| Задания для СРС
(с указанием форм отчета)
| Kол-во часов
| Срок сдачи
| Тусупбекова М.Ж., Мухтарханова А.М. Учебно-методическое пособие для студентов неязыковых специальностей. 2008г.
Food and Restaurants:
-Read the text: An Englishman Diary and give a short summary, ex.3 p. 72.
-Give in written form a detailed description of cooking your favorite dish, mixing and dressing a salad, ex.2 p.78.
| 1-нед.
| Sport:
-Speak on each kind of sport; briefly describe. Say a few words about its advantages and attractive features, ex. 4, p.149.
| 2-нед.
| Family, personality:
-Draw your Family tree, tell about your relatives and ancestors, ex. 3, p.19.
Bring your Family photo or family album and tell about your family, ex. 4, p.19.
| 3-нед.
| Getting acquainted:
-Introduce the following people to each other. They greet each other and start a conversation, ex. 5, p.12.
-Role play. Dramatize the following situation, ex. 2, p.13.
| 4-нед.
| Time. Working Day:
-Answer the questions on the text “Studying at university”
and summarize the text, ex. 6, p.118.
| 4,5-нед.
| Holidays:
- Make up dialogues, using the following sentences, ex. 4, p.184.
| 6-нед.
| Transport and travel:
-Read the text “Man and the Biosphere” and do ex.1-2, p.49.
| 7-нед.
| -Make a list of all presidents of Harvard University. Speak about their contributions for development of Harvard University, ex.2, p. 137.
| 8-нед.
| Customs around the world:
-Do library research and write an essay on one of the given topics: ex.5, p.137.
| 8,9-нед.
| City Tour:
- Compose dialogues for the following imaginary situations, ex.3, p.42.
| 10-нед.
| Professions:
- Read the text “Changing your job” and express your opinion to the text, ex.6, p.188.
| 11-нед.
| Dwelling:
- Read the text “The American Home” and do the tasks, ex.6, p.188.
| 12-нед.
| Education:
-Read the text “The Gumilyov Eurasian National University” and do ex.1-2, p.144.
| 12,13-нед.
| Houses:
-Read the text “A View of the Dunes' House
” and do ex.1-3, p.40.
-Describe your favorite buildings in Astana.
| 14-нед.
| Friendship:
-Read and compare manners, friendship and greetings in the USA and UK with manners, friendship and greetings in Kazakhstan, ex. 1, p.10.
| 15-нед.