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Travelling by Air.

Types of hotel | An amazing journey | Going on holiday | Вставьте пропущенные глаголы в текст. | HOLIDAY BROCHURES | Исправьте одну ошибку в каждом предложении. | Посмотрите на картинку A. Выберите подходящие слова, чтобы дополнить текст. | The Stratford Central Hotel |

Читайте также:
  1. b) Persuade your friend that your favourite type of travelling is the best one.
  2. B) Say what types of travelling you read about.
  5. Part 1(2).Types of travelling
  6. Steinbeck on travelling
  7. Task 2. Travelling idioms
Customs hall таможенный зал
Customs officer офицер таможенной службы
passport паспорт
boarding card посадочный талон
captain командир
air hostess бортпроводница
air steward бортпроводник
(air)plane (airliner) самолет
helicopter вертолет
runway взлетная полоса
flight полет
non-stop flight беспосадочный полет
altitude высота
take off взлетать, взлет
land/make a landing совершить посадку
forced landing вынужденная посадка
airсrash n авиакатастрофа
hijack (a plane) угнать (самолет)
seat-belt (safety belt) привязные ремни
delay откладывать, задерживать
Pilot летчик. пилот
Travelling by Water  
wharf (quay, pier) причал
ship (steamer boat) пароход.
gangway вход с трапа
anchor якорь
dock док
yacht яхта
ferry паром
Liner пассажирский пароход
steward дежурный по каютам, обслуживающий пассажиров
crew команда, экипаж
state-room каюта-люкс
cabin каюта (простая)
promenade deck прогулочная палуба
porthole иллюминатор
life belt спасательный пояс
life-buoy спасательный круг, спасательный буй
vessel судно
call at a port заходить в порт
to be a good (born)sailor хорошо переносить качку на море
to be a bad (poor) sailor плохо переносить качку на море
to book one's passage взять билет на пароход
(pay one's passage, take one's passage)  
Customs таможня
go through one's luggage досматривать багаж
"Customs inspected" stamp штамп о прохождении таможенного досмотра
currency exchange office пункт обмена валюты
border граница
cross the border пересечь границу
smuggle in/out провозить контрабандным путем
smuggler контрабандист


stay at the hotel остановиться, жить в гостинице
reception desk стойка администратора
receptionist администратор
chief manager директор гостиницы
check in зарегистрироваться
fill in/out the registration form заполнить регистрационный бланк
check out выписаться (при отъезде)
Key ключ
date of arrival, departure дата приезда, отъезда
guest проживающий в гостинице
doorman швейцар
bellboy посыльный (носильщик в гостинице)
chambermaid горничная
single room одноместный номер
double room двухместный номер
suite номер из нескольких комнат, люкс
room service бюро обслуживания (в номерах)
coffee stall кафе
snackbar буфет
news stand газетный киоск
facilities (accommodations) бытовые службы гостиницы

Travelling by Train

Travelling by train in Britain may seem specific to foreigners. One of the first things they notice about British railways is the platforms. They are higher than in most parts of the world. The platform is almost on a level with the floor of the carriages. That is very convenient for travellers because they do not have to climb up into a railway carriage. Besides, this makes it easier to get in and out of the carriage with one's luggage.

The trains that go to and from London are usually very crowded at the time when people are travelling to work. The matter is that about a million people go to London to work every day. The price of tickets de­pends on the time of the day. Thus, after 9.30 when everyone has gone to work tickets are usually cheaper. These are called cheap day return tickets. On the average, it is nearly 50% cheaper to travel to London after 9.30 than before this time.

On many fast trains to London there is a dining car in which one can buy lunch, dinner or coffee. On others there is a buffet where it is possible to buy snacks and drinks. Sometimes a waiter from the dining car brings cups of coffee to the passengers.

In Britain, there are only two classes of trains — first and second. A first-class ticket costs approximately twice as much as a second-class ticket. On long journeys, there is a ticket inspector, who visits every passenger to see if he has the right ticket and is not travelling in the wrong class.

For foreigners, it is quite essential to know that English train passengers seldom converse with their fellow-travellers even if the journey is very long. That is more a national custom than a matter of etiquette.

Another important thing to remember is that having reached the end of the journey and leaving the train the passenger has to give his ticket to the ticket collector at the exit before he can leave the station.

Thus the ticket is to be kept during the whole journey. If the pas­senger has luggage and wants someone to carry it for him to a waiting car or taxi, he must call a porter. The porter does not make a charge for his service, but he expects a tip.


