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Structural elements

Читайте также:
  1. Requirements to special layout and structural decisions 1 страница
  2. Requirements to special layout and structural decisions 10 страница
  3. Requirements to special layout and structural decisions 11 страница
  4. Requirements to special layout and structural decisions 12 страница
  5. Requirements to special layout and structural decisions 13 страница
  6. Requirements to special layout and structural decisions 14 страница
  7. Requirements to special layout and structural decisions 15 страница

1. cladding n — облицовка, обшивка (стен здания)
exterior cladding [ik'stiana] — наружная обшивка

These angles provide a space to fix the top of the cladding. There are many different styles and materials in exterior cladding.

2. laminated veneer lumber ['laemmeitid уэ'шз] — ЛВЛ-брус,
конструкционный материал, изготовленный по техно­
логии склейки нескольких слоев шпона

plywood ['plaiwud] n — фанера, клееная фанера

Laminated veneer lumber (L VL) offers several advantages over typical milled lumber: it is stronger, straighter, and more uniform. The base is made from top quality plywood with a rounded edge.

3. span n v — пролет; перекрывать

In this building steel beams have been used because long spans are involved. The precast concrete panels span between the beams

4. joist ['d3oist] n — опорная балка, перекладина, ригель
I-joist n — двутавр, двутавровый профиль

floor joist — балка пола, балка междуэтажного пере­крытия

open web joist — балочная ферма

wood joist — деревянная балка

The walls support the joists which carry the floor. I-joists are known for their value when it comes to size, strength, and reliability. The spaces for the floor joists can be clearly seen. The main function of an open web joist is to provide direct support for a roof or a floor deck and to transfer the load imposed on the deck to the beams and columns. Wood joists should not be built into separating walls.

5. align [э'1ат] v — выравнивать, центровать
alignment n — выравнивание, центровка

The result of these shearing strains is that the fibers become aligned at right angles to the shear stress. Fine I-beam alignment in high-rise building construction was required.

6. glue [glu:] n v — клей; клеить

glued laminated beam — клеёный брус, многослойный клеёный брус, клеёный профилированный брус The force on one sheet of wood is transmitted through the glue to another sheet of wood. The thin sheets of wood are glued together.

7. fabricate ['fa?bnkeit] v — производить, изготовлять
prefabricate v — изготавливать заводским способом
prefabrication n — заводское изготовление
prefabricated adj — сборный, готовый

The new cement makes it possible to fabricate reinforced concrete products of high strength. Industrialised building means a high degree of prefabrication applied to domestic or other construction so as to reduce site work to minimum. Cranes are used for assembling large-size prefabricated elements.

8. roof truss — стропильная ферма

This is a high sloping ceiling attached directly to the roof trusses and rising all the way to the top of the house.

9. strut n — стойка, распорка, сжатый элемент (конст­

lumber strut — деревянная стойка

The formwork is put on the strut and the whole is concreted.

10. purlin ['рэ: lm] n — прогон, обрешетина The helicopter was used to hoist and place in position prestressed concrete purlins.

1.1. brace ['breis] n v — растяжка, скоба, перекладина, стой­ка, распорная балка; скреплять, связывать, придавать жесткость

bracing n — связи жесткости, система связей, креп­ление The paper describes the economical placing of braces in the walls of a rectangular building. We had to brace the walls when we put the new roof on. During this phase the bracings fixed.

12. shape ['feip] n — профиль, форма
T shape n — тавровый профиль

channel [ЧГазп1] и — швеллер, швеллерный профиль angle ['aerjl] n — уголковый профиль, уголок It is climate which determines the shape and construction of most buildings. The roof and floor frames are made up of beams and channels. Steel angles are fixed across the ends of the beams.

13. weld v — сваривать, варить
welding «— сварка

The bottom of each column is welded to a base plate. Welding can be done in many different environments, including open air, under water and in outer space.

14. rod n — стержень, прут, рейка The rods are placed near the bottom of the concrete beam.

15. in-situ concrete [in'sitju:] — бетон, уложенный на строй­площадке; монолитный бетон

precast reinforced concrete — сборный железобетон A brick is not fabricated on the site as in-situ concrete, but is prefabricated. It is precast reinforced concrete that provided the high scale of construction in this country.

16. exceed [ik'sird] v — превышать, превосходить The garage must not exceed 30 ml in the floor area.

17. slab n — плита, панель

concrete slab — бетонная плита, бетонная панель floor slab — плита (панель) перекрытия, плита настила пола

hollow slab ['holauj — пустотная плита The slabs act as permanent formwork and provide very good insulation. A few weeks later, the concrete slabs were laid across the tunnel to form the roof. The floor slabs measure 3 x 5 m and they have been mounted simultaneously with the main structure of the building.

18. framing ['freimirjj — каркас, рама, деревянная конст­рукция

frame (framing) construction — каркасная конструкция, рамная конструкция

balloon framing [bs'lu.n] — деревянный балочно-стоеч-ный каркас (здания)

Since the early 1920s, almost all homes have been built using wood framing construction. Balloon framing was employed in many two-storey houses before 1930.

19. bolt ['bault] n v — болт; скреплять, стягивать болтами
anchor bolt ['агпкэ] — анкерный болт

bolted connection — болтовое соединение

Each base plate is fixed to a concrete column base by two bolts. The beams are bolted to steel columns.

20. girder ['ga:d9] n — главная балка, балочная ферма
The girders support smaller beams.

Ва. span  

3. Match the pairs of synonyms from A and В and translate


1. manufacture a- sPan

2. bar b. prefabrication

3. facing c. fabricate

4. framework d. bolt

5. form e. welding

6. vault f. alignment


7. screw g. framing

8. line arrangement h. shape

9. preassembly i. rod

10. soldering J, cladding

Дата добавления: 2015-08-20; просмотров: 78 | Нарушение авторских прав

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