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Revolutionary discovery of Russian scientists in the field of improvement of health and rejuvenation of human organism

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  5. Fields of Science
  7. I. Give the Russian equivalent to the following words and word combinations.

Center Region

For the sake of human health and wellbeing

Revolutionary Discovery of Russian Scientists

In the Field of Improvement of Health and

Rejuvenation of Human Organism


Revolutionary discovery of Russian scientists in the field of improvement of health and rejuvenation of human organism

I will tell You about the discovery the Russian Scientists and about the unique outcome of this discovery – the functional state correctors (FSC). They are also called the “Kol’tsov’s plates” after the name of the author of this device, the outstanding scientist and inventor.

My prime goal is, on the one hand, to explain what this device is like, on which principles it operates, how it looks like in its design and what processes take place when these unique devices interact with human organism, and, on the other hand, to familiarize you with various technical, electrical and electronic devices that produce the harmful electronic smog. I would like also to explain how these devices neutralize the harmful geopathogenic zones in our dwelling apartments and at our workplaces.

Besides, you will familiarize yourselves with the latest scientific discoveries in such, at the first glance, absolutely non-scientific fields as various psychoenergetic effects known by people as “sglaz” (bewitching with the evil eye), “porcha” (infliction of damage to a person’s health or well-being by a malicious spell), “privorot” (binding a person by a spell), “proklyatye” (curse) and other like effects, and how the functional state correctors manage to cope with them. Furthermore, I will tell you how the effect of these correctors may be recorded by instruments and demonstrated to any person.

In the final analysis, my goal is to explain you the specific mechanism of the effect produced by functional state correctors on human organism, to tell you how and where these devices may be used to advantage, and familiarize you with the concrete results obtained by the concrete persons using the FSC.

In addition, I wish that everyone of you should be aware of the following, very important fact. Now, you have the real opportunity to help other people, and, particularly to teenagers, because it is this group of population that badly needs help. All those players, computers, mobile phones that they use much more frequently and during much longer time than we, adults, may become a source of sharp impairment of operation of their immune system. Now, wherever we see teenagers we see them with player cords in their ears (and practically all of them have players) and with mobile phones in their hands (and practically all of them have mobile phones) by means of which they send one another the SMS (and send them one by one in a rapid succession). Moreover, when at home, by means of their computers they communicate with one another through the Internet or play in the computer games (among the teenagers, those described above constitute an overwhelming majority). And, as a result, the erythrocytes in their blood stick together, thus forming clots and thereby preventing the blood to perform its function with hundred percent efficiency (the efficiency of the clotted blood lies somewhere within 15 to 20 percent), what, in the final analysis results in no other than deficiency of oxygen in tissues (oxygen starvation).

The leucocytes, the element of our immune system, whose task is to destroy various viruses, bacteria, fungi and other parasites, become 1.5 – 2 times smaller in volume and, thereby, fail to perform their functions. This is confirmed by the film shot under the microscope, where all this is clearly visible. But when a person uses the FSC his (her) blood-stream resumes its normal functioning, erythrocytes begin to function normally and leucocytes become more active.

I repeat once again that now you have not only become capable of helping yourself and your relatives and friends, but you have also become capable of correcting the harm inflicted to people by modern technical devices. On the one hand, it is very good that we have computers, Internet, cell phones and players. With their aid we can study foreign languages, listen to our favorite musical melodies, etc. Of course I am not against the up-to-date technology. Moreover, I cannot and do not want to dispense with it. If you tell a teenager that the player is not very good thing because it does harm to human organism, he (she) either will not pay any attention to your words or will laugh at them. And we, ourselves, cannot already dispense with mobile telephones. And the computer is not other than an instrument that helps us in our work and studies.

And now, thanks to the functional state correctors it has become possible to completely neutralize the harmful technogenic radiation coming from these devices. And now you can and even must bring this information to people, particularly to the teenagers’ parents! I once again repeat that what happens now with children is a very serious problem. Simply stated, we must literally save our children.

The first thing I would like to do is to explain you the basic terms that will be encountered in the text of this booklet. I will explain you what such notions as the information recording and polarization mean, and why the functional state correctors, these, at the first glance, very simple devices resembling merely a stack of small-size plates, are essentially a powerful instrument capable of not only improving our health, but also (and I will more a few times underline this) rejuvenating our organism.

I say once again that the permanent use of these small-size plates not only makes people healthier by removing the problems accumulated in them, but also allows them to become younger (rejuvenate) by neutralizing the harmful molecules known as the free radicals and improving the state of internal organs. In addition, the FSC can also produce many other effects which are of great benefit for man. What does the term rejuvenation mean? To rejuvenate means to live longer and without diseases. Using these devices, you change your biological age, i.e. you decrease it. Now, any person can check his (her) biological age. For this purpose, specialists have developed the special equipment and have written special manuals how to use it. If you take measurement following the use of the FSC you will notice that your biological age has decreased.

Thus, let us understand what information is recorded on the FSC and how it is performed.

For the beginning let us remember what the homeopathy is. It means the production of the desired effect on human organism by way of information. All of you have seen the small white homeopathic balls. This is essentially the sugar grains, i.e. tiny sugar balls, impregnated with the water in which information about some or other substance is recorded.

What does it mean?

In the Middle Ages it was noticed that any disease is accompanied by definite manifestations or, in the language of medicine, symptoms. Knowing the manifestations (symptoms), people tried to find such substances the solution of which, when being taken orally, would produce the same manifestations. If during the disease with such symptoms a sick person drinks the solution of this substance, all the symptoms of the disease disappear!

This is not other than the manifestation of the well-known saying “to take a hair of the dog that bit you”. In other words, what causes the problems, that removes them – this is the basic principle of homeopathy.

