балки, прикрепленной к мачте. 3. Скорость подъема груза палубными кранами небольшой грузоподъемности равна примерно 1— 1,5 м/сек. 4. Деррики обычно крепятся к мачте. 5. В наших пор­тах можно встретить суда из разных стран. 6. Грузчики будут по­давать груз из трюма № 3 на берег лебедками. 7. Какова грузо­подъемность вашей тяжеловесной стрелы? 8- Лебедка — это ма­шина для подъема и перемещения грузов. 9. Лебедка состоит из барабана или шкива для грузового каната, механизма привода, тормозного устройства и опорной станины. 10. Лебедка исполь­зуется как самостоятельно работающая машина и как основная часть кранов-подъемников. 11. Лебедки бывают с приводом от электродвигателей, двигателей внутреннего сгорания, реже от паровых и пневматических. 12. На судах широко применяются электрические лебедки. 13. Грузовые лебедки размещаются у грузовых люков. 14. Скорость подъема груза новой лебедкой зна­чительно выше. 15. На мачтах нового судна будут смонтированы пятитонные судовые стрелы — по две на каждый трюм. 16. Завод начал серийный выпуск пневматических лебедок, которые ис­пользуются в любых условиях. 17. Лебедки могут обеспечивать одновременный подъем и открывание грейфера.



Lesson three


A block is a form of pulley through which a rope or ropes may be threaded or "reeved." It consists of a shell, the two sides of which are called cheeks. Inside the shell is a grooved wheel or wheels called sheaves over which the ropes or runners travel. The sheaves rotate round a pin fixed to the cheeks of the shell. They are made of hard wood for fibre ropes and of steel or some metal with similar properties for wire ropes.

Blocks may be described according to the functions they per­form as will be explained, e. g. heel blocks, snatch blocks and lead blocks, or to the number of sheaves with which they are fitted, e. g. single blocks (one sheave), double blocks (two sheaves), six-fold blocks (six sheaves). Blocks with more than one sheave are des­cribed as multiple sheave blocks.

The purpose of multiple sheave blocks is to permit of an increase in lifting capacity without using a runner of greater circumference,

Any weight to be lifted must, of course, be within the safe working load prescribed for the winches and the derricks. Although a runner rove through a single block can be led direct to a cargo hook, this cannot be done with a runner rove through a multiple block. Accor­dingly cargo hooks fitted to blocks are provided for this purpose. Broadly speaking, lifting power increases in direct proportion to the number of sheaves employed, thus by using two single blocks instead of one, lifting power is doubled, if two 3-fold blocks were used the lifting power would be increased six times. This rough method of calculating the increase in lifting power does not take into account (1) the slight loss of power, due to the friction intro­duced by each sheave, nor (2) the additional increase in power produced when the upper block is the moving one. "A purchase of tackle" is the name applied to a combination of blocks or ropes when they are arranged for lifting.


"Runners" or "falls" is the name given to the ropes with which masts and derricks are rigged for cargo handling purposes. For most purposes steel wire rope is used, although the certain types of rigs, fibre ropes (cordage) made of such substances as manilla, hemp or coir are necessary. The ship's gear is said to be rigged when it has been prepared for cargo handling, e. g., a derrick may be rigged for general cargo purposes by leading a runner through a block at the top of the derrick through another block at the heel of the derrick known as the heel block or leading block, and on to the drum of the winch, to which it is fastened. The free end is fitted with a cargo hook. It can readily be understood that when the drum of the winch rotates in one direction the runner is wound round it, thus lifting the hook and the load (set) attached to it. When it rotates in the reverse direction it lowers the load. The drum ends can be made to rotate at the same time, and can thus be used for paying out or hauling in falls when certain rigs requiring the use of fibre ropes are being employed.


Preventers are ropes which are led from the derrick heads and made fast to the deck or bulwarks of the ship for the purpose of pro­viding additional stiffening when cargo is being worked.

Ships' gear can be rigged in a variety of ways to handle cargo according to the nature of the cargo.


