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Antonymic Translation. Перекладіть речення, застосовуючи прийом формальної негативації до відповідних слів

Читайте также:
  1. Antonymic Translation
  2. Antonymic Translation
  3. Lexical transformations in translation.
  4. Metonymic Translation
  5. Metonymic Translation
  6. Translation

Перекладіть речення, застосовуючи прийом формальної негативації до відповідних слів, словосполучень та інших компонентів речень:

1. Transatlantic telephone transmission was not accomplished until 1956. 2. Governments do not relinquish their authority unless compelled to do so. 3. In both France and England a truly classical style was not established until the first half of the 17th century. 5. For unknown reasons Iraq chose not to unleash its chemical weapons arsenal in the Persian Gulf War of 1991. 6. It was not until the 12th century, however, that canals similar to those used today were built in Western Europe. 7. Indeed, the problem of determining longitude at sea was not solved until the mid-18th century. 10. Not until the late 18th century did ancient Greek and Roman architecture cease to be regarded as an unassailable criterion of excellence throughout the Western world. 11. In this regard Venezuela reigns supreme because of its petroleum deposits. Ecuador, Argentina, Peru, and Bolivia have more modest- but not unimportant-oil resources. 12. Tsunamis travel at speeds up to 800 km/h (500 mph), however, and grow higher as they near land; tsunamis 18 to 30 m (60-100 ft) high are not uncommon. 13. Not until the 18th century did scientists begin to appreciate the complex chemistry of metallurgy. 14. Color has so many meanings for different observers that a strict definition is difficult, if not impossible. 18. Rainfall in such regions is also highly uncertain and serious periodic droughts are not uncommon. 19. Finally, the capital investment required to find and develop ore deposits and bring them into profitable production must be undertaken over a time period longer than that needed for agricultural or other industrial enterprises; 3 to 7 years is not unusual. 20. Thus, they created in effect a world full of complex and subtle cross-references- not unlike this encyclopedia- and readily accessible to everyday participants in popular culture. 21. Early instruments - crude but not unsophisticated by modern standards- enabled the land surveyor to measure the angles and distances used to create the network of measurements. 22. This potential will not materialize, however, unless such economically impoverished but resource-rich countries as Zaire, China, and Nepal attract investment capital and create markets for hydroelectricity. 23. Negotiations for a new treaty began in the 1950s but were not completed until 1977, when Panamanian voters approved two accords. 28. The combined signs may range from mild, not unlike the behavior of a normally exuberant child, to severe. 29. A central member of the naturalist school at Columbia, he developed a logical empiricism that did not exclude feelings, ideas, and aspirations. 30. In either approach, one computer will not be able to communicate with another unless they use the same protocol. 31. A number of disparate artistic currents and traditions coexisted and influenced one another, not infrequently within the same genre, as in portraiture. 32. The principle behind self-winding watches had been known for about 2 centuries, but it was not widely applied until the 1920s, when wristwatches became popular. 33. For convenience in commerce, the Bordeaux merchants classified their finest red wines as early as 1725, but it was not until 1855 that such a classification, based on the market price for each wine, received official recognition. 34. In late 1939, President Roosevelt ordered an American effort to obtain an atomic weapon before the Germans, but significant assistance did not begin until his coordinator of scientific activities for the war, Vannevar Bush, took charge. 35. By 1860 the cattle industry of the Corn Belt states was highly developed; that of the Great Plains and the Mountain States was not fully stocked until the 1880s, however. 36. The industrial expansion that began in the 17th century caused a fuel shortage that was not alleviated until the replacement of wood by coal and of charcoal by coke. 37. Not until the appearance of X-ray, radio, and nuclear instrumentation were innovations made that compared in importance to the appearance of optical, electrical, and electromagnetic apparatus. 38. The improper admission of evidence in a trial is often grounds for an appeal, and persons convicted of crimes have not infrequently been released because illegally obtained evidence was wrongfully permitted to be presented to a jury.