And when the medieval physicians began to study this matter still deeper, they, suddenly, discovered the following phenomenon. Suppose, that we dissolved some substance in a glass with water. Then, we poured ninety percent, or nine tenths, of the solution out of the glass and then poured the same amount of water into the glass. In doing so, we decreased the concentration of the solution tenfold. In homeopathy such manipulation is called dilution, i.e. dilution is a tenfold decrease in concentration of a solution. Two dilutions decrease the concentration of the solution a hundred times, three dilutions – a thousand times, four – ten thousand times, etc. The essence of this process consists in the fact that after twenty three dilutions, when we have decreased the concentration of the substance in the solution enormous number of times (i.e. the number that is written as a unity with twenty three zeroes), physically, no molecules of the substance remain any more in the solution. But an amazing fact is that the fewer molecules of the substance are in water (or, to put it differently, the larger the number of dilutions) the stronger is the effect of the solution.

In other words, what we actually have is that now the effect is produced by the water rather than by the substance, and produced informationally, because the substance that could produce it do not exist any longer in the solution, not a single molecule! The effect is actually produced only by the information recorded in some netherto unknown way on the water. This is what we call homeopathy.

Homeopathy has been known from the times immemorial and its treatment methods and techniques were approved by the Ministry of Health very long ago. Homeophathic preparations are now in a wide use all over the world. But for a very long time the mechanism by means of which information is recorded on water remained an unsolved mystery.

The outstanding Russian scientist Valentin Stanislavovich Zenin has, first, theoretically substantiated the hypothesis made by him as to the mechanism governing the processes of recording of information on water and, then, has proved his hypothesis by demonstration of the photographs made by him under electron microscope where these processes were clearly visible. And what has been found? It has been found that water, instead of individual molecules, consists really of groups of molecules. Among the Russian scientists it is acceptable practice to call these groups of molecules “associates”, whereas in the Western scientific circles, just as among many people in Russia who do not directly deal with this problem, more widely used is the term “clusters” of water. Thus, the clusters are essentially the groups of molecules combined in three-dimensional crystals. And it turned out that recording of information is nothing but changes in the electronic bonds between the molecules inside a cluster or associate. Nine hundred and twelve molecules are interconnected with one another by means of electronic bonds. They are held together due to various types of bonds, such as the bonds between the molecules of oxygen, the bonds between the molecules of hydrogen, the bonds between the molecules of oxygen and hydrogen. There are a lot of various elements inside the cluster and, hence, there are a lot of bonds between them. And information is recorded when these bonds undergo changes.

Thirty five years ago I delivered lectures on informatics to schoolchildren in the Pioneers’ Palace and brought them an element of memory of the computer (called then the electronic computing machine). It was essentially the rectangular frame with the wire mesh located inside. At the points of intersection between the wires there were arranged the tiny ferrite rings made of the material that changed its magnetization under the effect of electrical current in the wires. The magnetization may be either high or low, which correspondingly denoted either unity or zero. And information was recorded by various combinations of these unities and zeroes.

The same we have in homeopathy. There are clusters of molecules of water. Inside the clusters there are electron bonds between elements, and when these bonds change, the information is recorded. In the same way one sequence of unities and zeroes inside a computer becomes changed with another, and, thus, information is recorded.

Some of you have probably seen such children’s toy – on the perforated flat plate resting on its rib there are arranged many sliding cylinders passing through the plate holes. Looking like tiny nails, these cylinders can move forward and backward in their holes. If you press these cylinders with you palm, those located under the palm will be forced down into the plate, while the others will remain at rest. As a result you will have the imprint of your palm, or, in other words, we will have the information about your palm. If, another same plate is placed without any clearance behind our plate, then the sliding cylinders of the initial plate that carry information about your palm will push part of the cylinders of the second toy, and we will obtain the same imprint of your palm on the second toy. If, in the same manner we place behind the second toy as many plates as we want, the imprints on each of them will almost immediately assume the shape of your palm.

The similar processes take place at the moment of recording information. The changes in the electron bonds inside some or other number of clusters result practically at once in the changes in all other clusters. It is this fact that explains the processes taking place in homeopathy, when during dilutions the dissolved substance disappears, but information continues to be recorded.

For instance, a psychic is asked to mentally produce some or other effect on water. And, depending on his (her) mental directive, the temperature of water in the glass begin to rise or fall. In other words, water can respond to mental directives. Moreover, we can record the information on water not only from the substances dissolved in it, but also from our thoughts.

Therefore, when children watch TV and at the same time take meal (and any meal contains water), and when at this moment the TV shows the scenes of violence, murder, debauchery and other unethical things, all that the TV shows will be recorded on meals and drinks. It is not for nothing that in old Russia the process of taking food was always preceded by prayer, i.e. people sanctified the food. In the instructions describing how to use the FSC the users may come across such notion as the Tibetan fungus (oncoprotector, immunomodulator). The Tibetan fungus is essentially a colony of microorganisms. If you place this fungus in milk, the next day you will get a very tasty sour-milk product. The word “polarization” means recording of information. From this fungus the information on its oncoprotective, cancer-combating, immunomodulative and immunity-improving properties is recorded on the carrier.

Information can be recorded not only on water, but on solid substances as well. In a solid substance, just as in a cluster of water, changes in the inner state of the substance itself take place. For instance, you can buy now the devices called reprinters. It is these devices that re-record information from one carrier to another. For instance, you can record the tiny sugar ball that has already been mentioned in the foregoing text. All these things have long been known and have long been in use.

Why do many people call the invention of the functional state corrector revolutionary? Recorded on the FSC is the definite information which, if you use the device, i.e. carry it with yourself, begin to act on all organs of your organism without exception.

Recorded on the first plate (it is called “FSC No. 1 antiparasitic”) is the information from various substances useful for our health, i.e. plants, herbs, fruits, vegetables, spices and berries that actively attack the parasites living in each of us.

A few commentaries about the words “living in each of us”. Each of us is like the forest where we can find practically everything. If we are in good health, the parasites that live in us are not active and do not manifest themselves. But once you press the button of your cell phone, or switch off the light, or begin to work with your calculator computer, the powerful oxidation processes become triggered in your organism, with the resultant formation of a large number of free radicals. Once we take food with preservatives or dyers, once we feel nervous, or begin to breath while being “jammed” in traffic conjestion (for instance, in Moscow the air is polluted by three million cars and I don’t know how many trucks, buses, trolleybuses, etc.), your organism immediately responds to it by forming free radicals. Free radicals are essentially charged molecules that are extremely dangerous for human organism.

