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Today we can determine price differences between countries by considering the exchange rate of the day.

The great advantage of having a single stable world money is that such money has very high information content. It tells people where to invest their time, energy and capital, all around the world, with much greater accuracy and predictability than would other­wise be possible.

Nowadays many specialists believe that within the next decade money, as we know it will probably cease to exist in technologically advanced countries. The familiar coins and notes wul soon be re­placed entirely by plastic money — plastic cards of various kinds. And the shops of the future will be linked directly to the network of banking computers. The shop assistant will simply key in your bank account code number and the amount you have spent, and thank you politely.

Banks have invested huge amounts of money in new technol­ogy. Credit cards are issued by credit card companies such as Visa and MasterCard. These companies work closely with all the major banks. A credit card enables you to pay for goods or services imme­diately without cash or cheque. You are given free credit for an agreed period. At the end of this period you are charged high inter­est. Every credit card holder is given a credit limit.

Most banks provide their customers with banker's cards. Using PIN (personal identification number) you can use this card to with­draw cash from the ATMs (Automated Teller Machines).

Some banks have already introduced «first generation» smart cards. A smart card contains a computer «chip». It can do all the things other cards can do but it can also store and display each transaction. In the near future you may be using these cards for «home shopping», satellite TV, telephone charges, and as passports and identity cards.

В. Подберите к каждому слову и словосочетанию из колонки А соответ­ствующее ему по значению из колонки В.


1. unit of account a. take into account

2. bank account b. take out money from the bank

3. value c. money in coin or notes


4. grains d. keeping one's money at a bank

5. print e. stop, come to an end

6. consider f. unit of counting

7. cease g. worth of smth.

8. cash h. tiny, hard pieces

9. withdraw i. make books, pictures, etc.

Упражнение 7. Заполните пропуски терминами, переведите.

1.... is money that may be used to start a business.

2.... is the type of money used in a country.

3.... is money in coin or notes.

4.... are metal money,... is system of coins in use.

5.... are paper money.

6.... money is different kinds of plastic cards.

7.... is to be worth in terms of money.

8.... is price asked for goods or services.

9. To... means to ask smb. to pay.

10. To... money means to keep some of one's money, e.g., for a new computer.

11. To... money means to use it badly on things that one does not need.

12. The... of living means how much people pay for things. 13.... of living is the level of money and comfort people have.

Упражнение 8. Заполните пропуски синонимами или антонимами.

value... waste

condition... lend

quantity... cheap

common, often see or heard... unstable

various... minor

Упражнение 9. А. Назовите 20—25 ключевых слов и словосочетаний на тему: «Business and finance».

В. Speak about:

1. The state of the economy at the moment. Is it strong or is it in recession?

2. The current rate of inflation in the country. Has the govern­ment reduced company taxes or personal taxes lately? Has public expenditure risen or fallen recently?

3. New technology and money.

Text 3

Какое значение имеют электронные средства связи в современной орга­низации производства?

А. Прочитайте текст и постарайтесь догадаться о значении в данном контексте слов: vital, corporate, compile, memo, pace, respond, intranet, empower.,

Paperwork and the Digital Nervous System

Bill Gates states it did not take Microsoft Co. long to get rid of most of the company's paper forms. The move from paper to elec­tronic forms is a vital step in the evolution of a modern organiza­tion's nervous system. A corporate system defines how an organization deals with planned and unplanned events alike. It in­cludes meetings, paperwork and electronic systems. It governs the way information about customers is stored, the way workers are or­ganized, the way budgets are compiled and activities are coordi­nated, and the way information is exchanged.

In the past, companies were virtually alike in terms of how they managed these activities. Meetings, memos and managers were re­lied upon heavily. The pace was not usually too fast, and there was lots of paper.

But one of the lessons from Darwin is that the excellence of an organism's nervous system helps determine its ability to sense change and quickly respond, thereby surviving or even thriving.

Today, new «digital nervous systems» are based on electronic communications tools that help corporations maintain themselves, defend from dangers and take advantage of opportunities rapidly. The Internet and intranets are essential.

