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США переходят к военной защите своих устремлений | Американские базы окружают Евразию | Грузия и российско-американские столкновения из-за нефти | Оранжевая революция: в погоне за королевскими драгоценностями | Вашингтонские друзья Виктора | Путин, «Юкос» и национальные интересы | Новая российская геополитика трубопроводов | Китай, Россия, США: новая Холодная война за нефть | Кто владеет «Мировым островом», тот управляет миром. | Ядерный выбор» Вашингтона |

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  6. Анализ бухгалтерского баланса и источников формирования капитала предприятия
  7. Аннотация (на английском)


Примечания к главе 1

(1) Carey, Henry С. The Harmony of Interests: Agricultural, Manufacturing & Commercial // ed. by J. S. Skinner. Philadelphia, 1851. P. 60-65.

(2) Smith, E. Peshine. A Manual of Political Economy. New York: George P. Putnam & Co., 1853. P. 149-152.

(3) List, Friedrich. The National System of Political Economy, London: Longmanns, Green & Co., 1885 (reprinted by Augustus M. Keiley / New York, 1966).


Примечания к главе 2

(1) Born, Karl Erich. Wirtschafts-und Sozialgeschichte des Deutschen Kaiser-reichs (1867/71-1914). Stuttgart: Steiner Verlag., 1985.

(2) Borchardt, Knut. Deutsche Wirtschaft seit 1870. London: Weidenfeld & Nicholson, 1967.

(3) Loeb, Ernst. The German Exchange Act of 1896. Boston: The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 1897. Vol. XI.

(4) Mauser, Henri. Germany's Commercial Grip on the World. New York: Chas. Scribner's & Sons., 1918. P. 106-108.

(5) Woodward, Sir Llewellyn. Prelude to Modern Europe. Norfolk: Methuen & Co., 1971. P. 135.


Примечания к главе 3

(1) Mohr A. The Oil War. New York: Harcourt Brace & Co., 1926.

(2) Ibid. P. 124.

(3) Hanighen F. C. The Secret War. New York: The John Day & Co, 1934.

(4) Helfferich K. Der Weltkrieg: Vorgeschichte des Weltkrieges. Berlin: Ullsfein & Co, 1919. P. 120-165.

(5) Laffan R. G. D. The Serbs: The Guardians of the Gate. New York: Edition 1917 reprinted by Dorset Press, 1989. P. 163-164.

(6) Abu-Hakima A. M. The Modern History of Kuwait. London: Luzak & Co. Ltd., 1983. P. 188-197.

(7) Hanighen F. С. The Secret War. New York: The John Day & Co, 1934. P. 22-23.

(8) Helfferich K. Der Weltkrieg: Vorgeschichte des Weltkrieges. Berlin: Ullstein & Co, 1919.P. 165-166.

(9) Wells H. G. Experiment in Autobiography. The Macmillan Co. / New York, 1934. P. 658-659.

(10) Hanotaux G. Fashoda: The African Negotiation. La Revue Des Deux Mondes. Paris: Fevrier 1909; Von Laue Т. Н. Sergei Witte and the Industrialization of Russia. New York: Atheneum, 1974.


Примечания к главе 4

(1) Paish, Sir George. Memorandum on British Gold Reserves sent to Chancellor // Treasury Files of British Public Record Office. T. 171 53. January 1914.

(2) Paish, Sir George. Letter to the Chancellor Lloyd George // Treasury Files of British Public Record Office / T 170 14, 2 a.m. Saturday, August 1. 1914.

(3) Hanigen, Frank C. The Secret War. New York: The John Day Co, 1934. P. 82-83.

(4) Documents on British Foreign Policy, 1919-1939 // First Series. Vol. IV. P. 245-247.

(5) Lawrence Т. Е. Seven Pillars of Wisdom. London: Cape, 1935. P. 24.

(6) Nevakivi J. Britain, France and the Arab Middle East, 1914-1956. London, 1969. P. 264.

(7) Zeine Z. N. The Struggle for Arab Independence: Western Diplomacy and the Rise and Fall of Faisal's Kingdom in Syria. Beirut, 1960. P. 59.

(8) Rose N. A. The Gentile Zionists: A Study in Anglo- Zionist Diplomacy, 1929-39 // Frank Cass / London, 1973.

(9) Wilson D. Rothschild: A story of wealth and power // Mandarin / London, 1990. P. 341.

(10) Kerr Ph. (Lord Lothian). The Round Table //August, 1911. P. 422.

(11) Mackinder H. J. Democratic Ideals and Reality // W.W. Norton & Co. / New York, 1969. P. 89.