Why are they so harmful? They disturb many biochemical processes in human organism. There exists the so-called free-radical theory of ageing, and this theory have recently been convincingly proved by the practice of our life. In gerontology, it has very long been known that the larger the concentration of free radicals, the older is the biological age of man. And high concentration of free radicals is directly related to the conditions beneficial for development of parasites in our organism.

Where do they come from, these parasites living in us?

If in your childhood you had in your house a cat or a dog, without any doubts you have parasites. Even when you hear something like “… my cat is absolutely clean, because she never went out, she is always at home …”, the person who says it must be explained that kittens become infected when during their birth they move along their mother’s natal ways. Even if the cat’s mother and grandmother neither went out of the house, then it is most probably that her great-grandmother or great-great-grandmother went out. If you keep a dog in your house, you must know that once the dog went out of the house for a walk, on returning she (or he) will bring you a whole variety of worms, protozoa, viruses and bacteria. Or, another example: in the eighths issue of its journal “Direct investments” the Saving Bank of Russia published the results of its researches into the condition of banknotes. It investigated the condition of roubles, dollars and euros. It turned out that the rouble banknotes carry enormous amount of viruses and fungi, and that dollars carry in addition worm larvae. The euro banknotes were found to be free from any of these parasites, because most probably they are impregnated with some compound that prevents reproduction of these parasites. But even in this case, it should be remembered that you take euro in your hands, this compound, even though in a small amount, enter your organism. The famous American clinical physician Hilda Clark says that she can cure any disease. She is the author of the parasitic theory of diseases. In detail, this theory is described in her book “There is no incurable diseases”, where she explains us in a simple and easily understandable language how we, using quite uncomplicated instruments, can see for ourselves that a lot of diseases are caused by the parasites that live inside our organism.

When I say “parasites” I mean viruses, fungi, bacteria, protozoa and worms. Besides, I cannot help reminding you here that in your cat petted by everyone in your house there are 20 million worms of only one of the species in one gram of excrement. In Moscow, just as in any other town, a lot of cats and dogs evacuate directly in the streets. Then their excrement dries up and is spread by wind. And when you see the vagabond descending on the underground escalator you are surely aware that today in the morning he did not wash his hand with soap. That is, according to Hilda Clark, we are constantly in the situation where diseases are caused by parasites and by a definite substance the doses of which do not exceed the maximum permissible concentration, but nonetheless the traces of which exist in our organism. Now, such giant American companies as “Pepsi-Cola” and “Coca-Cola” together with the American Association of Dentists sue Hilda Clark. For what and why? Because, in her book she shows that while the empty Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola bottles are washed they are disinfected with methyl alcohol. Then methyl alcohol is poured out of the bottles and the bottles are rinsed, but, nevertheless, the traces of methyl alcohol remain in bottles. It does not violate the law, because the concentration of methyl alcohol in the remaining traces does not exceed the maximum permissible value, but, nevertheless, when we drink the beverages these traces enter our organism.

The fact is that these tiny amounts of the substance in combination with a definite parasite cause a definite disease. When a dentist fills the tooth of his (her) patient, he (she) tries to do it so that the colour of the filling material would match the colour of the tooth. To do this, the dentist adds to the filling material various colour additives that are no other than salts of various metals. According to Hilda Clark these salts of metals together with a particular parasite also cause a particular disease. How can we determine the symptoms by which we may be sure with the highest degree of probability that worms, protozoa, bacteria, viruses and other parasites live in this or that person’s organism.

If you are found to be sick with one particular disease, the probability that your disease is caused by parasites is very high. And if you begin to rid from parasites using various antiparasitic means, you will definitely begin to feel much better and the manifestations of this disease will disappear.

Among the diseases that may be caused by parasites I can name the following: frequent acute respiratory disease, angina, chronic tonsillitis, inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, sinusitis, polyps, snoring, asthma, diabetes, epilepsy, heart disease, inflammation of the adrenal glands, kidneys, bladder infection, cystitis, sand and stones in kidneys and bladder.

In females: leucorrhoea, inflammation of the ovaries and adnexa, painful monthly periods and shifts of menstrual cycles, breakdown, myomas, fibroids, fibrocystic breast disease.

In males: prostatitis, adenoma of prostate, impotence. In addition, the infection by parasites can cause the following symptoms: constipation, diarrhea, gases and bloating, inflammation of the intestinal walls, pain in joints and muscles, gingivitis, allergies, skin problems, hives, rashes and eczema, tumors, warts, psoriasis, dermatitis, sleep disturbance, chronic fatigue, multiple sclerosis, oncology.

In addition, this is what I have not said about. Many people like dried fish. But the food that was not sufficiently heat treated, always contains a variety of different parasites. The Japanese who eat only freshly-caught fish and whose national dish – sushi contains raw fish, know perfectly well that in raw fish there are always worms, and larvae of worms. So what do the Japanese do? They always eat sushi with large amount of pickled ginger and spicy wasabi mustard, thus protecting themselves from parasites.

So, what is necessary to do?

It is necessary regularly (and the more regular, the better) to clean yourself of parasites. In Russia, from the ancient times children have been given the wormwood wrapped in a breadcrumb. That is why, the information that carries the full nomenclature of the antiparasitic means is recorded on the FSC. And by acting homeopathically on the human organism, this information will, by all means, create in it the environment in which the parasites will begin to die and will not appear anew.

As soon as I started to use FSC No. 1, my organism began to go through severe antiparasitic cleaning accompanied by high temperature, and during two days the processes in my organism were so “stormy” that I could not go outside. And these processes were launched by no other than the informational effect produced by the functional state corrector.

Every day, during the first half of the time it is necessary to carry the first plate – antiparasitic, and then the second plate – detox. The first plate is used to kill parasites and, the second one – to detoxicate organism or, in other words, to clean it from what has been left of them.