You can easily bring the people you need together electroni­cally, even if they are all over the globe. The people in the company can gain a common understanding of what is going on. They can exchange ideas easily.

Perhaps the single most important element of a digital nervous system is a customer database. Having all your information about customers in one place gives you the tools to analyze and make de­cisions. It empowers you to be highly responsive to customers needs.

Microsoft's system is far from perfect, but it improves as the company takes better advantage of technology. Its annual budget­ing process used to take three months. Microsoft invented a new process around electronic forms on the company's intranet.

The budget cycle is now a very tense three-week period. The company's digital system lets everybody see immediately what the other people in the company are planning. The managers see com­parisons of sales and expense forecasts relative to market size in other divisions and regions. The product groups see the numbers organized by product. The subsidiaries see the numbers geographi­cally. The finance people see them in on a profit-and-loss basis.

In other words, information can automatically be analyzed and compared and summarized and brought to the attention of the peo­ple who need to know about it.

B. Подберите к каждому слову или словосочетанию в колонке А соответ­ствующее по значению из колонки В.


1. take smb. to do smth. a. use for one's own benefit

2. get rid of b. be successful, prosper

3. vital c. act in answer to

4. corporate d. necessary for living

5. do alike e. need, require

6. compile f. give power to act

7. be alike g. in the same way

8. memo h. be similar

9. pace i. controlled by a larger company

10. respond j. collect (information) and arrange it in a list

11. thrive k. note for future use

12. empower 1. belonging to a corporation or group

13. take advantage m. become free of

14. subsidiary n. move at an unhurried rate

C. Заполните пропуски синонимами.

control... at once

feel, realize... excellent

virtually... most important...

determine... similar

allow... protect

D. Составьте возможные словосочетания из глаголов в жояонке А и су­ществительных из колонки В:


1. compile a. information

2. take b. understanding

3. manage / organize c, decisions

4. store / exchange / analyze d. ideas

5. make e. workers, activities

6. gain f. advantage

7. exchange g. a budget

E. Составьте возможные словосочетания прилагательных из колонки Аи существительных из колонки В.


1. annual a. forms

2. vital b. budget

3. digital с. understanding

4. common d. communications tools

5. electronic e. step

6. paper and electronic f. system

F. Заполните пропуски, образуя составные слова, общеизвестные слово­сочетания или термины. Запомните их.

profit and... market...

three-week...... group

... forecast paper...

expense...... people

Упражнение 1. А. Назовите 10—IS ключевых слов и словосочетаний на тему «Electronic communication tools».

8. Speak about:

The role and importance of electronic communications tools in a modern company organization.

Text 4

Что такое логистика? Каковы последние направления в этой области?

А Прочитайте текст и постарайтесь догадаться о значении следующих слов: retrieve, storage, package of services, to contract, totality.

Flexible Logistics Systems

Several organisations are expanding beyond their national bor­ders as a strategy to improve competitiveness and their ability to of­fer diverse products to an expanded market. Many companies have become very proficient at supplying products throughout the world. The task requires not only the ability to recognize opportunities, but also an information system to co-ordinate the supply of goods

and materials to places where they are needed throughout the world.

Logistics is supply, distribution and replacement of materials, goods and personnel. It is a problem for all organisations, both public and private. For instance, there were tremendous logistics challenges of moving the US military — army, navy, and air force — to carry out the military operations called «Desert Storm», prob­lems which were even more complex when other nations belonging to the United Nations assisted with the operations. Large logistical problems are faced by relief agencies which are trying to give public assistance to people during emergencies.

In a small warehouse, improvements can be obtained from better information systems, productivity improvements, inventory (инвентаризация) savings, reductions in returns (возврат, обо­рот, прибыль), space saving (10—30 per cent), and extra customer service profit. That is, for a warehouse of 80,000 sq. ft, 50 staff, and $100 million sales per annum, and inventory of $40 million, it is possible to save over $2 million per annum from improved meth­ods. The costs of such improvements can be retrieved after just three months.

