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Unconformity oftheTense

INTRODUCTION | THE THEORIES OF GRAMMATICAL TRANSFORMATION | Transposition. | Replacements are also made at different levels. | Additions. | Omissions. | Translation of English grammatical forms and constructions | THE INFINITIVE | THE GERUND | DIFFERENCES IN COMMA USAGE |

Sometimes the source sentences are translated into the target language without strict observance of the tense employed. It depends on the stylistical features and syntactical requirements. There cases when Present Simple is translated as Future Simple. In fact, it is the so called stylistic Future.

…Always there is something…[1] …Что-нибудь всегда найдется …[2]
The statement is proved by the present example. The pattern there is is transformed as the finite verb in the Future Tense найдется.


…It is my attack… [1] Наступать буду я…[2]
This example demonstrates the transition from the Present Tense form to the Future form in Russian. The inverted word order of the target sentence makes the emphasis on the agent of the action я while the main emphasis in English is made on the pronoun my.


…I have not told you anything you must do…[1] …Я не указываю тебе, что ты должен делать…[2]
The sentence in Present Perfect was rendered as the sentence of the imperfective aspect that occurs quite often while conveying the meaning of Present Perfect into Russian because Russian has less diversified system of tenses. As for the rest parts of the sentence, they were translated with scarce changes.

Summing up morphological transformations, it is necessary to point out that:

1. The category of definiteness /indefiniteness, which is presented with corresponding articles in English, is often translated with additional lexical units to reach equal meaning and stylistic framing. It often results in further transformations within a sentence.
2. A translator should substitute singular with plural and backward if it requires norms of the languages. Since English has no category of gender, it should be introduced in Russian translated text. Besides, in the cases when pronouns are introduced of certain gender, a translator should consider not only grammatical features of the source language, but also peculiarities of national mind of native speakers.
3. Change of parts of speech is one of the most frequent transformation (nouns, pronouns, verbs, non-finite verbs, and adjectives). So, parts of speech are changed to reach equal meaning and expressiveness, thus, causing the change of syntactical structure, which will be considered in a detailed way in the following chapter. Nevertheless, sometimes change of parts of speech cam be considered as inevitable in translation because changes can be explained by combinatory norms of words implied.
4. Translation’s decisions on unconformity of tenses occur mostly due to stylistic preferences and a little number of Russian grammatical tenses. There are only 3 tenses in Russian as compared with very diversified tense system in English. That is the reason for a set of transformation typical of synthetical language that is Russian.

Дата добавления: 2015-08-27; просмотров: 61 | Нарушение авторских прав

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