Reaction of the organism to these processes is different in different persons, and, therefore, on the basis of my own experience and experience of other people, and following the advice that has already long ago been offered by medicine, I would like to state: everyone must drink every day not less than thirty grams of water per kilogram of the body weight. Generally speaking, we must drink water if only because we need it for life. To obtain the amount of water in litres that is necessary for human organism per day we must multiply the person’s weight in kilograms by three hundredth (0.03). For instance, if a person weighs one hundred kilograms he (she) must drink three liters of water per day, if his (her) weight is fifty kilograms – one and a half litres per day, etc. It is advisable of course to drink the water processed by the FSC.

One more property of the FSC plate lies in the fact that it structures water. If you place a glass on the FSC plate and then pour water in it, the water will be processed immediately. But, if you place on the FSC plate the glass that has already been filled with water, then, according to the recommendations given by S.V. Kol’tsov, before drinking you should keep it on the plate for 5 – 6 minutes.

I will say honestly that one of the main reasons why I joined this company was that I got to know that one of its staff members is the outstanding scientist S.V. Zenin. Before joining the company, during three and a half years I had told people about the properties of water and showed them the book written by S.V. Zenin entitled “Water”. It is only then that I realized that the company is in the serious business. Why serious? If only because the staff members of this company are the scientists who cooperate with the Academy of Medical Sciences and with the Russian Academy of Sciences. And if some discovery or invention is approved by these academies it means that it has been checked thoroughly and more than once. And the Kol’tsov’s plates, these unique scientific devices, have passed multiple checks.

For instance, the physicians dealing with the study and destruction of parasites (parasitologists) take a test-tube with water containing parasites and process it with the information recorded on the plate and then record the state of parasites. The first thing that the physicians see is that bacteria ceases to reproduce, i.e. their live energy is failing, and after some time the solution grows turbid, i.e. the parasites begin to dissolve in water. When I started to use the FSC plate, these processes began to take place inside myself, and these were far from short-time processes.

Apart from the antiparasitic information, the information on the water is also recorded on the FSC. On what water? Selected for this purpose was the special natural spring. When quality of water begins to approach the quality of natural spring water, its properties immediately change. You can demonstrate to any person that these plates not only immediately change the condition of water, but also immediately change the state of human organism. This can be shown in following way.

This test is called a kinesiological test. Kinesiology is the section of medicine studying the state of human organism with the help of muscular reactions.

If you ask a person to stretch his hand and then begin to press it downwards, the person will resist the downward movement of his hand with a definite force. But, if he takes the FSC in his other hand, his resistance force will increase immediately. Now, to lower his hand you will have to exert much stronger effort. The same will take place if the person takes a gulp of water processed with the help of the FSC. This example is so much illustrative that those who want it can see the test results with their own eyes. The effect of the FSC increases not only the resistance force of the person’s hand, but its flexibility as well, and increases so much that the people who were present at the test became literally dumbfounded.

Thus, you can show any person that the FSC changes the state of his (or her) organism almost immediately correcting it towards improvement. The FSC also shows vividly that any water processed by it immediately changes its properties. A very important factor is the presence of compounds of chlorine in water. The FSC produces such effect on water that compounds of chlorine become immediately removed from it. To do this, it is quite sufficiently that a vessel with water be placed on the FSC for no longer than 10 – 15 minutes.

The FSC devices can process not only water, but also such substances as creams in tubes, soap, shampoo, toothpaste (only it is desirable that the cap be removed from the tube).

So, recorded on the first antiparasitic FSC No. 1 is the following information. Ground mixture of herbs containing:

– flowers of immortelle;

– leaves of cranberries;

– roots of elecampane;

– herbs of St. John’s wort;

– flowers of marigold;

– fruits of coriander;

– leaves of mint;

– grass of shepherd’s purse;

– flowers of tansy;

– grass of wormwood;

– leaves of kidney tea;

– grass of motherwort;

– fruits of thistle;

– flowers of chamomile;

– fruits of mountain ash;

– leaves of senna;

– roots of licorice;

– grass of bur marigold;

– grass of yarrow;

– fruits of fennel;

– shoots of blueberries;

– leaves of sage;

– fruits of echinated dog rose;

– fruits of cinnamon dog rose;

– leaves of eucalyptus.

Further on, FSC No. 1 separately carries the information from the following substances:

– St. John’s wort flower buds;

– roots of dandelion;

– flowers of dandelion;

– carrots;

– roots of artichoke;

– leaves of mint;

– leaves of wormwood;

– ground fruits of cloves;

– ground saffron (wormwood, cloves, saffron – against the formation of all types of trichomonads (according to T.Ya. Svishchova));

– Caucasian hellebore (antitumor, weight normalizing);

– tincture of black walnut;

– golden mustache (leaves);

– nettle (leaves);

– burdock (leaves);

– marison (leaves);

– plantain;

– marine algae;

– preparation for stimulation of liver and gall bladder;

– Indian onion (leaves);

– powder of chaga;

– aspen (transverse saw cut);

– wild cherry (transverse saw cut);

– pomelo (grapefruit – fat burner);

– dragon fruit (fat burner);

– pineapple;

– onions (red);

– garlic;

– horseradish;

– chicory;

– white mumiyo (shaladjit);

– red root;

– buckthorn (transverse saw cut);

– bear bile;

– cranberry (berries);

– bilberry (berries);

– tincture of flowers of gladiolus (oncoprotector, immunomodulator).

In addition, recorded on FSC No. 1 are:

– peels of red onion;

– petals of calendula;

– marigold;

– nettle;

– St. John’s wort;

– celandine;

– yarrow;

– bifungin (extract from the fungus);

– eleutherococcus;

– cranberry;

– powder of dried chicken stomach;

– flowers of primrose;

– amaranth;

– polarization of mukhomor (poisonous mushroom with red cap with white spots);

– Tibetan fungus (oncoprotector, immunomodulator);

– polarization of water to protect against mastitis;-

– polarization of water to improve cerebral circulation;

– polarization of water to restore the intestinal microflora;

– polarization of dew collected on the morning of Ivan Kupala day;

– polarization of shungit (from the coast of the island of Valaam);

Further on, there is recorded the information on seven ayurvedic preparations (ayurveda is the ancient time-tested Indian medicine according to which there exist various kinds or types of human organism and each type requires individual approach) intended for averaging the effect of FSC on people with different dynamic stereotypes (each preparation is essentially a composition consisting in average of about fifteen substances).