The logistics aspects of the distribution chain (цепочка) in any organisation relate to the use of information to manage more effec­tively the functions of transportation, storage, warehousing, and freight forwarding (пересылка груза). The information system has to co-ordinate a distribution network which consists of transporta­tion services between suppliers to factories, factories to storage fa­cilities, ports and warehouses, storage services in the warehouses, transportation services between the warehouses and buyers and linkages between countries. As a result of implementing an efficient information system and computer network, McDonald's restau­rants are able to receive food products from various suppliers, re­package them to meet McDonald's specifications, and then deliver them to their restaurants throughout the world, and still maintain consistent (соответствующие) standards.

Some companies perform logistics services themselves, but many are contracting these services to specialists who have infor­mation systems to offer a package of services — from simple stor­age and warehousing to a total package or complete service which might include consolidation (объединение) of cargo, transporta­tion, storage and inventory management. Companies within the lo­gistics sector distinguish themselves by the totality of the services they offer. Generally, smaller firms may have less sophisticated

information systems and may only provide services such as ware­housing and transportation. Large firms have the resources and economies of larger scale to develop more sophisticated informa­tion and computer systems. However, developing a sophisticated and centralized information and mechanized warehouse may not necessary lead to a success.

Certain larger companies choose to rely on more flexible sys­tems, which allow for learning and adaptation.

B. Подберите к словам в колонке А синонимы или близкие по значению слова из колонки В.


1. complex a. tremendous

2. total b. of different kind

3. diverse c. sophisticated

4. keep up d. assistance

5. profit e. maintain

6. very great, enormous f. returns

7. help g. entirety

8. totality h. complete

C. Найдите в тексте слова, означающие:

1. help given to those in need and trouble

2. skilled, expert

3. get back, return quickly

4. spread out over a large area

5. a problem, difficulty

6. serious situation, needing action as soon as possible

7. a/per year

8. a building for storing goods before distribution

9. easily changed, adaptable for new needs or conditions

D. Заполните пропуски словами:

management logistics distribution inventory storage returns transported warehouse

1. We know (1)... to be a detailed list of goods, parts, equip­ment, etc. 2. Small profits and quick (2)... is the motto (девиз) for shops that rely on large sales and quick turnover. 3. In the same way, Toshiba might contract with a (3)... firm so that television sets and other products could be picked up from the factory, taken

to a (4)..., perhaps repackaged, and then (5)... to stores in other countries. 4. Many companies are interested in improving cus­tomer service through better inventory (6)... 5. As a rule, an unpro­ductive (7)... chain results in a higher total inventory cost. 6. NAVAIR wants logistics data to be converted to digital form for storage in a «virtual» (8)... facility — a single set of consolidated databases that could be accessed by sailors aboard ship, support en­gineers at shore and program managers.

Упражнение 1. А. Назовите 15—20 ключевых слов и словосочетаний на тему «Logistics».

В. Speak about:

Problems logistics deals with.


To be read after Text 1

Finding Opportunity in the Global Economy

Bill Gates says today if you had to guess (угадать) somebody's approximate income (i.e., money you receive) and you were lim­ited to asking one polite question, a good one would be: «What country do you live in?» That is because of the huge difference in average wages (weekly payment for work) from country to country. But a generation from now, if you want to guess someone's in­come, a more-telling single question might be: «What's your edu­cation?» «This, at least, is my belief», B. Gates says. Future business opportunity will depend on educational opportunity — for everyone.

Compared to almost anything else in a developed society, the cost of investment in education is low — and the returns are high. Even the poorest of countries can develop better schools. Educa­tion is essential because electronic networks and software-driven technologies are beginning to break down the economic barriers between nations. The Internet and the availability of inexpensive, powerful computers are helping spread opportunity to developing nations.

International communication, which is certain to become ex­traordinary1 cheap in all its forms, will bring suitably educated peo­ple from every economic region into the mainstream of the world economy. Well-educated, enterprising individuals with access to information technology will do well no matter where they live.