The most common method used on vessels fitted with two der­ricks to each mast per hatch, is the union purchase. It is the method when both derricks are used. One derrick is rigged and fixed so that it is positioned with its head immediately over the ship's side, the loose ends of the two falls are joined to one hook or shackle, thus making one lifting unit or "purchase," by which mechanical advantage is gained, lhe fall on each derrick is operated by one winch manned by a winch driver. As the derricks remain stationary when the set is being loaded or discharged both the vertical and horizontal movements of the cargo are brought about by the winch drivers paying out or winding in the runner (according to whether they are lifting or lowering the cargo). It is obvious that the successful operation of union purchase depends on sound co-opera­tion between the winch drivers and the hatchway-man.

When the above-mentioned method is employed, only one pur­chase may be used for each pair of derricks. It is possible to rig two union purchases from two derricks. Consequently, this method of working necessitates the employment of three men on each winch, one driving the winch, one winding in or paying out by hand on one drum end, and the other doing the same on the other drum end (the winch drum is not used). It is obvious that since the handling of the rope has to be done by hand, wire would be unsuitable for this type of rig and accordingly cordage must be used, although in practice wire is almost invariably used because of its greater strength in relation to its circumference. This method of working is popular where homogeneous and comparatively easily-handled cargo, e. g. bales of cotton, is being worked from a hold large enough to permit two gangs at a time to work.

It should be noted that in this rig and union purchase as both the derricks are fixed, the plumb 01 the derrick in the hold, or on the pitch to which the purchase is working, cannot be varied with­out topping (raising the derrick head) or lowering one or both derricks, which of course means stopping the work.




Block блок, полиспаст

pulley шкив

to thread [6red] = reeve (rove, reeved) пропускать канат или трос через шкив (блок) –

shell –корпус

cheek щека

grooved wheel колесо с ручьями

sheave [Ji:v] шкив

over which the ropes or runners travel через которые проходят ка­наты или тросы

the sheaves rotate round a pin fixed to the cheeks of the shell

шкивы вращаются вокруг фиксированной оси в нащечинах

fibre ['faiba]rope - sканаты из растительного волокна

wire горе трос

heel-block - направляющий блок, концевой блок

snatch block канифас-блок

lead block ведущийблок

with which they are fitted 3u.которымионикомплектуются

single block одношкивныйблок

double block двушкивныйблок

six-fold block шестишкивныйблок

multiple sheave block многошкивныйблок

cargo hook грузовойкрюк (гак)

friction трение

manilla – манильская пенька

hemp - пенька

coir ['koi a] – кокосовые волокна

the ship's gear is said to be rigged говорят, что перегрузоч­ные механизмы оснащены

to fasten крепить, прикреплять

bulwarks f'bulwaks] мн. ч.фальшборт

stiffening ['stifmr)] жесткое крепление

shackle скоба

lifting unit тяжеловес

to manзд.управлять

to bring about осуществлять, вызывать

to wind [waind] in наматывать

homogeneous [yhoma'dsimi^s] однородный

bale кипа


L Answer the following questions:

1. What is a block?

2. What does a block consist of?

3. How is the pin fixed?

4. How does the sheave rotate?

5. What are sheaves made of?

6. What types of blocks do you know?

7. What is the purpose of multiple sheave blocks?

8. Does the calculation take into account the slight loss of power?

9. How is the combination of blocks or ropes named?

10. What are runners?

11. What are the advantages of steel wire ropes?

12. What end of a runner is fitted with a cargo hook?

13. What ropes are called preventers?

14 What is the most common method of handling used on ves­sels fitted with two derricks?

15. What does the successful operation of union purchase de­pend on?



II. Analyze the following sentences:

1. Cargo handling gear may be described as the apparatus re­quired by ship or shore workers for preparing cargo sets for lift­ing by means of ship's gear or cranes.

2. As a rule, two winches are required for the combined opera­tion of lifting and slewing.



III. Translate the following sentences into Russian:

1. When a ship is to be loaded or unloaded the technological council draws up a definite schedule. 2. A technological chart shows what each team has to do every hour of its shift, what cargoes have to be handled, from what warehouses they are to come, and what mechanical appliances are to be used. 4. We are to finish with the repairs in a month at the most.



