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Comprehension check. I. Give English equivalents to the following:

COMPREHENSION CHECK | VI. Translate into English | STARTING A BUSINESS | TYPES OF BUSINESS | Sole Trader | Study carefully the meaning of the following phrases and word combinations to avoid any difficulty in understanding the following text. | THE SOLE PROPRIETOR | CORPORATIONS | Background information about the organization. | Possessions, adjustment, proprietor, failure, headings, enterprise, efficiency, ownership, conditions, flexible, failure, liability, debts, decisions, responsible. |

Читайте также:


I. Give English equivalents to the following:

Матричная структура, иерархическая структура, функциональная структура, совет директоров, штат сотрудников, филиал (отделение), дочерняя фирма, средний менеджмент, собрание акционеров, руководство фирмы, общие проблемы и перспективы организации, гибкость и быстрота реагирования компании на изменения внешней среды, работать под чьим-л. руководством, максимально эффективное использование высококвалифицированной рабочей силы, творческий потенциал сотрудников, подразделение, передача части управленческих функций средним менеджерам, дублирование функций.


II. Read the words and guess their meanings:

  Accounts Dept. department responsible for administering a company's financial affairs
  A.G.M.UK abbr. Annual General Meeting of a company's shareholders
  board of directors group of people chosen to establish policy for and control a company
  chairmanUK person who heads a Board of Directors; head of a company; chairperson
  Director a member of the board of directors
  executive officerUS person managing the affairs of a corporation - chief executive officer
  Headquarters a company's principal or main office or centre of control
  Manager person responsible for day-to-day running of a dept.; executive officerUS
  managing directorUK senior director after the chairman responsible for day-to-day direction
  Marketing Dept. department that puts goods on market, inc. packaging, advertising etc
  organisation chart a table or plan showing a company's structure graphically
  Personnel Dept. department responsible for recruitment and welfare of staff or employees
  presidentUS the highest executive officer of a company; head of a company
  Production Dept. department responsible for physical creation of product
  Purchasing Dept. department responsible for finding and buying everything for a company
  R & D Department department responsible for Research and Development of (new) products
  Reception the place where visitors and clients report on arrival at a company
  Sales Department department responsible for finding customers and making sales
  Shareholder person who holds or owns shares in or a part of a company or corporation
  vice presidentUS any of several executive officers, each responsible for a separate division

Who is who?

1. Chief Executive Officer 2. Information Systems Director 3. Purchasing Director 4. Human Resources Director for sale to customers. 5. Systems Analyst 6. Managing Director 7. Marketing Director 8. Production Director 9. Customer Service Manager 10. Staff Development Officer 11. Finance Director 12. Exports Manager a. Manager responsible for (CEO) buying. b. Person who designs computer networks c. British English term for senior manager of a company. d. Manager responsible for the creating goods or services e. American English term for the top manager of a company f. Person responsible for setting up training opportunities for employees g. The person responsible for computer operations in a company. h. Person responsible for managing product development, promotion, customer service, and selling. i. Person responsible for markets in other countries. j. Manager responsible for personnel issues. k. Person responsible for relationships with customers l. Person responsible for presentation and control of profit and loss.

III. Complete these sentences using the words from the list below and translate the sentences into Russian:




depend on














Communication, the (1) _____ between an organization and its members, is essential to the organization’s major functions. When you understand how the organization communicates, you are (2) _____ to become a productive member of the group. Communication also facilitates (3) _____ among management, employees, customers, suppliers, financiers, and government officials. Communication occurs through both formal and informal channels and flows up and down the hierarchy, as well as across the line of authority. Open communication patterns encourage links among all members of the organization and (4) _____ complex activities that require creativity. Tightly controlled communication patterns that (5) _____ an official hierarchy are well suited to situations that call for a rapid (6) _____. An organization’s communication (7) _____ is affected by the corporation’s management style and ethics. Given the volume of messages flowing into, around, and out of modern organizations, communications (8) _____ has become an issue. In many organizations many managers are encouraged to (9) _____ the number of messages, (10) _____ communication assignments, (11) _____ responsibility for writing and speaking, and build employees` communication (12) _____. Many organizations have also developed plan for communicating during times of crisis. Regardless of where you work or what you do, communication will play a part in your career. By analyzing your strengths and (13) _____, setting realistic goals and practicing different types of communication you can (14) _____ your verbal and written communication skills.

IV. Translate into English:

1. Классическая матричная структура возникла как реакция на необходимость проведения быстрых технологических изменений при максимально эффективном использовании высококвалифицированной рабочей силы.

2. Иерархическая структура организации хороша тем, что обеспечивает точное распределение задач и обязанностей внутри компании; легко контролируема и управляема сверху.

3. Иерархическая структура организации плоха тем, что:

· вся ответственность замыкается на высшем руководстве;

· мешает сотрудникам видеть общие проблемы и перспективы организации;

· интересы отдела могут стать для работников важнее интересов организации в целом;

· происходят потери информации при переходе с одного иерархического уровня на другой.

4. Преимущества матричной структуры заключаются в том, что

· она обеспечивает компании гибкость и быстроту реагирования на изменения внешней среды.