Added to the composition of natural substances is the composition of the themes developed by Masaru Emoto. This Japanese scientist has showed that if water is subjected to the effect of various words that are uttered by a person and that carry various shades of meaning and, next, is frozen, then in each particular case the form of the crystals of the thus-formed ice will sharply differ in shape from all others.

FSC No. 1 prescribes in the form of information the wave therapy of the following organs and systems of human organism:

– thymus gland;

– autonomous nervous system;

– pancreas;

– lourdes water (love);

– pineal gland;

– brain;

– lungs;

– adrenal gland;

– blood circulatory system.

In addition the following themes are recorded:

– spring water “Sambu-ichs-yusui);

– dolphin;

– stonehenge;

– rain forests.

Also the following images are added:

– peace of mind;

– harmony;

– love of himself;

– love of humanity;

– eternity;

– world;

– hope;

– confidence;

– love and appreciation;

– prosperity.

In any text where you see the word “polarization”, this word means “recorded information”. I tried to calculate how much this enormous list of the preparations recorded on this antiparasitic plate as information will cost you if you decide to buy all these preparations in a drugstore or in some drugs distribution company. You will have not only to pay the sum of money many times larger than the price of the plate itself, but you will be able to use the preparations only once. That is, you have bought them, used and that is all. And for the next cleaning of your organism you will have to buy all this list once again. As for the FSC, you buy it only once in your lifetime, and not only for yourself, but for your family members as well. Saving is tremendous!

The more so, people must regularly clean themselves from parasites. Children come home from school or kindergarten having taken much from other children, and we, adults, are also in constant communication with one another. Even if we lived in a sterile castle, we would not be able to avoid parasites. Therefore, we must regularly clean ourselves from parasites. Of course, you may buy antiparasitic tablets in drugstores. But, it must be remembered that all of them have the side effects very harmful and even dangerous for human organism! I will give you only one example. That is what was written about possible side effects in the instructions for use of one of such preparations: “dizziness, nausea, pains, inclination to vomiting, diarrhea, headache, allergic reactions, falling-out of hair, kidneys and liver insufficiency”. What is better to poison yourself with chemical compounds or to get the effect of information? And if in your home there live cats or dogs, there is no other way for you but to clean from parasites not only yourself but also all your family members, because with a hundred percent probability all of them are infected with worms.

Recently, I have read the rather thin book written by the remarkable physician – doctor Shubin. And I would like to familiarize you with one of his ideas. He writes about the harmful habits such as alcohol addiction, smoking, abundant meals rich with fat. He says: it is necessary to give up smoking. All smokers know about it, but most of them do not know how to do it. Very good “helper” here is the first infarction. After the first infarction nearly ninety percent of people give up smoking, after the second – practically all people, and there are very few smokers who can remain alive as long as till the third infarction. Generally speaking, Dr. Shubin writes, clinical death helps people very much to change their habits.

Allow me to cite myself, I am an author of the book of recipes, but these recipes are about how to live long and in good health, rather than how to prepare some or other dish. This book is written as the Japanese three-feet-verses called ”hokku” and its full title is following: “The book of recipes by Alexandr Aksel’rod with definition (at last!) of happiness and with two basic truths – the truth of life and the truth of death”. Among others, the author gives the following recipe:



While you are still in good health

Spend your time and money

On that what will help you to be in good health.

Indeed, when you have lost your health, only then you begin to understand that it is much better to preserve it than to spend much more money in order to restore it. And the functional state correctors allow anyone who use them to begin to improve his (her) health without any unwanted side effects. In addition, the FSC devices may also be used for obtaining other effects. Now, we will proceed to consideration of the following topic – protection from external aggressive electromagnetic radiation and electron smog, and protection from harmful effects of electronic and electromagnetic devices.

The same tests on muscular force and flexibility of joints as those that we conducted with the FSC plates and water may be conducted with mobile phones. Normally, mobile phones are provided with some or other sort of protection made in the form of various kinds of sticks, plates, miniature instruments, etc. I checked about eighteen models of mobile phones of various manufacturers and with each of these phones I obtained one and the same result. If a person holds the mobile phone in one hand and applies the phone to his (her) ear, while stretching his (her) other hand sideways, then what do I feel when on the count “three” try to force his stretched hand down? I feel some resistance.

It happens because any mobile phone, even with the so-called “protection”, and even when being inoperative (in the standby mode), every several minutes send electromagnetic signal to communicate with its base. As a result, the phone’s owner becomes subjected to the harmful effect of electromagnetic radiation that manifests itself in the fact that the person’s health becomes impaired and that the person loses energy and becomes much weaker. But if we add to the mobile phone the FSC plate, the above-mentioned resistance of the person’s stretched hand becomes considerably stronger. This fact is of paramount importance for person’s health, because the FSC not only neutralizes the harmful effect of such devices as radiotelephones, microwave ovens, computers, mobile phones, calculators, etc., but does it in such a way that its effect may be demonstrated within, literally, a few seconds to any person who wants to see it with his (her) own eyes.

Now, I will tell you a few words about the devices designed for the so-called protection. In any instructions for use enclosed with the packages with the above-mentioned devices their manufacturers write that these devices can neutralize the effect of harmful information energy of ten to minus eighteenth power watts per square sentimetre in power. From the viewpoint of electromagnetic effect this figure is practically zero. Ten to minus eighteenth power means zero, point, seventeen zeroes and a unity. This figure looks as follows: 0.000000000000000001.

But all the above-mentioned electron devices radiate the energy a billion times higher in power. But the FSC is capable of removing the harmful effect of even such high-power electromagnetic radiation, whereas neither of the eighteen cell phones of foreign manufacturers that were checked by me was unable to remove it if only because that these protective devices are not designed for this purpose. What they remove is nothing but the informational component of this radiation.