IV. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Блок — это простой механизм в форме колеса с желобом, через который продевается канат. 2. Блоки с неподвижной осью называются направляющими. Они служат для изменения направ­ления каната. 3. Блоки с подвижной осью применяются для вы­игрыша в силе. 4. Применение электропривода создало многочис­ленные конструкции электроблоков. 5. Такелажный блок приме­няется на судах при подъеме тяжестей и для тяги снастей. Он со­стоит из деревянных или металлических щек с вращающимся,между ними на оси желобчатым колесом, на который ложится трос. 6. Блоки для канатов бывают стальными или чугунными. 7. Полиспаст — это система блоков, огибаемых канатом. 8. Поли­спасты бывают сдвоенными. 9. Полиспасты часто используются в сочетании с лебедками. 10. Канатные барабаны большей частью отливаются из чугуна. 11. Блоки подразделяются на концевые, канифас-блоки и ведущие блоки. 12. По количеству шкивов бло­ки подразделяются на одношкивные и многошкивные. 15. Систе­ма погрузки и выгрузки двумя стрелами, приспособленными для спаренной работы, является наиболее распространенной на су­дах, оснащенных двумя стрелами на каждый люк.


Lesson four


On ships with single derrick only on each mast per hatch, as is often the case with small vessels, the ordinary union purchase rig is not possible and the swinging derrick method is employed. This rig is also used on ordinary cargo vessels with two derricks per mast per hatch when a fast working light cargo is being loaded or discharged, when extra outreach is required, when it is necessary to work to both overside and ashore and quay cranes are not available, when one winch or derrick breaks down.

The swinging derrick requires only one derrick for each hook. For most purposes, only one winch is used. This is required for the vertical movements of the cargo which by handling in and paying out the runner raises and lowers the set. Unlike the union purchase method the derrick in this case swings on its heel from over the hatch. The swinging of the derrick and in consequence the hori­zontal movement of the load and the return of the empty hook is brought by swinging the derrick over by power in which case two winches will be required. This method is used for loading cotton and similar cargoes.



Sometimes a combination of ship's gear and quay cranes is used so that the ship's gear hoists the cargo from hold to deck where it is picked up by quay cranes and placed ashore. The operation acts in reverse when ships are loading. This method is considered to be quicker, i. e. productive of more tons per hold per hour, than by using either ship's gear or quay cranes, particularly where su­perstructures or rigging would prevent a union purchase or a swinging derrick from functioning efficiently and quay cranes are of the fixed jib variety.

One obvious drawback is that it requires, in the case of a union rig for example, one crane driver or two winch drivers. Where there are clear pathways for the sets and the hatches are too small, it is usual to work alternate sets by crane and union purchase when both cranes and ship's gear are used.


Deck cranes reached high stage of development. For certain types of ship and on certain services, the deck crane is recom­mended in comparison with the normal type of winch, notably that it operates independently of the ship's derricks and tackles. Atten­tion must therefore be directed to a new range of electric deck cranes in the design of which particular attention has been paid to simplicity and accessibility. Two types are available. One having a fixed radius but arranged so that the jib can be lowered for stow­ing, and the other having a luffing motion where the radius of operation is large. The sizes range from l'/г to 5, tons, all of them have a maximum radius of 30 ft., the maximum lifting speed being 100 ft. per min. with the slewing speed of 2 revs, per min., the light hook speed being 2'/г times full load speed. By employing a tubular centre post it is claimed that weight is saved and the shipbuilders' installation problems are eased, the usual arrange­ment being to mount the centre post between the upper and the lower deck. The crane structure and the jib are of fabricated con­struction. Each motion has a separate electric motor operated at either 110 or 220 volts d. c. The motors can be removed as units, while the removal of one of two covers enables all the mechanical equipment to be readily inspected. The control gear comprises con­tactor equipment with small master switches operated by levers and the lubrication points are grouped to facilitate efficient main­tenance.



