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Dialogue 2

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  1. Complete the dialogue with one word in each space.
  3. Dialogue
  4. Dialogue
  6. Dialogue
  7. Dialogue 1 страница

John: Hello, Nick. Haven't seen you for ages. Where have you been, old boy?

Nick: Hello, I've just come back from France.

John: Have you really? What were you doing there?

Nick: Oh, it was just a business trip.

John: Did you fly there?

Nick: Yes, I did. And it was very exciting.

John: Where did you get your ticket?

Nick: I went to the Air Company office and fixed up everything in a few minutes. Then I came home, packed my things and got ready for the trip.

John: Did you feel nervous?

Nick: Not a bit. Just excited.

John: Did you get into the plane straight away?

Nick: Oh, no. First 1 had to check in my lug­gage. If your luggage is overweight you have to pay extra, if it is underweight you needn't pay anything.

John: And what did you do then?

Nick: I went to the departure lounge to wait for my flight. When it was announced I passed through customs and immigration office and walked to the plane. It was on the run­way. Sometimes when the plane is at the far end of the field passengers are taken there by a special motor-coach.

John: Did the stewardess meet you at the gangway?

Nick: Sure she did. She welcomed us and showed us to our seats. In a few minutes "No smo­king" and "Fasten your belts" were lighted up and the pilot began to taxi out into the middle of the airfield.

John: How did you feel in the air? Not airsick?

Nick: No, the flight was very smooth. We didn't hit a single air-pocket.

John: Could you see anything through the port­hole?

Nick: Only clouds.

John: How long were you up?

Nick: About three hours.

John: Was it veiy expensive?

Nick: Rather. But it saved me a lot a time.

Exercise 1. Answer the following questions.

1. Have you ever travelled by air? Where did you fly? When was it? Did you feel nervous before the flight9 Was the flight smooth or rough? Were you airsick? 2. Whe­re do we get tickets for air trips? 3. How many airports are there in Petersburg? Are they far away from the centre of the city? How can you get there? Is there a spe­cial bus service for passengers? 4. Do passengers go straight to the plane? What do they have to do first? In what case do they have to pay extra for their luggage? Are they allowed to take any luggage on board a plane? 5. Who meets passengers at the gangway? Does she show passengers to their seats? 6. When are passengers taken to the plane by a special motor coach? 7. Are flights sometimes put back? When does it happen? Was your flight ever put back? By how long? 8. Why is it necessary to do up a safety-belt during taking off and landing? 9. Is smoking allowed on board a plane? Why is it not allowed? 10. What information is usually given to the pas­sengers on board a plane? 11. What services does a stewardess offer them? 12. At what speed and altitude do modern aircrafts fly? 13. On what flights do they serve meals? 14. Is travelling by air more expensive than Brailway travel? 15. What are the advantages and dis­advantages of air travelling?

Exercise 2. Answer the following questions according to the example. Extend your answers wherever possible.

Example: Would you (rather) like

to sit at the pilot's cabin or at the porthole? I don't mind it either way.

Or: I'd rather sit at the porthole. I like to look through it.

1. Would you like to go by plane or by train? 2. Wo­uld you like to go to the airport by the metro or by a special passenger bus? 3. Would you like to book your ticket be­forehand or on the day of the departure? 4. Would you like to take this bag with you or have it stored in the luggage hold? 5. Would you like to do the shopping now or after classes? 6. Would you like to visit him today or on Sunday? 7. Would you like to speak to the Dean now or after the meeting?

Exercise 3. Look through the dialogues and find the English for:

Заботиться о пассажирах; взлететь; быть на взлетной полосе; застегнуть ремень; болят уши; взвесить и зарегистрировать багаж; весить больше (меньше) положенного; проводить на место; выруливатьна середину взлетного поля; спокойный полет; попасть в воздушную яму; сэкономить время.

Exercise 4. Ask your fellow students and let them answer:

... if he (she) has ever travelled by plane

... how he (she) liked it

... how (he) she felt when flying for the first time

... if he (she) gets tickets for a plane beforehand

... if he (she) travels at half-fare or at full fare

... how long it takes one to get from Petersburg to the

South... if her (his) flight was ever put back... why it was put back... by how long it was put back... when flights are put back... if she (he) likes sitting at the porthole... what one can see through it if visibility is good... who looks after passengers on board a plane... what information passengers get about the flight... if she ever wanted to become a stewardess... what kind of person a stewardess must be in her

(his) opinion... if flying is more dangerous than railway travel... if it is more expensive than railway travel

Exercise 5. What will you say if you want to know:

at what speed the plane is flying; what the tempera­ture outside is; when the plane is due to arrive in Peters­burg; why the plane is late; why the airport does not take planes; if you may take your camera with you; where you can get a snack (at the airport); if you can take the seat at the window; if your fellow-passenger is travelling for the first time; how long you will be up; if smoking is allowed onboard a plane; if the stewardess can get you some medi­cine for your airsickness; why you must fasten your sa­fety belt.

Exercise 6. What will you do if:

you want to fly to the Black Sea coast in summer; your flight is put back by half an hour; you want to have something to read on board a plane; you are afraid of get­ting airsick; "No Smoking" and "Fasten your Belts" are lighted up; your flight is called (announced); your luggage is overweight; you want to take your brief-case with you; you missed your plane; you came to see your friend off but her (his) flight is put back; you want to send a tele­gram from the airport; you want to know when the plane from Sochi arrives; you want to know why the plane from London is late.

