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I know some people that could help you. Exercise 2. Rewrite four or more of the sentences from Exercise 1 using that.

The earth goes round the sun. | Exercise 4. Read the sentences about Brian Johnson and arrange them in the correct order. | THE PAST SIMPLE TENSE | Get become change rise improve fall increase | THE PAST CONTINUOUS TENSE | It was sunny, but there was a cold wind. | She plays both tennis and badminton. He both things and dances. | Exercise 3. Find the corresponding idea in the right-hand column. | Exercise 5. Write passive sentences. | Exercise 8. Match the parts. |

Читайте также:
  1. And, by Jove, he was right! Once on the right track, you couldn't mistake it. Motty was under the surface.
  2. And, by Jove, he was right! Once on the right track, you couldn't mistake it. Motty was under the surface.
  3. Changing words into nouns for people. You can also change a word by adding a suffix
  4. Changing words into nouns for people. You can also change a word by adding a suffix
  5. Choose the correct word from the box to complete the following list of things which irritate people when flying.
  6. Choose the correct word from the box to complete the following list of things which irritate people when flying.
  7. Dashed unpleasant. I could see that the man was wounded. But I was firm. I tied the tie, got into the coat and waistcoat, and went into the sitting-room.

Exercise 2. Rewrite four or more of the sentences from Exercise 1 using that.

In place of him, her, it and them (objects) we can use who(m), which or that.

Who is very informal as an object; whom is more formal.

Where’s that nurse? I saw her last time. – Where’s that nurse who(m)/that I saw last time?

These are problems. You don’t have them. – These are problems which/that you don’t have.


But we use which to refer to the whole clause. Compare:

The dentist pulled out the teeth which/that were causing trouble.

(‘Which/that’ just refers to ‘the teeth’.)

The dentist had to pull out two of my teeth, which was a real pity.

(‘Which refers to the whole clause before: ‘The dentist... teeth’.)


Note that what cannot be used in thisway.

He got the job, which surprised us all.

Exercise 3. Do you know the English words for nationalities and languages? Complete the sentences; use a dictionary to help you.

The people who live in.............. speak Greek.

The language that people speak in Hungary is called.................

The language............ people speak in China is called.........…...

The people who live in........... speak Italian.

The............ live in...................... Turkish.

The language................. Algeria is called Arabic.

The people.................... Holland...........................

The language.....................................Irish.

The people........... Portugal......................

....................... Japan …..........................

Exercise 4. Put in which or what.

She cycles to work everyday........ keeps her healthy.

I very much liked......... you said at the meeting.

They gave me......... I asked for.

The lights suddenly went out............ frightened Granny terribly.

This is............I need.

Everybody arrived late........... didn’t surprise me in the least.

The door was locked.............. which was a nuisance.

He wouldn’t tell me............ I wanted to know.

She let me borrow one of her dresses..........was very kind of her.

We’re going to repair the roof............ will cost a fortune.


We normally use that, not which after all, everything, nothing, the only... and superlatives.

We do not use what in these cases.

I’ve told you all that I know.

The only thing that matters to me is your happiness.

Exercise 4. Join the beginnings and ends.

Beginnings Ends
All the poetry That happened
At school I learnt nothing That he wrote was destroyed in fire
I’ve told you everything That she said made any difference
Nothing That was ever made
It’s the best western film That I could get
The most useful thing That was useful to me
This is the only hire car That you can do is leave now
You can have everything That you want

After words for time and place we can use when and where as relatives.

I’ll never forget the day when I first met you. (=...the day on which ...)

Do you know a shop where I can find sandals? (=...a shop at which ...)


We can leave out object pronouns who(m), which and that.

Where’s that nurse I saw last time? These are problems you don’t have.

Exercise 5. In which three sentences do you feel the relative pronoun can be left out?

The job that he got wasn’t very interesting.

A woman who(m) my sister knows has just bought the housenext door.

The doctor who treated me didn’t know what he was doing.

I’m sorry for people who haven’t got a sense of humour.

Have you got anything that will clean this carpet?

Have you got a typewriter that I can use?

Exercise 6. Is the relative pronoun the subject or object in these clauses?

That’s the woman who lives next door.

Our doctor is a person whom I really respect.

He had a simple idea which changed the world. I’ve lost that nice ring which Bill gave me.

I’ve lost that nice ring which Bill gave me.

It’s a book that everybody talks about and nobodyreads.

Once there were three rabbits that lived neara river.

That’s the man who I wanted tosee.

An orphan is a child who hasn’t got any parents.

He keeps telling you things which you already know.

They never thanked me for the money that I sent them.

Exercise 7. Make each pair of sentences into one sentence without using who(m)/which/that.

You asked me to get you a paper. Here’s the paper. (Here’s...)

You recommended a film. We went to see the film, but we didn’t think much of it. (We went …)

My sister bought a new car last month. The car has broken down four times already. (The car …)

You didn’t recognise an actor on television last night. The actor was Kiefer Sutherland. (The actor …)

Jane had some friends at school. Only a very few of the friends went on to university. (Only …)

My father had an operation for his heart problem. The operation was only a partial success. (The operation...)

Mark wrote an essay while we were on holiday. The essay has won a prize in the school competition. (The essay …)

My daughter brings friends home. Some of the friends look as though they never wash. (Some of …)

We can use what to mean ‘the thing(s) that’.

What is like a noun + relative pronoun together.

What she sad made me angry. I gave him what he needed.

We don’t use what after all, everybody or nothing.

Everything that I have is yours.

Exercise 8. Join the beginnings and ends using ’what’.

Example: What I need is a drink.

I’ll pay for what I broke.

Beginnings Ends
I’ll pay for Happened to poor Harry?
I need I broke.
Did you read about I don’t eat.
He just teaches you I expected.
I want to know I meant.
The dog can have Is a drink.
The holiday wasn’t at all Made me happy.
They hadn’t got She asked for.
You misunderstood – that isn’t Is where’s my car gone?
You said You already know.


We can joint sentences by putting whose in place of his, her or its.

I saw a girl. Her beauty took my breath away. – I saw a girl whose beauty took my breath away.

Exercise 9. Make sentences with whose.

A good builder is one whose houses don’t fall dawn.

A good parent is one whose....……………………..

A good gardener..........…………………………….

A good doctor..........................…………….............

A good writer........................................…………....

A good teacher....……………..................................

A good cook............................…………..................

A good businessman.....………...............................

We sometimes leave out who/which/that + is/are/was/were.

Do you know that man standing new the door? (=... who is standing...)

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