In the instructions for use to one of the telephones of the American company “Motorola” is, for instance, written “when speaking on this mobile phone, keep the antenna at a distance of a minimum of three centimeters from your skin in order to avoid skin burning”. Do you follow me! Telephone is a high-power radio station, it is a miniature computer that concentrates in itself all the power of human intellect, but that does harm to human health. It is indisputable fact that we need mobile phones for our work and everyday life. I myself make or take a minimum of a hundred calls a day. But, it once again underlines the need for such devices as the FSC, and thanks God that now we can have them.

Now, a little more about the information energy – how it can look like in practice. To eliminate the harmful electromagnetic and information energy effects in your apartment the FSC is recommended to be placed on electrical counter. In this case the effect of the FSC will spread throughout the entire apartment wiring, through electrical bulbs and operating electrical devices, thus cleaning the information energy situation in the apartment and eliminating the harmful effect of geopathogenic zones. In the operating instructions to the FSC such phrase may be found: ”the functional state correctors may correct the frequency characteristics of the Hartman’s grid”. Hartman is the name of the scientist who discovered this phenomenon. Now, I will explain to you what the Hartman’s grid is and how important it is.

If we arrange on the floor of our room small dishes (used by biologists) filled with nutrient medium and bacteria or yeast, then after 2 – 3 days we will see the following: a grid has become formed on the floor consisting of the rows of the dishes where the bacteria have vigorously grown and the rows of the dishes where the bacteria have died. The places of the intersection of the stripes of the dishes with the dead bacteria are named the geopathogenic zones. In other words, the Earth can periodically change its spatial properties that produce either positive or negative effect on human organism.

I have a friend of mine, the businessman, who lives in the Belgorod region. That is what has happened to him. Once he called me by phone and told me that for already some time he had been suffering from the skin inflammation reminding him of erysipelas. This is very unpleasant disease, when the temperature rises up to 40 degrees and the person’s leg swells. These symptoms are accompanied with severe pains and during two weeks the person fails to go to work and is tormented with constant pains. My friend is a far-from-poor man and was in a position to apply to the highly-reputed physicians. But neither physicians to whom he applied for help nor the healers could help him. It should be noted that first he suffered from such inflammation twice, then tree times and, of late, even four times a year. And when I recently met him in Belgorod, I was amazed: the strong, healthy young man has turned into a literally old dying old man. I made him fly with me to St. Peteresburg, to the exceptionally talented psychic, physicist and scientist Anatoly Vladimirovich Martynov. He published the books where all these harmful pathogenic effects are described and shown in detail.

The fact is that human organism sends out the electromagnetic radiation called aura or biofield, and there are some people who are capable of seeing this biofield and, hence, seeing its disturbances. And the above-mentioned psychic A.V. Martynov has found two things. First, that a certain relative of my friend, the aged woman, had cast such a spell on him in which she appealed to supernatural power for the death to befall him. “But that is not all there is to it” – said Martynov. “Please, draw the layout of your apartment”. My friend owns the big two-storey house. He drew the layout. And that is what turned out. My friend works hardly, he is a veritable workaholic. And it turned out that his workplace is located within the geopathogenic zone. The place where he takes meals where, sitting on the rich leather sofa, he watches TV as the recreation during his breaks in work is also located within the geopathogenic zones. And even his bedroom on the second floor is also located within the geopathogenic zone. And such location of his places of work, recreation and sleep was gradually killing him in the true sense of the word. And the psychic has managed to eliminate the harmful effect of these geopathogenic zones saying that my friend should make corresponding changes in the layout of his house. Besides, in a week after our visit, my friend’s relative died.

Soon after our visit to Martynov my friend phoned me and said: “You know, at night I began to sing”. Knowing what kind of a man he is, I asked him “Tolya, when it was the last time when you sang?” He thought and said: ”When I was a pioneer”. “Why?” – I asked. He answered: “You know I feel as if something monstrous has fallen from my back.” Since then, my friend has been living a normal life.

And now, imagine what could have happened to my friend if he did not have money to fly to St. Petersburg and to pay for services of the phsychic, and if I did not meet him at that time. What should other people do in such or similar situations? I think that for them there is no other way than to apply for help to the FSC plates that can eliminate harmful effects of the information energy and neutralize the dangerous effects of the geopathogenic zones.

And, now, let us consider in a bit more detail such notorious phenomena as “sglaz” (evil eyes), curse, “porcha” (spell cast on a person with the purpose to inflict damage to his (her) health), etc. There exists the computer-aided technique, called “adaptometry” that makes it possible not only to detect all these phenomena, but also to depict them on the computer screen. And those who have acquired the FSC can pass such computer-aided testing. This testing is performed using the acupuncture points. I will explain to you what these points mean. There is substantial difference between the approaches to treatment of diseases adopted in the western and oriental medicine. In the western medicine, if a persons complains on the pains in his (her) liver, physicians treat his liver, in he (she) compliance on headache, they treat his (her) head, and so on. In the oriental medicine the approach to treatment is thoroughly different. Here human organism is regarded as a whole system consisting of various organs and various kinds of energy that pass between organs through definite channels. Human organism is considered to be healthy when all kinds of energy go through their pathways smoothly and harmoniously, when there are no energy congestions preventing its normal passage, and thereby, producing in some places of human organism shortage of energy. Therefore, in this medicine there is no such notion as the disease of the head, or liver, or kidneys, etc. The oriental physicians inspect all organs and all channels. If in some place some channel is “faulty” and the manifestation of this fault is, for instance, headache, it does not necessarily mean that oriental physicians will treat the patient’s head. All these channels comes out to the surface of the skin in the special points named the acupuncture points.

Action on these acupuncture point may be produced by mechanical means, by heat and even by needles, and any of such actions results in a considerable improvement of operation of patient’s immune system. Scientists have established that each of these points is essentially an antenna the radiates electromagnetic oscillations. Let us try to visually imagine an antenna. At the word “antenna” many of us see in our minds the TV tower in Ostankino that sends out electromagnetic radiation as the TV signals. It turned out that the same radiation is sent out by the acupuncture points. It is interesting that if the organ is healthy, the points on the channel of this organ send out the radiation with the frequency of healthy cells. It has been established that this frequency is equal to three hundredth Hertz (0.03 Hz). As the illness progresses, this frequency increases. And when the illness is “in full swing”, the frequency may reach the value of a half of Hertz (0.5 Hz). Psychics can see this. They say that the aura of a healthy person is blue in colour, while that of a sick person (when the frequency is 0.5 Hz) is red. Many psychics are capable of seeing structure, density and even formation of tumours. However, it is of great importance what the psychic thinks about when checking you. You do not know whether he (she) thinks about your health when checking you or thinks how to improve his (her) relations with his (her) mother-in-law with whom he (she) have recently quarreled.