swinging derrick поворотнаяиливращающаясястрела

as is often the case with small vessels как это часто имеет мес­то на небольших судах

extra outreach увеличенный вылет

overside [/uv 'said] (грузящийся)через борт

ashore на берег

to break down сломаться, выйти из строя

unlike the union purchase method в отличие от устройства из

двух стрел, приспособленных для спаренной работы

set - комплект, установка

alternate [ol't?:nitj - чередующийся


accessibility - доступность, легкость осмотра или ремонта

tubular ('tjubjula] трубчатый, цилиндрический

to facitate облегчать

fabricated готовый

d.c. (=directcurrent) постоянный ток

contactor контактор

masterswitch главный переключатель

lubrication [Jutbri'keiJ'n] смазка

maintenance - эксплуатация


I. Answer the following questions:

1. When is the swinging derrick employed?

2. How does the runner raise and lower the set?

3. What is union purchase?

4. How is the horizontal movement of the load and the return of the empty hook brought?

5. For what cargoes is the swinging derrick method used?

6. What is a combination of ship's gear and quay cranes used for?

7. What is the drawback of the method of combining ship's gear and quay cranes?

8. What types of deck crane do you know?

9. Why are deck cranes more common now?

10. Has each motion in deck cranes a separate electric motor?

11. How can these motors be removed?

12. What does the control gear comprise?



II Analyse the following sentences:

1. The motors can be removed as units, while the removal of one of two covers enables all the mechanical equipment to be readily inspected.

2. Two of forward hatches are served by winches.



III. (a) Form nouns from the following words and translate them into Russian:

transform, apply, perform, grip, hook, improve, equip, weld, facilitate, versatile.

(b) Form adjectives from the following words and translate them into Russian:

effect, efficiency, versatility, particularly, responsibility, in­dustry, accessibility, ease.



IV. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. На небольших судах часто используется поворотная стрела. 2. В будущем году этот завод начнет выпускать палубные краны новой конструкции. 3. Совершенствование и разработка новых подъемных механизмов повысит их производительность. 4. Ле­бедки с механическим приводом применяются для подъема судо­вых стрел. 5. Подъемный механизм состоит из лебедки и полис­паста. 6. Иногда при перегрузочных работах совмещается работа судовых механизмов и береговых кранов. 7. Палубные краны ра­ботают независимо от судовых стрел и талей. 8. Имеется два типа палубных кранов. 9. Через месяц наш завод начнет выпускать новые типы электрических палубных кранов. 10. Палубные подъ­емные краны монтируются на палубе корабля и предназначаются как для нормальных грузовых операций, так и для специальных работ. Они выполняются в виде смонтированных на колонне кранов или в виде грузовых стрел. 11. Чтобы обеспечить безопас­ность обработки грузов спаренными стрелами, необходимо каж­дое судно снабдить инструкциями. 12. Стрелы и их такелаж сле­дует содержать в надлежащем состоянии.



Lesson five





The sling, sometimes known as the "strop," is the commonest form of cargo handling gear. The sling is used in a narrow loop in the hold or on the quay for stacking the cargo. The long end of the sling is passed through the short end and looped on to the cargo hook. When the hook takes the weight, the sling automatically tightens and binds the set. In order to ensure that the bight of the sling will not slip after the set is taken, the smaller end should be beaten with a piece of timber. Slings may be made with cordage of SWR.

The effective length of the sling should be about 5.5 m. to 7 m. joined at the ends by a short splice. The size of the sling depends upon the cargo to be worked. Slings are valuable for handling bag cargoes, but should not be used on packages which are easily crushed or torn or whose contents could be easily damaged by bruising.


A cargo net is a rope net with 6 in. to 8 in. mesh made of 2-in. cordage, framed with a stouter rope. The net is made with an eye at each corner. It is used by laying it out and loading the cargo on to it. It is lifted by a set of fours. (Sometimes the set of fours is dispensed with and the eyes of the net are placed straight on to the cargo hook of the derrick or crane).

Cargo nets are suitable only for cargo which can withstand the pressure of the net when the weight is taken, e.g. mail bags or strong small cases with no sharp cutting edges. They should never be used for passengers' baggage.


