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Under certain conditions, almost any material can possess hazardous qualities. Flour dust can explode, and grain inelevators can self-ignite and burn. Special care is needed to handle these and many other substances. There are governmental regulations involving the movements of hazardous materials, which are often classified into seven categories: explosives; compressed gases; flammable liquids; oxidizers; poisons; radioactive materials; corrosive materials.
The specific requirements differ for each hazardous commodity, but all of them involve labeling, packaging and repackaging, placing warnings on shipping documents, and notifying carriers in advance. A common requirement on transferring flammable materials is that the vehicle and the receiving or discharging device both be electrically grounded. Care must be taken to properly clean tanks, pumps, hoses, and cleaning apparatus toavoid contamination of the next cargo that is handled.
Match the English words or phrases to their Russian equivalents.
1. hazardous qualities | a. зерно |
2. to explode | b. предупреждение |
3. grain | c. обращаться, иметь дело |
4. self-ignite | d. заземлять |
5. to handle | e. опасные свойства |
6. warnings | f. разгружать |
7. in advance | g. загрязнение |
8. to discharge | h. взрывть(ся) |
9. to ground | i. заблаговременно |
10. contamination | j. самовоспламеняться |
e |
Match these phrase halves and translate them.
![]() | materials |
notify | conditions |
flammable | requirements |
compressed | dust |
certain | contamination |
flour | gases |
avoid | device |
discharging | labeling |
involve | carriers |
Write the phrase in English.
особые требования; приклеивать ярлыки; определенные условия; огнеопасные материалы; не допускать загрязнения; мучная пыль; сжатые газы;
уведомлять перевозчиков; разгружающее устройство
In the text find the words which have the same meaning.
сжатые газы; взрывчатые вещества; радиоактивные материалы; яды; огнеопасные жидкости; коррозионные (едкие) материалы; окислители;
hazardous [′hæzədəs] | опасный | dangerous |
hazard [′hæzəd] | опасность; риск | danger, peril [′perəl] |
flour [′flauə] | мука, порошок | powder |
explode [ik′spləud] | взрывать(ся) | burst |
ignite [ig′nait] | воспламенять | light |
explosive [ik′spləusiv] | взрывчатый | blasting |
compressed [kəm′prest] | сжатый | com′pact |
flammable [′flæməbl] | огнеопасный | burnable |
oxidizer | окислитель | oxidant |
radioactive [′reidiəu′æktiv] | радиоактивный | |
corrosive [kə′rəusiv] | коррозийный, едкий | caustic |
commodity [kə′modəti] | товар, продукт | merchandise |
to discharge | разгружать | unload |
tank [′tæŋk] | бак, резервуар | cistern [′sistən] |
pump | насос | |
hose [′həuz] | шланг | |
apparatus [′æpə′rətəs] | прибор, агрегат | device |
contamination [kən′tæmi′∫n] | загрязнение | defilement [di′failmənt] |
urgent delivery | срочная доставка | express delivery |
regular forwarders | обычный перевозчик (экспедитор) | usual forwarding agents |
several smaller partial [′pa:∫əl] deliveries | частями; частичный | |
shipment | груз | |
shipping documents | транспортные документы | |
shipping goods | груз | |
shipping marking(s) | транспортная маркировка | |
driving ban | Лишение, запрет | |
HGV (large goods vehicle) |
Each product has unique physical properties. For example, density of bulk materials varies. The ability to withstand exposure to the elements is another quality. Coal piles can be exposed to the rain; salt piles can not. Some products can be exposed to freezing weather; others can not. Nearly all substances exist in three forms – solid, liquid, and gas – and the form that they happen to be in is a function of temperature.
The physical characteristics of some goods change while they are moving in the logistics channel. Fresh fruits and vegetables are the best-known examples. Even after they are picked, they continue to give off gases and moisture and to generate heat – a process known as respiration. Fruits and vegetables are harvested before they are ripe so that they will reach the retail stores as they ripen. Ripening process can be delayed through the use of lower temperatures or application of gasses.
Products such as fresh produce, meats, fish, and baker’s yeast are referred to as perishables. They require special packaging, loading, storage, and monitoring as they are moved from source to customer. Even a dry product such as pet food or potato chips settles in bags as it moves through the logistics system.
Дата добавления: 2015-09-02; просмотров: 44 | Нарушение авторских прав
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