Nearly a billion people in rural China may find their lives little changed for decades, but tens of millions of the best-educated Chi­nese could earn more or less what similarly educated people in the United States or Germany do.

As technology breaks down the barriers of distance and national borders, it will be even more important that everybody be given equal educational opportunities. Eventually, being «poor» won't be much a matter of living in a poor country as it will be a matter of having poor skills.

Assuming you want to develop those skills, what should you study? There are a lot of opportunities in the knowledge-based global economy, and B. Gates is particularly enthusiastic about the business he knows best — software.

Because software is an almost pure expression of logic, the in­dustry is a great field for almost anyone today. Just about every technical and scientific discipline will apply. The business side is equally exciting and challenging2 because the industry is so dy­namic. And software jobs are among the highest-paid. It is not a win-lose industry, either. More software development in one re­gion does not mean reduced software development in another. Rather, software development as a whole helps to grow the world economy.

The value and importance of the software industry — and its employees — will continue to grow indefinitely. Software is trans­forming the workplace in industry after industry, increasing pro­ductivity and helping globalize the world economy.

Notes to the Text

1. unusually

2. interesting and difficult

To be read after Text 2, 3, 4

Ten Attributes of a Good Employee

Here are 10 of the qualities Bill Gates finds in the «best and brightest» employees the companies should attract and retain.

First, it is important to have a fundamental curiosity1 about the product of your company or group. You have to use the product yourself.

Second, you need a genuine (настоящий, подлинный) inter­est in discussion with customers about how they use your product,

what they like or don't like in order to know where your company's product could be better.

Third, once you understand your customer's needs, you have to enjoy thinking through how this product can make work more in­teresting.

These first three points are related. Success comes from under­standing and caring deeply about your products, your technology and your customers' needs.

Fourth, you as an individual employee should develop your own skills and those of the people you work with. If maximizing your next bonus2 or salary increase is all that motivates you, you are likely to lose an opportunity to benefit from teamwork3 that creates success in the long term.

Fifth, you need to have specialized knowledge or skills while maintaining a broad perspective. Big companies, in particular, need employees who can learn specialties4 quickly, so a willingness to learn is critical.

Sixth, you have to be flexible enough to take advantage of op­portunities that can give you perspective. At Microsoft Co., they try to offer a person lots of different jobs in the course of a career. Anyone interested in joining management is encouraged (поощ­рять) to work in different customer units, even if it means moving within the organization or relocating to a different part of the world. Microsoft Co. has many employees working for their US subsidiaries in other countries. This helps them better understand world markets.

Seventh, a good employee will want to learn the economics of the business. Why does the company do what it does? What are its business models? How does it make money? And a company, in turn, should educate its employees in the fundamental financial re­alities of its industry.

Eighth, you must focus on competitors, i.e., you must think about what is going on in the marketplace. What are your com­pany's competitors doing that is smart5? What can we learn from them? How can we avoid their mistakes?

Ninth, you've got to use your head. Analyze problems to under­stand the implications (скрытый смысл, последствия) of poten­tial tradeoffs6 of all kinds, including the tradeoff between acting sooner with less information and later with more. Use your head in practical ways. Prioritize your time effectively.

Finally, don't fail to see the obvious essentials, such as being honest, ethical7 and hard working. These attributes are critical and go without saying.

Notes to the Text

strong desire to learn / know about smth.

addition to usual payment

combined effort

special activities, operations, products, etc.

skillful, clever (=quick in learning and understanding things)