(12) Quigley Cl. The Anglo-American Establishment from Rhodes to Clivden // Books in Focus Inc. / New York, 1981. P. 5.


Примечания к главе 5

(1) Dayer R. A. British War Debts to the United States...// Pacific Historical Review. November 1976. No. 45. P. 577.

(2) Burk K. Britain, America and the Sinews of War: 1914-1918. London: George Allen & Unwin, 1985.

(3) Lamont Th. W. Foreign Government Bonds // Annals of the American Academy. March 1920. P. 121.

(4) Quigley С The Anglo-American Establishment: From Rhodes to Clivden. New York: Books in Focus Inc., 1981.

(5) Costigliola F. C. Anglo-American Financial Rivalry in the 1920's // Journal of Economic History. December 1977. Vol. XXXVII. No.4.

(6) Mohr A. The Oil War. New York: Harcourt Brace & Co, 1926.

(7) Hanighen F. С The Secret War. New York: John Day Co, 1934.

(8) Mohr A. The Oil War. New York: Harcourt Brace & Co, 1926. P. 138.

(9) Ibid. P. 222-223.


Примечания к главе 6

(1) Clarke S. V. О. The Reconstruction of the International Monetary System: The Attempts of 1922 & 1933 // Princeton Studies in International Finance. Princeton, N.J., November 1973. No. 33.

(2) Hanighen F. C. The Secret War. New York: John Day Co, 1934.

(3) Stolper G.t H'user K. Deutsche Wirtschaft seit 1870 // Tuebingen, 1966.

(4) ZischkaA. Oelkrieg:WandlungderWeltmacht. Leipzig: Wilhelm Goldmann Verlag, 1939.

(5) Zeine Z. N. The Struggle for Arab Independence: Western Diplomacy and the Rise and Fall of Faisal's Kingdom in Syria. Beirut, 1960. P. 59.

(6) Stolper G., H'user K. Deutsche Wirtschaft seit 1870. Tuebingen, 1966.

(7) Ibid.

(8) Pfieiderer O. Waehrung und Wirtschaft in Deutschland 1876-1975. Frankfurt: Deutsche Bundesbank, 1976. P. 194.

(9) Quigley C. Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in Our Time. London: Collier-Macmillan Ltd., 1966

(10) Blair J. M. The Control of Oil. New York: Pantheon Books, 1976.

(11) U.S. Federal Trade Commission. The International Petroleum Cartel // Report to U.S. Senate Small Business Committee. 82nd Congress, 2nd Session, 1952. P. 245.

(12) Stiefel D. Finanzdiplomatie und Weltwirtschaftskrise: Die Krise der Creditanstalt fur Handel und Gewerbe, 1931 // Fritz Knapp Verlag. Frankfurt a.m., 1989.

(13) Meyer R. H. Bankers' Diplomacy: Monetary Stabilization in the 1920's. New York: Columbia University Press, 1970.

(14) Aangstroem L.-J. Ivar Kreuger blev moerdad! // Den Svenska Marknaden. Stockholm, August 1987.

(15) Smith T. Berlin Alert: The Memoirs and Reports of Truman Smith. Stanford California: Hoover Institution Press, 1984.

(16) Pool J. & S. Hitlers Wegbereiter zur Macht: Die geheimen deutschen und internationalen Geldquellen, die Hitlers Aufsteig zuers Wegbereiter zur Macht: Die geheimen deutschen und internationalen Geldquellen, die Hitlers Aufsteig zur Macht ermglichten. Muenchen: Scherz Verlag, 1979; Pentzlin H. Hjalmar Schacht. Berlin: Verlag Ullstein GmbH, 1980; James H. The German Slump: Politics and Economics 1924-1936. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1986.


Примечания к главе 7

(1) Memorandum of Alling to A.A. Berle and Secretary of State Dean Acheson// United States National Archive. 890F.24/20. 14 December 1942.

(2) ECA and MSA Relations with International Oil Companies Concerning Petroleum Prices // U.S. Senate Select Committee on Small Business, 1952. 82nd Congress, 2nd session.

(3) Painter D. S. Oil and the Marshall Plan // Business History Review. Harvard University, autumn 1984. No. 58.

(4) De Cecco M. International Financial Merkets and US Domestic Policy Since 1945 // International Affairs. London, January 1976. Vol. 52. No. 1.

(5) Fatemi N. S. Oil Diplomacy: Powderkeg in Iran. New York: Whittier Books, Inc., 1954.

(6) Ibid. P. 342.

(7) Zabih S. The Mossadegh Era. Chicago: Lake View Press, 1982.