As for the acupuncture needles, the specialists in oriental medicine do not merely insert them in the definite acupuncture points, but also send their thoughts in the coded form.

I will tell you why I pay so much attention to this. There exists the method of measuring the state of acupuncture points termed “measurement of the state following the R. Foll’s method.” About fifty years ago the German physician Reinhart Foll discovered the following phenomenon: if we take an electrical circuit consisting of a source of current, two current-conducting wires and a measuring instrument, and then take of one of the wires in hand while applying the other to the acupuncture points, we will see that if the internal organ to which a given acupuncture point (belonging to the corresponding channel) corresponds is healthy, the pointer of the measuring instrument will show fifty to sixty conventional units of the scale of this instrument. But if the organ is inflamed, the instrument pointer will show about a hundred conventional units, and otherwise, if its state is on the decline, the pointer will show about ten units. The western medicine has accepted this fact without objections, and since then physicians have been using the acupuncture method in their practice. Why? Because they can rapidly determine the state of all systems of human organism. Nowdays, this method is widely used for determining the functional state of sportsmen.

It turned out that by checking the intensity of electromagnetic radiation emitted from particular acupuncture points it is possible to determine the state of human biofield (or aura). With the help of the diagnostics performed following the Foll’s method it is possible to see whether or not the person under check has been subjected to the effect of information energy, and, if yes, to what kind of the effect: the effect of an evil eye is one thing, that of witchcraft is another thing, that of the curse – still another thing, and so on. In other words, that what has long been regarded as somewhat unreal and supernatural turned out to really exist in the real world. All these effects can be materially reproduced by a computer that by means of the special program can present you the tree-dimensional picture of your field where you can see with your own eyes the places where your biofield (aura) in punctured, where it is blocked, where it is subjected to the above-mentioned information energy effects, where the energy contained in your aura is sucked out, and so on.

As soon as you begin to use the FSC the following things take place. In the locations where there were aura blocks you do not find them any more. In the locations where the energy of your aura was sucked out by someone, it is not sucked any longer. Even the ancestral effects, such as ancestral curses, that are transferred from generation to generation, can be diagnosed and brought to a minimum or even eliminated by the FSC plates. Let us imagine that any person is no other than an oval vessel where all of the above-mentioned harmful effects make holes through which the person’s energy leaks out. Then, from this it follows that as person’s energy flows out, the person himself (herself) gradually dies away and that when all the energy is flown out, he (she) dies. It is of great importance that the FSC is capable of stopping these holes, whereas all other devices can only extend the period of this die-away.

Of no less importance is the fact that all these “holes” the person can see with his (her) own eyes on the computer screen.

I would like to show you only one example. One very good-looking girl was very active and studied well in the institute. And, all of a sudden, she married a man who did not work and drank much. Nevertheless, the girl, as if hypnotized, lived with him and gave birth to their children. What has been found? It has turned out that the girl was under the spell cast by her mother-in-law who wanted a good wife for her son. This spell has suppressed the girl’s will-power. But when, many years later, this girl began to use the FSC it was as if the scales fell from her eyes. She reassessed all her life and realized that her husband is the man thoroughly unlike that she considered him to be. The FSC plates can remove such spells. I, myself, was thoroughly examined by the method of adaptometry. See what happened to me three weeks after I had begun to carry the FSC (Fig. 1). Quite an illustrative example! The company “Center Region” has published the book written by Verona Stasiv, the specialist in adaptometry and entitled “Operation of FSC with human bioenergy – examples of application”. You can acquire this book in the company. This book shows illustratively the abilities of the FSC.

The next plate is FSC No. 2 (detox).

When parasites die inside our organism we must remove them therefrom. Of course, we drink water. But it is much better to drink for this purpose the long-known infusions of medicinal herbs and plants that can clean from inside not only such organs as liver and intestines, but even cells of human organism. FSC No. 2 carries the information recorded from more than seventy components, including, for instance, the famour juice of the Japanese seaweed – noni. However, no matter how useful this juice is for your organism, you have to buy it everyday, while having bought the FSC once in your lifetime, you are able at any moment you like to be subjected to the beneficial effect of this powerful detoxication device that clean you organism and fortify your immune system. Or let us take amaranthus. It is also very useful, but rather expensive, substance. On the FSC the necessary information that produces the same effect as the amaranthus itself is recorded. The same we can say about the information recorded on the medicinal preparation composed of fourty components and intended to restore immunity and metabolism.

It should be remembered that once you have started to use the first antiparasitic plate its effect immediately gives rise to the occurrence in your organism of powerful sanitation processes. However, the process of healing your ailments may often be preceded by aggravation of these ailments. But in no case this phenomenon contradicts the postulates of modern physiology. In any study book on human physiology such aggravation is assumed to be quite normal phenomenon. To smooth out the effect of such aggravation I recommend you to carry FSC No. 1 during the first half of the day and FSC No. 2 during the second half of the day. As for myself, I can say that for the first two days following the beginning of use of the FSC I experienced the powerful effect of cleaning of my organism from toxins and parasites accompanied by high temperature and fever. The same effects, but still more powerful, were experienced by my family members. Here, I would like once again to pay your attention to fact that you buy the set of the FSC plates only once in your lifetime and not only for yourself, but also for all your family members. Money saving is fantastic!

And, at last, another two plates: FSC No. 3 (excess fat burner for females) and FSC No. 4 (excess fat burner for males).

Even if you think that you have no excess fat, all the same I recommend you to carry the FSC plates, because they improve considerably the state of male and female endocrine systems, thereby rejuvenating people and making their lives much brighter. And here I would like you to pay your attention to the fact that all kinds of diets are extremely dangerous, because any diet results in a rapid ageing of human organism.

