Читайте также: |
1. In words of 2 or 3 syllables the primary stress mostly falls on the first syllable, e.g. 'error, ΄Cabinet, ΄sensible.
2. In prefixal words the primary stress typically falls on the syllable following the prefix, e.g. im ΄ possible, re ΄ call, be ΄ hind.
3. In prefixal words with prefixes having their own meaning, the place of stress is on the prefix, e. g. ΄ anti- ΄ Capitalist, ΄ non- ΄ Party, ΄ ex- ΄ minister.
4. In prefixal verbs which are distinguished from similarly spelt nouns and adjectives, the place of stress is on the second syllable, nouns and adjectives have their stress on the initial syllable, e.g.
verb | noun | adjective |
to com'pound | - | 'compound |
to in'crease | 'increase | - |
5. Suffixes: -esce, -esque, -ate, -ize, -fy, -ette, -ique, -ее, -еег, -ade have the place of stress on the preceding syllable or on themselves, e.g., pictu ' resque,, ciga ' rette, tech ' nique,, refe ' ree,, pio ' neer.
6. Suffixes: -ical, -ic, -ion, -ity, -ian, -cient, -iency, -ecus, -ual, -uous, -ety, -itous, -ive, -ative (-Hive), -itude, -ident, -inal, -ital, -wards have the place of stress on the preceding syllable, e.g. eco ' nomic, gra ' mmatical, po ' sition, ma ' jority, ' special, etc.
7.In words of four or more syllables the place of stress is on the antepenultimate syllable (third from the end), e. g. e'mergency, ca ' lamity, his ' torical.
For more information on word-stress study pp. 138-145 in “The Practical Course in English Phonetics” by M.A. Sokolova (the position of word-stress, words with primary and secondary stress, words with two primary stresses, stress in compound words etc.).
Sound [æ]
As a matter of fact the handsome lad has broken his ankle in the accident.
Fat Pat had a fat cat
Pat’s fat cat sat on Pat’s hat
Graphic equivalents of the sound [æ]
a sat [sæt]
ai plaid [plæd]
champagne [∫æm'pein]
absolutely ['æbs∂lu:tlI]
ambition [æm'bı∫∂n]
Unit 7
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