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Перекладіть речення, визначивши слова широкої семантики та адекватний спосіб їх перекладу (включаючи вилучення):

1. There are two points to be made here. 2. Let me summarize the main points that have been made in this chapter. 3. It is at this point that we turn to, more technical questions. 4. Let us now turn to the kind of results that might come from answering point 2.6. 5. But we are not interested in it as an isolated pieces of writing but as a representative instance of how scientific descriptions are made. 6. Note that at this stage we are not concerned with whether or not these findings are significant for our understanding of the problem. 7. The point then is that there is not, nor can be without misrepresentation, one definitive interpretation of the data. 8. Clearly, a position for which there are no arguments, which has no satisfactory criticisms of its major alternative and which, finally, is internally inconsistent, must be rejected in favor of that alternative, given, as is the case here, that there are no other serious alternatives. 9. In this context cannibalism could be a formal affair, but the situation sometimes exploded into uncontrolled action, including the assault of a corpse and fights over the best portions of meat. 10. The history of the relation between philosophy and theology is thus a long and mixed affair, running the gamut from clarifying religion and providing a justification for it to tearing apart its intellectual underpinnings and trying to see what is left that a 20th-century scientifically oriented person can believe or take seriously. 11. Until recently, television in Europe was a government monopoly, and although there were a few spectacularly successful stations — notably Britain's two BBC channels — by and large, European TV was a fairly dull affair, enlivened now and then by made-for-TV movies by such directors as Federico Fellini and Ingmar Bergman or by American imports. 12. In fact, software and the disk that contains it are often thought of as being the same thing. 13. A reason for such precaution is that it is easy to confuse "one thing causes another" with "one thing follows another." 14. The most remarkable thing that particles do is to change into one another, either by the decay of a single particle into several others or in a collision between two particles from which several new ones may emerge. 15. No such thing as a perpetual motion machine actually could exist. 16. Darwin's geological observations and theories had one thing in common - the idea that things in nature change with time. 17. The New Deal is the term used to refer to U.S. president Franklin D. Roosevelt's program (1933-39) of relief, recovery, and reform that aimed at solving the economic problems created by the Depression of the 1930s. 18. The Fair Deal was the name given to the domestic programs of President Harry S. Truman. First used in 1949, the term generally refers to Truman's entire presidency (1945-53). 19. A great deal of information about the ancient Celts has been gathered by archaeologists from the physical remains of their settlements, cult sites, and burial places all across Europe. 24. In simplest terms, the concern of science is "why," and of technology, "how." 25: Other evidence has given astronomers a good idea of the origin of the universe - the concern of cosmology. 28. The improvement of the safety of existing chemical products, for example, pesticides, is another challenge. 30. Combating AIDS is a major challenge to biomedical scientists and health-care providers. 31. Egoism, however, is not just another version of normative theory; it is, rather, a challenge to ethical theory itself. The challenge of egoism is that it raises the questions, Why should I be moral? What's in it for me?, which rest on the idea that if there is no advantage in being moral, the agent can have no reason to be. 32. Historically associated with the Netherlands, Belgium became a separate entity in the 17th century but did not become independent until 1830. 33. Although the Nguni peoples share a common language and culture, with regional variations, they are not a political entity. 34. The neutron may be regarded as one of the basic constituents of the atom, even though it (like all hadrons) is a complex entity. 35. In nuclear physics, a quark is a hypothetical entity representing a basic constituent of matter - even more fundamental than the proton and neutron, which were once thought to be "elementary" particles. 36. The employees of the corporation are not held personally responsible for the acts of the corporation as a legal entity, although, under the law, they may be held responsible for acts committed as individuals. 37. In addition to the traditional judicial system, a separate and somewhat competing entity, the court of chancery or equity, also developed. 41. The goal is to be able to forecast the location, strength, and time of occurrence of a particular earthquake. 42. There is no more compelling question in cosmology. Not only has Earth long since been displaced from its central position, the stuff of which it is made - as are we humans and all other life-forms - appears to be different from the stuff that comprises most of the universe. 43. One of the most impressive new talents of the 1950s was Robert Frank. Learning from Walker Evans, he forged powerful symbols from the ordinary stuff of American life. 44. To others, the forces that determine revolutionary events are economic and may even lie outside national boundaries - that is, transnational structures and institutions like multinational corporations - and are therefore the real stuff of change. 49. The question is now where the tendency comes from. 52. The arbitration will generally be phrased in the contract as dealing with matters arising under the contract, or out of the contract; the latter phrase allows the arbitration to deal with things that are not actually in the contract, but which occurred in the circumstances of carrying it out. 53. Interesting constellation maps and useful calendars were developed by several ancient peoples, notably the Egyptians, the Mayans, and the Chinese, but the Babylonians accomplished even greater things. 60. In a recession or depression, the proper thing to do was either to enlarge private investment or create public substitutes for the shortfalls in private investment. 62. Ergonomists are scientists who have specialized in the study of the interface between people and the things they come into contact with - particularly artificial things. 64. Globalization, or the internationalization of production, technology, enterprise, and exchange, means different things to different people. 65. The main reason for this, it would be argued, would be that an increase in the money supply, other things being equal, would eventually lead to inflation. 69. Among other things, his treatment of types of regimes in his Politics presaged countless efforts to classify forms of government and has remained a major influence on the discipline. 70. Though open to the criticism of over-simplification, this does usefully demonstrate that whatever the levels of consumption, involving whatever technology, population will multiply the use of resources and of space as well as the output of waste, other things being equal. 71. Since 1992, states in the United States have been allowed to privatize their infrastructure, and faced with budget problems many may be keen to sell off such things as airports and toll roads. 75. All living things need continuing supplies of water to survive. 78. It was not until 1839 that two Germans, Matthias Schleiden and Theodor Schwann, proved that the cell is the common structural unit of living things. 79. Until recently, television in Europe was a government monopoly, and although there were a few spectacularly successful stations—notably Britain's two BBC channels - by and large, European TV was a fairly dull affair. 80. Rather than trying to maintain dual inventories for domestic and foreign markets, a number of U.S. corporations have chosen to go metric. (For example, motor vehicles, farm machinery, and computer equipment are manufactured to metric specifications.) As business goes, so probably will go the nation. 82. When the same invention is made independently by different persons, the patent is awarded to the person who can prove he or she made the invention first. In other countries, it would go to the person who was first to apply for the patent. 83. The fundamental principle of brain organization is that the organization is hierarchical — that is, the same behavior is represented at several levels in the nervous system and ip parallel, so that different functions can occur at the same time. 84. This technology is the basis of all phonograph records.



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