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Criteria and rules of assessment. | The evaluation criteria of independent work of the student | The criteria and rules for assessing knowledge | Summarized the assessment of the students in the discipline | further Reading |

The total volume of training hours

(credits) 90 hours (2credits)

Practical traning 30 hours

Student’s independent work

the teacher controlled 30 hours

Independent work of the student 30 hours

The course V

The semester IХ - Х


The form of control exam


Almaty, 2013.

The work program is compiled by MD Kaliyeva L.K., is discussed and approved at the meeting of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology№ 2.

Protocol №______, «_____»___________________2013.


Head of the department. Obstetrics and Gynecology № 2,

MD Kaliyeva LK


The work program is discussed at the meeting

of the Committee of Education Programs of Training Department of Sugery

Protocol №______, «_____»___________________2013.


Chairman CEP TDS,

PhD, docent Saduakasova SH.M.



The work program is approved at a meeting

of the Methodological Council

Protocol №______, «_____»___________________2013.


Chairman of the Methodological Council

MD, professor Tulebaev K.A.



The Program.


In recent years we have seen an increase in the frequency of intrauterine infections and increasing its role in perinatal mortality. A risk group of intrauterine fetal infection is pregnant women with obstetric pathology, women who have had acute respiratory infections and other infections during pregnancy, women who have pockets of chronic infections, especially in the urogenital area.

Now it is proved that infectious diseases of the mother during pregnancy can adversely affect the fetus, causing his death in utero or miscarriage. The disease can be detected at birth, shortly after birth, or it may go undetected for months or years after birth.

Viral infections play a significant role in causing the pathology of the fetus. Viral infection can lead to the development of various pathological processes in the egg, embryo, fetus and adult.

The virus, chlamydia and genital mycoplasmas are the most common causes of infectious diseases urogenital adults, as well as common diseases of infants and young children.

The poblem in modern infectious disease is associated infections. It is shown that the combination of a variety of infections can increase virulence of each pathogen. Then the diagnosis is complicated and it is necessary to use many modern serological virological and immunological methods.

2.2. The purpose of the elective course:

• Formation of students’ knowledge about:

ü the effect on the fetus maternal acute and chronic infectious diseases

ü practical skills of history-taking

ü objective methods of general and gynecological research

ü using of additional methods, the interpretation of their results

• Formation the technique of taking bioassay for the detection of sexually transmitted infections.

2.3. The learning problems:

· To acquaint the student with the clinical features, diagnosis of acute and chronic respiratory diseases in pregnancy, therapeutic tactics

· To acquaint the student with the clinical features, diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic infections of the genitourinary system in pregnant women

· To acquaint the student with genital diseases caused by adenovirus, enterovirus, papovaviruses, hepatitis, HIV

· To show the role of viral, chlamydial infections in causing pathology of pregnancy and newborns, the role in the birth of healthy children

· To acquaint the student with the epidemiology, etiology, pathogenesis, laboratory diagnosis, clinical manifestations and treatment of sexually transmitted infections

· The show features a hidden carriers of sexually transmitted infections, methods of detection, treatment, and prevention of hidden forms of STIs.

· To demonstrate the technique of taking a bioassay for the detection of sexually transmitted infections

· To acquaint the student with the basic clinical protocols and orders of the MoH RK in obstetrics and neonatology

· To acquaint the student with the legal framework of health care for women during pregnancy and after childbirth.

Дата добавления: 2015-08-03; просмотров: 38 | Нарушение авторских прав

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есто и роль алгебры в соответствии с требованиями к уровню подготовки учащихся.| The results at the end of training.

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