6. compromise, compromising decision, choice

7. of moral principles


annum - per annum [рэг'эепэт] в год

asset ['aeset] n имущество; активы баланса


balance ['baelens] n account ~ ба­ланс счета

belief [bi'liif] n вера; мнение, убе­ждение

bid [bid] n предложение цены (на аукционе)

bidding ['bidit\] n предложение цены

bill [bil] n счет, расходы bonus ['beunes] n премия, возна­граждение buyer I'baie] n покупатель

card [ka:d] n карточка; identity Удостоверение личности; credit кредитная карточка; smart мно­гофункциональная платежная карточка, чиповая карточка cash [kaej] n наличные деньги

challenge ['faelindj] n сложная за­дача; проблема; v ставить задачу, сталкиваться с трудностями challenging а сложный, многообе­щающий, перспективный charge Itfa:d5] v назначать, запра­шивать цену; взимать плату cheque [tjek] n чек coin [koin] n монета coinage ['komicfc] n монетная сис­тема; чеканка монет commerce ['komas] я торговля (оптовая); коммерция competitor [kem'petite] n конку­рент; участник рынка compile [kam'pail] v составлять (бюджет); собирать материалы, факты

consumer [kan'sju:ma] n потреби­тель

contract f'kontraekt] v заключать договор, сделку, соглашение corporate ['koipant] а корпора­тивный, групповой curiosity [,kjuan'ositi] «любопыт­ство, любознательность currency ['kAransi] n валюта customer ['kAStema] n покупатель, заказчик, клиент

demand [di'maind] n спрос distribution [,distrfbju:Jan] n сбыт, реализация

diverse [dai'va:s] а различный, разнообразный

division [di'visan] n подразделение


earn [a:n] v зарабатывать emergency [i'me:d3ensi] n чрезвы­чайные обстоятельства employee [,emploi'i] n служащий; рабочий; работающий по найму

empower [im'paua] v давать право, возможность

encourage [in'kAridj] v поощрять

enterprising ['entapraizinj а пред­приимчивый

ethical ['eGikal] а нравственный, этичный

expenditure [iks'pendilfa] n расхо­ды, затраты

expense [iks'pens] n расходы, из­держки; at the ~ of за счет extraordinary [iks'tro:dnn] а не­обычный, чрезвычайный

fee [fi:] n вознаграждение, гоно­рар; взнос, сбор

forecast ['fo:ka:st] n прогноз, предсказание

funds [fandz] n средства, фонды (денежные)

gain [gem] v получать, приобре­тать, добиться


handle ['haendl] v управлять; иметь дело с

holder ['heulda] n владелец; credit card владелец кредитной кар­точки


income ['хпклт] и доход insurance [in'Juarans] и страхова­ние

interest ['intnst] n процент intranet [in'traenat] n внутренняя связь

inventory ['invantri] n инвентари­зация; наличные товары (запасы) investment [in'vestmant] «капита­ловложение, инвестиция, вклад invest v вкладывать, делать инве­стиции

issue ['iju:]['isju] v выпускать в обращение


key [ki:] v нажимать кнопку; -in набирать

limit ['limit] n credit предель­ный размер кредита loan [laun] n заем, ссуда logistics [lau'dsistiks] n логистика


maintain [mein'tein] v сохранять, поддерживать

manage ['maenids] v управлять, ру­ководить; money управлять деньгами, управлять финансами market ['ma:kit] n рынок, сбыт, продажа

marketing ['ma:kitinj n торговля; предметы торговли; сбыт, прода­жа

memo ['mi:mau] n меморандум; служебная записка, памятная за­писка


network ['netwe:k] n сеть number ['rumba] n personal iden­tification идентификационный номер


order ['o:da] n заказ; распоряже­ние

overheads ^auva'hedz] я наклад­ные расходы

pace [peis] n скорость, темп package ['paekidj] n пакет; of services пакет услуг

payment ['peiment] n оплата, пла­тежи, выплата

personnel ^peisa'nel] n персонал, кадры

price [prais] n цена; retail роз­ничная цена; wholesale оптовая цена

productivity [,prodAk'tiviti] n про­изводительность

proficient [pra'fifent] а опытный, умелый

profit ['profit] n прибыль, доход promotion [pre'meu/en] я содейст­вие в продаже; продвижение, по­вышение в должности prosper ['prospe] v преуспевать purchase ['pe:tfas] n покупка; v покупать