Exercise 7. Use the following questions and sentences in a natural context of your own.

1. Did you enjoy your trip by air? 2. Is my luggage overweight? Do I have to pay extra? How much do you charge per kilo? 3. Has flight 318 been announced yet? 4. Look, the plane is taxiing out into the middle of the field. Now it's gathering speed. We're off. How are you feeling? 5. We've just hit an air-pocket. Are you well? Not airsick? 6. Stewardess, when are we due to arri­ve in Moscow? Aren't we late? 7. The plane is landing. Have you fastened your belt? 8. Was it a non-stop flight? 9. Can you see anything through the porthole?

Exercise 8. Complete the following sentences.

1. Your luggage is overweight, you'll have.... 2. The announcer has called our flight, let's.... 3. Flight 242 toOdessa is put back because.... 4. The airport doesn't take planes because.... 5. Fasten your belts, the plane.... 6. I didn't see anything through the porthole.... 7. Pas­sengers must have then luggage.... 8. No, you won't ha­ve to pay extra, your luggage.... 9. The flight was..., 10. The motor coach will take us.... 11. We are flying at.... 12. I'd rather sit.... 13. If your ears are aching you'd better.... 14. Visibility was.... 15. Modern airplanes fly.... 16. I fastened my belt when.... 17. When the plane hit an air-pocket.... 18. The plane taxied out into the middle of the field and.... 19. Travelling by air saves us.... 20. A thunderstorm was promised, so....

Exercise 9. Ask questions so that the sentences given below were answers.

1. The airport doesn't take planes because of the weather. 2. The flight is put back because the plane from Odessa has not arrived yet. 3. You have to pay... roubles extra for your luggage. 4. No, you can't have this bag with you, you must have it registered. 5. Our plane is on the runway already. 6. The announcer has called flight 451. 7. We are flying at the speed of 800 km. 8. The flight was very smooth. 9. No, I wasn't airsick, though the flight was rather rough. 10. The plane was late because it had to make a forced landing. 11. Visibility was very good and I could see for miles through the porthole. 12. The temperature outside was 15 degrees below zero. 13. Smok­ing was not allowed.

Exercise 10. Insert prepositions and postverbal ad­verbs wherever necessaiy.

1. Flying is quite safe and veiy convenient as the com­pany takes a good care... their passengers. 2. I think the plane is going to take..., you'd better put... your cigarette. 3. ''No smoking" and "Fasten your belts" have been lighted

...... the pilot's cabin. 4. The plane is taxiing...... the middle... the field. 5. How long shall we be...? 6. First you must have your luggage checked in and then a motor coach will take you... the plane. 7. When you fly abroad you must pass... customs. 8. The stewardess greeted the passengers and showed them... their seats. 9. If the weather keeps nasty our flight may be put... or cancelled. 10. Passengers are not allowed to have bulky and heavy things... board a plane. 11. Meals are usually served... flights which last more than 3 hours.

Exercise 11. Compose your own dialogues.

1. You are planning to fly to the South in summer. Discuss with your friend the advantages and disad­vantages of travelling by air and by train. 2. You've just arrived from N. Your friend has come to meet you at the airport. Tell her about your flight and stay at N. 3. You've come to the booking-office to get a ticket for a plane. What will you ask the clerk about?

Exercise 12. Be ready to talk on one of the following topics.

1. Your first travelling by air. 2. Describe a big airport. 3. Describe the flight to N. as if you were a stewardess (the flight was very rough, the plane had to make a forced landing, the passengers were panic-stricken, you had to comfort and encourage them).

4. Render an episode from any book you've read which concerns air trips, aircrashes etc.

Exercise 13. Translate into English.

1. Моя подруга собиралась лететь в Крым. По­скольку это было ее первое воздушное путешествие, она очень волновалась. Я спросила ее, почему она не хочет ехать поездом, если лететь страшно. Она сказала, что ей не хочется тратить много времени на дорогу, ей хотелось бы подольше побыть в Крыму. 2. В день отьезда мы поехали в аэропорт. Катя зарегистри­ровала билет и багаж, и мы пошли в буфет выпить чашку кофе. Погода была не очень обнадеживающая (promising). Шел небольшой дождь. По радио объяви­ли, что рейс 237 на Симферополь задерживается на полчаса. Катя начала нервничать. Я сказала, что иног­да такие вещи случаются. Через полчаса пассажиров на рейс 237 пригласили пройти к самолету. Мы попро­щались, и Катя побежала. 3. У трапа пассажиров встречала стюардесса. Через несколько минут самолет вырулил на взлетную полосу. Над кабиной пилота зажглись надписи "Не курить!", "Пристегнуть ремни!" 4. Пассажиры сидели в своих креслах, просматривали газеты, разговаривали. Многие смотрели в иллюми­наторы. Небо было безоблачным, и видимость отлич­ная. Стюардесса сообщила, на какой высоте и с какой скоростью летит самолет. Когда самолет пошел на по­садку, снова вспыхнули надписи: "Не курить!", "При­стегнуть ремни!" Через несколько минут самолет уже бежал по взлетной дорожке.

Дата добавления: 2015-08-26; просмотров: 122 | Нарушение авторских прав

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