(8) Joesten J. Oelmaechte im Wettstreit // Verlag August Lutzeyer, Baden-Baden, 1963.

(9) Enrico Mattei and the ENI // United States National Archives. Department of State. December 16, 1954. NA RG 59. 865.2553/12-1654.

(10) Joesten J. Oelmaechte im Wettstreit // Verlag August Lutzeyer. Baden-Baden, 1963. P. 108-112.

(11) ENI Minus Mattei //The Economist. 1962. November 5. P. 499.


Примечания к главе 8

(1) McCracken P. Towards Full Employment and Price Stability // OECD. A Report to the OECD by a group of independent experts. Paris, 1977.

(2) Bairoch P. International Industrialization Levels from 1750 to 1980 // Journal of European Economic History. 1982. Volume 11.

(3) de Gaulle, Charles. The War Memoirs. London: Weidenfeld & Nicholson, 1967. P. 214.

(4) de Menil L. P. Who Speaks for Europe?: The Vision of Charles de Gaulle // Weidenfeld & Nicholson. London, 1977. Mende E. Von Wende zu Wende: 1962-1982. Muenchen: HerbigVerlag, 1986.

(5) Groden R. J., Livingstone H. E. High Treason: The Assassination of John F. Kennedy and the New Evidence of Conspiracy. New York: Berkley Books, 1989; Garrison J. On The Trail of the Assassins. New York: Warner Books, 1988.

(6) Ranelagh /.The Agency: The Rise & Decline of the CIA. London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson Ltd., 1986.

(7) De Cecco M. International Financial Markets and US Domestic Policy Since 1945 // International Affairs. London, July 1976.

(8) Attali J. A Man of Influence: Sir Siegmund Warburg-1902-1982. London: Weidenfeld & Nicholson, 1986.

(9) Rueff J. Balance of Payments: Proposals for the resolution of the most pressing world economic problem of our time. New York: Macmillan Co, 1967.

(10) de Menil I. P. Who Speaks for Europe?: The Vision of Charles de Gaulle. London: Weidenfeld & Nicholson, 1977. P. 174.


Примечания к главе 9

(1) Argy V. The Postwar International Money Crisis. London: George Allen & Unwin, 1981.

(2) Saltsjoebaden Conference // Bilderberg meetings. 1973. 11-13 May.

(3) Golan M. The Secret Conversations of Henry Kissinger: Step-by-step diplomacy in the Middle East. New York: Bantam Books Inc., 1976.

(4) Kissinger H. A. Years of Upheaval. Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 1982.

(5) Bennett /. F. Memorandum to Secretary of State Kissinger // International Currency Review. London, January 1991. Vol. XX. No 6. P. 45.

(6) Akins J. Private conversations regarding his tenure as Director of Fuels & Energy Office of U. S. State Department at that time, later Ambassador to Saudi Arabia.

(7) Goodwin С D., et al. Energy Policy in Perspective // The Brookings Institution. Washington D.C., 1981.

(8) Kissinger H. A. Reflections on a Partnership: British and American Attitudes to Postwar Foreign Policy // Royal Institute of International Affairs. Chatham House, London, May 10, 1982. (9) Ford Foundation Energy Policy Project. A Time to choose: America's Energy Future. Cambridge Massachusetts: Ballinger Publishing Co., 1974.

(12) List F. The National System of Political Economy // Augustus M. Kelley reprint. New Jersey, 1977.

(13) National Security Study Memorandum 200. Implications of Worldwide Population Growth for U.S. Security and Overseas Interests // U.S. National Archives, December 10, 1974.


Примечания к главе 10

(1) World Steel in Figures // International Iron and Steel Institute / Brussels, 1991. See also Fearnley's World Shipping annual reports. Oslo.

(2) Carli G. Why Banks are Unpopular // Lecture to the Per Jacobsson Foundation / Stockholm, June 12, 1976.

(3) Annual Report // Bank for International Settlements. Basle, June 1976.

(4) Bennett J. F. Memorandum to Secretary of State Kissinger // International Currency Review. London, January 1991. Vol. XX. No 6. P. 45.

(5) Hirsh F., et al. Alternatives to Monetary Disorder // Council on Foreign Relations 1980's Project. McGraw-Hill, 1977. P. 55.

(7) Refer to the citation in Chapter 9 footnote No 8.

(8) Bhutto, Benazir. Tochter der Macht: Autobiographic // Droemer Knaur. Muenchen, 1989.

(9) For background to the creation of the Trilateral Commission refer to Chapter 9, footnote No 10.