raise [reiz] v поднимать; п повы­шение

relief [n'li:f] n помощь; пособие; скидки (с налога)

respond [ris'pond] v отвечать, реа­гировать

retrieve [n'tri:v] v отыскать (ин­формацию)', вернуть, восстановить

return [ri'te:n] и возврат оборотаг прибыль; tax налоговая декла­рация

salary ['saelan] n зарплата (служа­щему)

sales [seilz] n продажа, реализа­ция, сбыт; representative агент по продаже; target намеченная цифра; цель; количество продаж salesman n коммивояжер save [seiv] v экономить, сберегать saving я экономия savings n сбережения seller ['sele] n продавец share ЦБЭ] п доля, часть; участие; акция; market долевое участие на рынке в процентах specialty ['spejelti] я особенность, отличительная черта, отличие (специализация)

staff [sta:f] я состав (служащих)', штат, персонал

state [steit] v заявлять, сообщать storage ['stoinds] я хранение; склад

streamline ['stri:mlain] v ускорять, модернизировать subsidiary [seb'sidjen] я филиал; дочерняя подконтрольная ком­пания

supply [se'plai] я снабжение, по­ставка; and demand спрос и предложение supplier [se'plaia] n поставщик

teller f'tela] n кассир, счетчик; ~ machine банкомат tense [tens] а напряженный thrive [9raiv] (throve, thriven) v процветать, преуспевать totality [tau'taeliti] я все количе­ство, вся сумма целиком

tradeoff ['treidaf] n сравнительная оценка; принятие компромисс­ных решений

transaction [traen'zaekjan] n дело, сделка, операция (торговая, бан­ковская)

turnover ['t9'n,euve] n оборот, то­варооборот


unit ['ju nit] n единица; of account расчетная денежная еди­ница

value [Vaelju ] n стоимость, цена vital ['vaitl] а жизненно важный, крайне необходимый


wages ['weidsaz] n заработная плата (рабочих)

warehouse ['weehaus] n склад; v помещать на склад, хранить на складе

warehousing n складское хозяйст­во, складирование withdraw [wiS'dro1] v изымать из банкомата; забирать деньги из банка

yield lj\:\d] n процентный доход





Text 1 Что Вы понимаете под словом «закон»? Прочитайтеш переведите текст.

What Is Law?

The word «law» refers to limits upon various forms of behav­iour. In all societies, relations between people are regulated by pre­scriptive laws, laws which prescribe how people ought to behave. For example, the speed limits are laws that prescribe how fast driv­ers should drive. Some of such laws are customs, that is, informal rules of social and moral behaviour. And some of them are precise laws made by individual nations, governments and enforced against all citizens within their power.

The purpose of government-made laws is social control (with­out laws there would be anarchy in society) and the implementa­tion of justice. Sometimes laws are simply an attempt to implement common sense. It is obvious to most people that dangerous driving should be punished. But in order to be enforced, common sense needs to be defined in law.

The laws made by the government of one country are often very different from the laws of another country. But the law today is, to a large extent, a complex of different and relatively inde­pendent national systems. Despite major revisions over the centu­ries, the legal system of England and Wales is one of the oldest still operating in the modern world. English law has directly influ­enced the law of former British colonies such as Australia, India, Canada and the nation where law plays a bigger part in everyday life than anywhere else, the United States. In addition, although the legal systems of Western Europe and Japan come from rather different traditions, there are enough similarities in principle and institution.

Each country in the world, even each state of the United States, has its own system of law. But it should be said that there are two main traditions of law in the world. One is based on English Com­mon Law, and has been adopted by many Commonwealth coun­tries and most of the United States. The other tradition, sometimes known as Continental, or Roman law, has developed in most of

continental Europe, Latin America and Africa which have been strongly influenced by Europe. Continental law has also influenced Japan's legal system. In these countries Continental systems have resulted from attempts by governments to produce a set of precise, detailed codes to govern every legal aspect of a citizen's life.

Дата добавления: 2015-08-26; просмотров: 55 | Нарушение авторских прав

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