Перекладіть речення з дієсловом to fail та іменником failure, застосувавши прийом формальної негативації:

1. If the power-assisting mechanism should fail, or if the engine stalls, the brakes will not fail completely, although greater pedal pressure will be needed. 2. Cosmos 419, launched May 10, 1971, appears to have been a Mars probe, but it failed to leave its parking orbit around the Earth. 3. The two orbiters arrived on Feb. 10 and 12, 1974, but Mars 4 missed the planet by 2,100 km (1,300 mi) when its braking engine failed to operate. 4. The agency has been criticized for failing to take prompt action where nuclear plants were found to be violating the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's own standards; for failing to insure that workers were properly trained; and for lagging in its investigations of mismanagement and criminal activities at nuclear plants. 5. The U.S. government is also the target of suits, because exposure standards it set in World War II shipyards were known at the time to be ineffective; it also failed to mandate adequate safety measures. 6. Edison thought so little of the Kinetograph that he failed to extend his patent rights to England and Europe, an oversight that allowed two Frenchmen, Louis and Auguste Lumiere, to manufacture a more portable camera (which also functioned as a printer and a projector), the Cinematographe, based on Edison's machine. 7. By the end of the 1980s more than 12,000 products were being introduced annually, although some 80 percent of them failed to sell profitably and were withdrawn. 10. Unfortunately, most of these extensions are incompatible with one another, so that a program written for one machine may fail to run on another. 11. Some gas-operated semiautomatic rifles were produced. Those which were field-tested in the trenches during World War I, however, failed to gain favor because mud quickly clogged their mechanisms. 12. Both kinds of rubber are needed in the modern world. In fact, production of natural rubber since 1945 has failed to match the growing demand for rubber, with the result that natural rubber has seen its share of the rubber business steadily decline. 13. Having failed to sell the "daguerreotype" process to pay debts, he was forced to accept pensions for life in exchange for the invention. 14. Alternative designs for increasing power and efficiency were canceled by cost or other considerations, as the more radical changes were found impractical, and the more moderate ones failed to produce the expected economies. The steam engine was eventually replaced altogether by the more efficient and serviceable diesel locomotive. 15. If different parts of the sky have never been in contact, how did they become so uniform? In addition, the big bang fails to account for the dumpiness now seen in the universe. 18. After failing to obtain a physics position at Basel in 1726, he joined the St. Petersburg Academy of Science in 1727. 19. Unfortunately, if coalitions are too strong the core may fail to exist, and if the coalitions are too weak, the core may include a great variety of different outcomes and not provide a satisfactory solution of the game. 27. He was the first to develop a non-Euclidean geometry, but Gauss failed to publish these important findings because he wished to avoid publicity. 29. Although he performed successfully eight more such operations during the next four years, he failed to announce his results until 1849. 30. However, his neglect of other subjects in college led him to fail and lose his scholarship. 31. Hooke anticipated some of the most important discoveries and inventions of his time but failed to carry many of them through to completion. 32. He failed to apply for a patent at that time, but through subsequent legal struggles, won partial patents in 1977 and 1979, and in 1987 he gained a patent that covers several types of laser. 33. Even the Great Depression of the 1930s failed to prevent continued industrial development. 34. The Act also makes it an offence to sell any food which fails to meet safety requirements. 40. The success of Euler and other mathematicians in using calculus to solve mathematical and physical problems, however, only accentuated their failure to develop a satisfactory justification of its basic ideas. 47. Some of these price increases were to a large extent the result of natural conditions that have resulted in crop failures or crop surpluses. 49. The Great Depression, and the failure of democratic governments to tackle the consequent economic hardship and mass unemployment, fuelled fascist movements worldwide. 50. If countries do not have high levels of human capital, due to a failure to invest in education, or have unstable political systems, we will find that the potential is not taken up. 51. Thought is considered by instrumentalists to be a method of meeting difficulties, particularly the difficulties that arise when immediate, unreflective experience is interrupted by the failure of habitual or instinctive modes of reaction to cope with a new situation. 52. Physical immaturity dooms the child's desires to frustration and his or her first step towards adulthood to failure.



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