To widen the scope of the cargo net so that it may be used for cargo which would otherwise be crushed in the net, a circular board about 2 or 2.5 m. in diameter and known as the circular net board has been introduced. It is used by laying it in the centre of the net, stacking the cargo on to it and then lifting the corners of the net.


The cargo tray is made of wood usually strengthened by metal and measures about 1.5 to 2 sq.m. To prevent cargo from slipping off the tray as it swings it has raised edges. It is fitted at each corner with an eye. Sometimes these eyes are fixed separately but often they are formed by turning up the metal bands which run diagonally across the underneath side of the tray for strengthen­ing purposes.

The cargo tray is an extremely important piece of cargo handl­ing gear and should be used for any small packages whenever there is a danger of any other form of gear crushing or "nipping" the cargo.

Because the fours, when attached to the tray and the cargo hook, form a pyramid, it is possible that they themselves may nip or crush the top packages of the set. This danger may be overcome bv: (a) limiting the height to which the set may be stuck on the tray which has the effect of slowing down the rate of working by reducing the average weight of each set, or (b) placing wooden or metal bars between the legs of the fours.


The pallet is a form of cargo tray constructed from wood. It is made square or rectangular and may be likened to a grating with э top consisting of a number of boards, usually about five, joined by three cross-members to three other boards laid parallel with the top boards, which form the bottom of the pallet. Unlike the cargo tray it has no eyes at its corners nor has it raised edges. Usual sizes are about 2 m. by 1.5 or about 1.5 to 2 sq. m. It is hoisted into or from the ship's hold by means of fours joined at the free ends in pairs by two stretchers. Before hoisting, the stretchers are passed between the top and bottom of the pallet at each end. As soon as the pallet and its load are lifted, the pressure of the stretchers on the cross-members automatically holds it in position.

The pallet may be used in the same manner as an ordinary cargo tray. It is designed, however, to be transported by the fork lift truck. When it is in position it lifts or lowers the set to the re­quired level for travelling, as has already been explained.

This combination of pallet and fork lift truck is highly successful for handling cargo of homogeneous nature. By reducing double handling to an absolute minimum it: —

(1) increases the rate of clearance from quay side or transit shed,

(2) acts as an aid to labour and

(3) reduces the possibility of damage to cargo.

It also permits of uniform sets being piled four or five high in the transit shed or on the quay without additional handling. In reverse, cargo piled in this way may be unpiled and delivered to land conveyance. In this sense the pallet may be regarded as self- stacking, for apart from the truck driver no additional man-power is required for piling or unpiling.

There is an increasing use of containers, pallets and pre-sling- ing in the ports. This system improves the turn-round of vessels.


For discharging or loading valuable cargoes, cordage nets are sometimes slung and made fast between ship and shore to prevent packages falling on to the quay or into dock water in the event of gear breaking or cargo slipping out of a set. It must be remember­ed that owing to the normal shape of a ship's hull there is always a gap between ship and shore at the fore and after ends of the ship.


Sling - строп

loop [lu:p] петля

to stack укладыватьвштабеля

to tighten [taitn] затягивать(ся)

to bind (bound,bound) связывать

bightпетля (троса)

toensure [m'Jua] обеспечивать, гарантировать


cordage ['ko:dul3] канат

SWR(=steelwirerope) стальной трос


bagcargoмешковой груз

to crush раздавливать

to bruise [bru:z] ушибать

cargo net грузоваясеть

net with 6 in. to 8 in. mesh made of 2-in. cordage сетьсразмеромотверстий 6 на 8 дюймов, изготовленнаяиздвухдюймовогоканата

stoutjstaut] толстый, прочный

framedwithastouterгоре обвязанная более толстым канатом

eyeушко, кольцо


set of fours наборизчетырехгачков

to dispense [dis'pens] with обводитьсябез (ч.-л.)