· работа в матричной структуре активизирует творческий потенциал сотрудников.

· матричная структура усиливает конечную ответственность каждого руководителя за проект.

5. Матричная структура плоха тем, что:

· работник или группа подчиняется одновременно нескольким руководителям, что снижает управляемость фирмой;

· матричная структура сложна для практической реализации;

· в рамках матричной структуры наблюдается тенденция к анархии, т.к. нечетко распределены права и ответственность между элементами структуры, наблюдается частичное дублирование функций;

· для этой структуры характерна борьба за власть, т. к. в ее рамках четко не определены властные полномочия.


V. Answer some questions on the Text:

1. What groups of people are most companies made of?

2. What is the management structure of a typical company like?

3. What is the Board of directors responsible for?

4. Who is responsible for the running of the business?

5. Name some of the departments or functions within a company?

6. What are the main factors of successful performance of the company over the years?

7. What is necessary for any company in order to survive & be successful?

8. What kind of information should a company profile contain?

9. Why are organizations so important for us?

10. How do people feel about organizations?

11. What is the reason for the existence of organizations?

12. What kind of behavior is typical of organizations?

13. Why do organizations influence our behavior?

14. Why are the people only beginning to realize the importance of studying organizations?



Основная: 1, 2, 5.

Дополнительная: 3, 4, 9, 10.





Accounting can be defined as the measuring and recording of all relevant financial data concerning a particular entity that is business, government organisation, etc.

Financial reporting is the communicating of such information in appropriately summarised form. In the UK such summarised form is called "Accounts". In the USA it is called "Financial statements". These accounts or statements are communicated to interested par­ties both within and outside the organisation.

Financial reporting provides information that is useful to present and potential investors, creditors and other users in making rational investment, credit and other economic decisions.

Accounting is often referred to as the "language of business". It is used in the business world to describe the transactions entered into by all kinds of organisations.

The actual record-making phase of accounting is usually called book-keeping. However, accounting extends far beyond the actual making of records. Accounting is concerned with the use to which these records are put, their analysis and interpretation.

Accountants are therefore those individuals specialised in the "art" of capturing the correct data, and preparing the most mean­ingful financial reports from that data. They are "producers" of fi­nancial information, which is then made available to "consumers" such as owners and lenders.

Accountants are assisted in their work by bookkeepers, who op­erate some form of accounting system, usually computerised, to help capture, accumulate, categorise, summarise and report the many thousands of transactions that affect an economic entity every year.

Accounting shows a financial picture of the firm. An accounting department records and measures the activity of a business. It reports on the effects of the transactions on the firm’s financial condition. Accounting records give a very important data. It is used by management, stockholders, creditors, independent analysts, banks and government.

Most businesses prepare regularly the two types of records. That is the income statement and balance sheet. These statements show how money was received and spent by the company.

One major tool for the analysis of accounting records is ratio analysis. A ratio analysis is the relationship of two figures. In finance we operate with three main categories of ratios. One ratio deals with profitability, for example, the Return on Investment Ratio. It is used as a measure of a firm’s operating efficiency.

The second set of ratios deals with assets and liabilities. It helps a company to evaluate its current financial position.

The third set of ratios deals with the overall financial structure of the company. It analyses the value of the ownership of the firm.

The purpose of accounting is to provide the company's shareholders with a clear picture of the company's financial health. This "photograph", which is usually published once a year, can be used as a managerial tool, allowing us to see how efficient a company is, and whether it should stay in business.


Read and memorize the following words and word combinations:

income statement отчет о доходах

balance sheet балансовый отчет

ratio analysis анализ коэффициентов

return on investment ratio – коэффициент возвращения инвестиций

assets and liabilities актив и пассив

accounting бухгалтерский учет и отчетность

account счет

to define определять

to measure измерять

to record записывать, учитывать

relevant соответствующий

data данные, факты

datum факт

concerning касательно

particular определенный

entity юридическое лицо, организация

to report составлять отчет о

reporting отчетность

to communicate сообщать

communication сообщение

information сведения

appropriate соответствующий

appropriately соответственно

to summarise суммировать

summarised суммированный

in summarised form в соответствующем суммированном виде

to call называть

to be called называться

statement заявление, отчет, выписка (по счету)

party сторона

interested parties заинтересованные стороны

user пользователь

decision решение

auditor аудитор

range диапазон

a wide range of широкий круг

profit прибыль

to lend (lent, lent) давать кредит

lender кредитор

successful успешный

competitor конкурент

to withdraw отзывать, отметить, убирать (зд. снять со счета)

to capture зд. подбирать

capturing зд. подборка

meaning значение

meaningful значимый

meaningfully многозначительно

available имеющийся в на личии

to be made available представить

consumer покупатель, потребитель

owner владелец

to assist помогать

accountant бухгалтер

bookkeeper учетчик, младший бухгалтер

Дата добавления: 2015-09-01; просмотров: 74 | Нарушение авторских прав

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Study carefully the meaning of the following phrases and word combinations| COMPREHENSION CHECK

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