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Stages of opening a beauty salon

Читайте также:
  1. Alex Beauty Concept
  2. Opening an Existing Simulation
  4. Stages of formation economics as a science
  5. Бренд beautycycle™ представляет пять продуктовых линий, «навеянных природными стихиями», и предлагает простой, индивидуальный уход за кожей, рассчитанный на заметные результаты.


Everybody, who wants to start a business in the beauty industry should read this manual, to control all stages of starting salon business.

stage description note duration (days)
  The emergence of the idea Similar ideas does not appear from nothing. Typically, the trigger is a wild rage on the whole Russian service От нескольких секунд до нескольких десятилетий From several seconds to several decades.
  Registration of a legal entity individual entrepreneur - it is more convenient to work with cash, but it is impossible to get a medical license Ltd. - all the cash necessary to take to the bank. All registration through specialized law firms. Tax registration. Opening a bank account. 14-21
  Selecting the type and class of enterprise point. Beauty salons: types and classes of aesthetic business 1-3
  Search options Based on the type and class: first line of houses and first flour are advisable, separate entrance, emergency exit, glass, ceiling height not less than 3 m., minimum of load-bearing walls, a few points of the water supply? at the bottom - a dry basement, near - adequate business neighbors, parking. 1-365
  Engineering expertise premises communications the tube section, water pressure levels of plum, reserve power supply (preferably not less than 25 kW) with the help of a visiting engineer. Don’t believe on bare word of the seller of the premises!!!  
  Competitive environment analysis   presence of direct competitors statistical norm - 1 lounge per 1000 inhabitants industrial espionage: quality, service, used by brands, prices  
  Documentary evidence of capacity for energy and water     A personal visit to the local energy supplier to local public utilities and Vodokanal(water company) Necessary documents confirming the declared    
  "Provision for debts" WRITTEN confirmation of the absence of data location debts energy and water, as well as third parties till 5  
  The history of the premises (for secondary rooms) Former owners and their business 1-3  
  Environmental impact assessment of the premises air samples, Scrapings from the walls, Salts of heavy metals, examination of water measurements of radiation 3-21  
  The identity of previous owners Chance of crime? 1-3
  Assessment of the possibilities of redevelopment Visit to BTI Invited experts BTI as a paid expert 2-5  
  Risk assessment of surrounding buildings Finding information about the terms of the global development of the area If you right before you build a building and you will find yourself on the second line of appeal falls twice  
  Assessing the possibility of installing the outdoor advertising medium   Search the potential of the company Executive outdoor advertising Through the company access to the City center of advertising - for the ownership of the right place for advertising media 3-7
  Evaluation of surrounding traffic A visit to the traffic police Establishment of friendly relations with them The scheme of official traffic signs around discussion parking  
  Making copyright violations Better, of course, in the property, but you can rent or sublet Only with your lawyer 1-14  
  Getting the act Rospotrebnadzor Probably paid them the same advice Desirable paid examination of the project of redevelopment, ie the establishment of relations before the repair work The main thing - to take into account all the important notes before starting repair work  
  Getting the act Rospozharnadzor repairs See above.  
  The acquisition of a cash register Package of documents check in  
  Fire alarm conclusion of a contract Tip: use Advice for firefighters  
  Beginning of the process of recruiting All methods are good ?
  Repairs and simultaneously search and clearance personnel Professionally Decorated rooms Be sure - the contract with the construction company A copy of the license Copies of passports of workers Insurance contract object for the period of repair works Design project Field supervision of the work of the designer on the average 180-270  
  Search, purchase and installation of equipment supply agreements Required professional installation Contracts service and warranty Note: the terms of delivery within 90 days Be sure - all certificates for equipment 90-120  
  Licensing and Certification Compulsory licensing of personal services not (voluntary recommend: refer to the committee on the consumer market of the local administration) Medical Licensing - Roszdravnazora territorial administration; give a package of documents required to obtain a license  
  Print primary printing products Listings Business Cards booklets staff Badges  
  Purchase of consumables Contracts with suppliers The adoption of the goods to the warehouse 60-90  
  The first employees Administrators accountant  
  Initial advertising campaign One month before the opening media external  
  Admission object builders First fight, then reception And possibly vice versa Still unfinished object Builders you will not see  
  Open Day Do not rely on the flow of customers at once - God forbid anyone of your friends will come  
  presentation After a month or two after opening, when correct deficiencies  






birth certificate

Citizen. surname. Ivanov

Name:Ivan. patronymic: Ivanovich

Date of birth: 01/01/69 date/month/ year







Дата добавления: 2015-08-20; просмотров: 55 | Нарушение авторских прав

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