sometimes the set of fours is dispensed with иногдаобходятсяи

без гачков

to withstand выдерживать

mail bag мешок с почтой

cutting edges острые края

circular net board круглая грузовая площадка с сетью

cargo tray грузовой лоток

to swing (swung) качать(ся), поворачивать(ся)

raised edge - зд.борт

band обод, обруч

diagonally [dai'aeg^nali] диагонально

for strengthening purposes усиливать для увеличения жесткости

to nip (nipped, nipt) прищемлять

which has the effect of slowing down the rate of working - которые снижают производительность

palletу - ниверсальная площадка (поддон)

rectangular - прямоугольный

to liken (to)сравнивать (с)

grating - решетка

cross-memberпоперечнаясвязь, поперечныйбрус

unlike the cargo tray it has no eyes at its corners nor has it raised edgesв отличие от грузового лотка она (универсальная площаока)не имеет ни проушин, ни бортов

stretcher - распорка

it is designed... to be transported – она сконструирована


clearance ['kl.ardns] промежуток, зазор

pile - складывать в штабеля

set - штучный груз или группа одинаковых штучных грузов

land conveyance -сухопутные транспортные средства

self-stacking - самоукладызающий

forepart from

the truck driver так как кроме водителя азто- погрузчика

pre-slingingпредварительное застропливание


save, all net предохранительная сеть

to sling (slung) подвешивать

to prevent packages falling on для того чтобы предотвратить

выпадение пакетов

hull - корпус gapщель, промежуток



I. Answer the following questions:

1. What is the commonest form of cargo handling gear?

2. Where is the sling used?

3. How is the sling made?

4. When does the sling automatically tighten and bind the set?

5. What should be done in order to ensure that the bight of the. sling will not slip?

6. What are slings made with?

7. What is the effective length of the sling?

8. What does the size of the sling depend upon?

9. When are slings especially valuable?

10. What is the cargo net?

11. What are cargo nets used for?

12. In what cases are circular net boards used?

13. What is the cargo tray made of?

14. What is the purpose of the raised edges?

15. What is the pallet?

16. What is the pallet designed for?

17. May the pallet be regarded as self-stacking?



II. Analyse the following sentences:

1. This new design of pallet can be fork-operated from all sides, both top and bottom.

2. Stillages and pallets provide a speedy, compact form of mechanical handling.



III. Form nouns and adjectives (or participles) from the follow­ing verbs and translate them into Russian:

store, operate, combine, travel, press, stretch, handle, stack, fall, break, slip, widen, crush, suit, consider.

IV. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Эти устройства предназначены для подвешивания и захва­та груза. 2. Крюк и грузовая петля являются универсальными грузозахватными устройствами. 3. Для перегрузки штучных гру­зов применяются стропы, грузовые площадки, грузовые сетки.

4. Для насыпных грузов применяются ковши различного типа.

5. Стропы для штучных грузов делаются из стальных или пенько­вых канатов или цепей. 6. Бригада будет выгружать мешковой груз грузовыми площадками. 7. Для перегрузки бочек будут при­менены грузовые сетки. 8. По специальному заказу морского флота будут изготовлены нейлоновые сетки, прочные, легкие и износоустойчивые, для подъема груза. 9. В трюм одновременно загружали два стропа или две универсальные площадки. 10. На каждую площадку они укладывали по 12 мешков. 11. Один груз­чик должен быстро передать конец стропа другому. 12. Больших успехов в этом году добились ленинградские портовики. 13. Они применили различные усовершенствованные грузозахватные уст­ройства. Это не только облегчило условия работы, но значи­тельно повысило производительность труда. 14. Рационализато­ры и конструкторы постоянно создают новые грузозахватные устройства. 15. Выбор средств механизации погрузочно-разгрузочных работ зависит как от вида груза, так и от типа транспорт­ных средств. 16. Использование площадки значительно повысило производительность труда. 17. Вилочный автопогрузчик захватил площадку с 10 пакетами целлюлозы. 18. Применение площадок сократило потребность в стропах. 19. Стремясь механизировать трудоемкие процессы, портовики Владивостока сами изготовили много площадок для пакетных перегрузок. 20. Новая система погрузочно-разгрузочных операций ускорила оборачиваемость судов.


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