What is the diet? Any diet means that we receive less calories than we spend. Diets are dangerous because they are accompanied with oxidation processes in human organism with the resultant formation of the notorious free radicals. In my life there was the occasion when I decided to get rid of excess fat by hunger. For the first four days I was so mad of hunger that when even feeling the smell of food I was ready to tear everybody to pieces. But, all of a sudden, I became so tranquil that neither smell nor the sight of food irritated me any longer. On the eleventh day of my hunger cure I happen to meet in Moscow my friend, the physician, man of wisdom, the author of the widely-known balm “Spasatel’” (Rescuer). “Are you trying to cure yourself by hunger?” – asked he. “Yes!” –I answered not without a faint note of pride in my voice. “Then, you are a fool!” – suddenly he said and explained that from the viewpoint the Chinese medicine our attempts to cure ourselves by means of hunger lead to nothing else but the consumption by ourselves of that life energy with which we were born. There is the energy that we take from water, air and food, but there is also the energy with which we are born. How much energy is given to us, so much we have, and any kind of hunger decreases its amount, thereby making our lifespan shorter.

That is why any diet brings more harm than benefit. Diets disturb breathing of our cells, we begin to suffer from deficiency of energy or, in other words, from shortage of electrons, thereby paying the way for the occurrence of positively charged free radicals. Besides, during these diets and hunger “cures” the following thing takes place. Out of every three grams of the weight that we lose two grams fall on the fatty cells and one gram – on the muscular ones. But the muscular cells mean not only muscles, but the heart as well. We, literally, begin to gradually “vanish”, “disappear”, “dissolve”, as you like to name this process. But it is a severe stress for human organism. The stress that still more augments the process of formation of free radicals.

Of course, there exist the methods allowing people to minimize the harmful effect of diets. The aim pursued by all these methods is the same: how to relieve the stress and how to the compensate for the deficiency of electrons. And now I would like to say a few words about extension of lifespan. Many years ago, in the Soviet Union there were worked out the unique techniques for rejuvenation and extension of lifespan. On Soviet state farms the cow-seminating bulls used to follow their “profession” day and night. After a maximum of four years of such hard “work” the bulls became absolutely exhausted and were, as a rule, spent to slaughterhouses. And, the author of one of the above-mentioned techniques, first, had the weight of these bulls reduced to that equal to fifty two percent of their normal one (the bulls began, literally to look like “skin-a-guts”) and then helped the animals to go out of this state of health, by diluted vegetable juices, watering them from his own hands and all the while making the injections of anti-stress preparations, lest the animal be nervous. In so doing, the bulls regained their normal weight and continued to seminate cows for another EIGHT years.

At his farm one of the hens lived as long as to twenty nine years old (and not only lived, but even hatched) and, probably, may have lived even longer if it were not for her master’s trip to Moscow, where he was going to show his hen at the All-Union Exhibition of Achievements of National Economy. During that trip the airplane went into the zone of high turbulence, and the hen died of infarction. If not this trip, the hen may have lived and even hatched more than a few years longer. I remembered this because I would like to remind you that when you begin to use FSC Nos 3 or 4, you begin to lose your fatty tissue without any stresses, smoothly, quietly and at a rate most suitable for your organism. Judging by the reports received from the users of these devices, some of them began to wear the clothes two sizes less, the others – three sizes, still others – one size, etc. without changing their weight. The matter is not in the weight. You must not exhaust yourself as those pour high-fashion models do by keeping various kinds of diets. When using the combination of functional state correctors, you clean your organism from parasites, get rid of toxins, and begin to smoothly remove fatty tissues. In so doing, you remove only the excess fatty tissues, but not those needed for normal functioning of your organism.

I have checked the effect of these correctors on myself and checked it by a rather barbarous method. During ten days, before going to bed (somewhere between 11 p.m. and midnight) I ate a can of stewed meat with pasta and a lot of meat jelly. After this, I went to bed placing the plate of FSC No. 2 under my body. In the morning, I ran to the scales and was really stunned … my WEIGHT REMAINED UNCHANGED! It was fantastic. Till the use of the FSC all that I had eaten the night before was transformed in the following morning into fat. And with the plate, not a single gram! Every time I repeat: please, do not repeat my experiment. But, only yesterday one woman told me that she also had begun to eat before going to bed, but not the stewed meat. Instead, she ate pastries. And, in so doing, she also used FSC No. 3. The effect was the same: she added not a single gram to her weight.

I would like to add that any of the four above-mentioned plates is capable of eliminating any kind of effects of information energy and electromagnetic fields. As for the use of these plates, my recommendations are as follows: during the daytime it is better to use both FSC No. 1 and FSC No. 2 and during the nighttime – to use FSC No. 3 for women and FSC No. 4 for men.

Now, I would like to present you a few reports of users of FSC plates.

Sending me their reports, the people gave me their telephone numbers. However, from ethical considerations I do not present them in this booklet.

Many reports dealt with the changes in people’s weight and sizes of their clothes.

“Luybov’ Vladimirovna Aleksandrova.

I familiarized myself with the FSC on August 8, 2008 on the ceremony of presentation of the company “Center Regions. Today (November 15, 2008) I wear the clothes one size less than those I used to wear. My weight has decreased by 5 kg. My capacity for work has become much higher. I cannot describe my state of mind by other words than “joyful”. My acquaintances even told me that I had been operated by plastic surgeons, so much younger I became to look.

Telephone: (926) 248-68-…”


“I, Tamara Bulygina, have been using the Kol’tsov’s plates since July 2008. At first, when I carried FSC No. 3 in my handbag, I felt no results, but when I began to use FSC No. 1 (through the water filter) some interesting phenomena became to happen to me: the adipose tissue began to decrease, but the muscular tissue in the zone of my abdomen began to function. For ten years that have past after the day when I underwent abdominal surgery, I have not felt my abdominal muscles at all. For two months my clothes have become two sizes less and my weight has decreased by seven kilograms.”

Telephone: (916) 533-14-…”


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