Ответьте на вопросы:

1. What is specific about British platforms?

2. What is cheaper – to travel before or after 9.30?

3. How many classes of British trains do you know? What class is expensive?

4. Do people converse with their fellow-travellers in England?

5. Do you have to keep your ticket during the whole journey?


There are different kinds of trains: passenger trains, mail trains and goods trains. Mail trains carry mail, or post, that is letters, parcels, newspapers and magazines. Goods trains carry goods. Passenger trains carry passengers. Mail trains and passenger trains are usually combined: they have carriages for passengers and a special carriage or two for mail.

Passenger trains can be slow or fast. A slow train stops at every station. Fast trains have few stops: they stop only at very large stations. So we can call these trains respectively stopping trains and non- stopping trains.

There are local trains and long-distance trains.

Local trains connect points situated not far away from each other, say, a hundred or two-three hundred kilometres. By a long-distance train you can travel very far — for thousands of kilometres. If you live in a large city, like St. Petersburg or

Moscow or Kiev, you can go to the suburbs of the city by a suburban train.

Sometimes, when travelling a long distance, you have to change trains (or make a changing), that is get off one train and board another, if there is no through train to the place of your destination.

When you are travelling a long distance, it is very convenient to go by an overnight train. Overnight trains have sleeping accommodation: they usually have "corridor cars," i. e. carriages with separate compartments (they are called sleeping cars, or sleepers). In each compartment there are two lower and two upper berths, on which you can sleep like in bed. Trains which run by day are called day coaches. You cannot sleep in these trains: they have only sitting accommodation: very comfortable soft armchairs.


Ответьте на вопросы:

1. What are passenger trains, goods trains and mail trains?

2. What is a combined mail and passenger train?

3. What is the difference between slow and fast trains?

4. What is a non-stopping train? Does it mean that it never stops?

5. What places can you get to by a local train? by a long-distance train?

6. Where can you see suburban trains? Where can they take you? Why are they called suburban trains?

7. Why do you sometimes have to change trains (make a changing) while travelling?

8. Why is a through train convenient?

9. What is an overnight train?

10. What do you call a train which runs only by day?

11. What accommodation do you get on an overnight train?

12. What accommodation do you get on day coaches?

13. What is a corridor car?

14. How many people can travel in one compartment?

15. Which do you prefer: a lower berth or an upper berth? Why?


A ticket inspector saw three men who arrived at the railway station at about half past nine in the evening. One of them came up to the ticket inspector and won­dered at what time the next train was to start for Lon­don. The ticket inspector told the man that the trains for London went every hour.

The three men decided to go and have a drink. They came to the cafe and ordered three drinks. A minute or two after ten o'clock they approached the ticket inspector and asked him if the 10 o'clock train had gone. The answer was affirmative. Besides, the ticket inspector added that the next train was due to start at 11 sharp.

The three men returned to the cafe for another drink. They missed the 11 o'clock train in the same way. The ticket inspector had to warn them that the next train was the last one. If they missed it, they would have to spend the night at the railway station.

Twelve o'clock came and the last train was just start­ing out when the three men came out of the cafe run­ning as hard as they could. Two of them managed to get into the carriage just when the train was starting off.

The third man could not run so fast and the train went on leaving him behind. The man stood at the platform and watched the train disappearing in the distance. The ticket inspector, who saw all that, was very sorry for the man.

When he came up to the man, he saw him laughing. The ticket inspector could not understand why the man was laughing. He wanted to ask him a question, but at that moment the man said to the ticket inspector, "Did you see those two boys get on the train and leave me behind?"

"Yes, I saw them," answered the ticket inspector. "They came to see me off," explained the man to the ticket inspector.


Выберите заголовок.

A. Three Men at the Railway Station;

B. Running After the Train;

C. A Ticket Inspector and Three Men;

D. They Came to See Me off.

Найдите информацию, которая не упо­миналась в тексте.

A. The three men decided to have a drink.

B. The ticket inspector warned the three men that the next train was the last one.

C. The next train was due to Start at 1 0 sharp.

D. Two of them got into the carriage.


Three men arrived at the railway station because...

A. they wanted to have a drink.

B. they wanted to take the train to London.

C. two of them wanted to go to London.

D. one of them wanted to go to London.

Выберите неверное утверждение.

A. The three men ordered three drinks.

B. The ticket inspector told the men that the 11 o'clock train was the last one.

C. The trains for London went every hour.

D. The ticket inspector was very sorry for the man.

Найдите правильный перевод предложе­ния.

The man stood at the platform and watched the train disappearing in the distance.

A. Мужчина наблюдал на платформе, как поезд исчезает вдали.

B. На платформе стоял мужчина и видел, как поезд исчез вдали.

C. Мужчина стоял на платформе и наблюдал, как поезд исчезает вдали.

D. Мужчина стоял на платформе, наблюдая, как поезд исчез вдали.


Дата добавления: 2015-08-26; просмотров: 220 | Нарушение авторских прав

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