(10) The Coming of the Revolution // Library of Congress Country Studies, Iran. U.S., December 1987. Hossein Sh. BBC Persian Service 60 years // The Iranian, BBC. September 24, 2001.

(11) Comptroller General of the United States. Iranian Oil Cutoff: Reduced Petroleum Supplies and Inadequate U.S. Government Response // Report to Congress by General Accounting Office, 1979.


Примечания к главе 11

(1) Noam Ch. The Struggle for Democracy in a Changed World // Catholic Institute for International Relations. London, January 1991.

(2) Aaronovitch S. The Road From Thatcherism. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1981.

(3) Infrastructure: Problems and Prospects for Steel // International Iron and Steel Institute. Brussels, 1985.

(4) Greider W. Secrets of the Temple. London: Simon & Schuster, 1987.

(5) Hudson M. Super Imperialism: The Origin and Fundamentals of U.S. World Dominance. London: Pluto Press.

(6) World Debt Tables series for the period through the early 1980's // The World Bank.

(7) Rasmussen H. K. The Forgotten Generation: a debate book concerning children and the debt crisis. Copenhagen: Danish UNICEF Committee, 1987; Milivojevic M. The Debt Rescheduling Process. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1985; Economic Survey of Latin America //United Nations reports.

(8) Michler W. Wirtschaftskrieg gegen einen Kontinent // Welternaehrung. Bonn, 1991. 1 Q.

(9) Pizzo S. Inside Job: The looting of America's Savings & Loans. New York6: McGraw-Hill, 1989.

(10) Economic Indicators. Washington: U.S. Congress Joint Economic Committee, 1990.

(11) Hale D. D. The Weekly Money Report. Chicago: Kemper Financial Services, Inc., January 29, 1990.

(12) Bulletin // U.S.-Iraq Business Forum. New York, 1989. August.

(13) Hussein S. Address of 16 February 1990 to Arab Cooperation Council // Translated from Arabic in U.S. State Department Foreign Broadcast Information Service. Washington, 20 February, 1990.


Примечания к главе 12

(1) World Economic Outlook // International Monetary Fund. Washington, D.C., May 1990. P. 46. Miller G. P. The Role of a Central Bank in a Bubble Economy // New York University Center for the Study of Central Banks. Johnson, Chalmers. Let's revisit Asia's crony capitalism // Los Angeles Times. June 25,1999. Mushakoji, Kinhide. Japan and Cultural Development in East Asia // Mushakoji Newsletter. Tokyo, June 1997. No. 8. Golub, Philip. East Asia in the Global Political Economy // Le Monde Diplomatique. London, October 2003. Nordhaug, Kristen. U.S. hegemony, Japan and the Asian financial crisis // www.globasia.dk. Crockett, Andrew. Capital Flows in East Asia since the crisis // Bank for International Settlements / www.bis.org, October 11, 2002.

(2) Brzezinski, Zbigniew. The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and its Geostrategic Imperatives // Basic Books / New York, 1997. Mackinder H.J. Democratic Ideals and Reality // Henry Holt & Co. / New York, 1919. Mackinder, Hal ford J. The Round World and the Winning of the Peace// Foreign Affairs. New York, July 1943. Vol. XXI. No.4.

(3) Bradley, Bill Eurasia Letter: A Misguided Russia Policy // Foreign Policy. Winter 1995/1996. Herd, Graeme. Robbing Russia? // The World Today. London, April 1998. U.S. criticized for funding 'corporatist' and 'criminalized' capitalism // Russia Reform Monitor. September 11, 1997. No. 308. Macdonald, Alastair. Russian govt wins time, but problems abound / Reuters, August 2, 1998. George Soros. Letter to the editors // Financial Times. August 12, 1998.

(4) McCarthy, Paul B. Testimony to the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe. Washington, December 10, 1998. Allen Weinstein. Interview // Washington Post. September 21, 1991. Bachmaier, Peter. Der Balkan als internationales Protektorat // Zeit-Fragen / Zurich, 21 October, 2002. Woodward, Susan. Balkan Tragedy. Washington D.C.: Brookings Institution, 1995. Sean Gervasi. On the NATO Strategy in Yugoslavia // International Nino Pasti Foundation. Prague, January 1996. NATO Expansion: Flirting with Disaster // Center for Defense Information. Washington D.C., November 1995. Willy Wimmer. Open Letter to Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder. 2001. Rupp, Rainer. Die imperialen Absichten der USA auf dem Balkan // Junge Welt. 23 June 2001.

(5) A meeting of blood and oil: The Balkan factor in Western energy security // Journal of Southern Europe and the Balkans. May 2002. Vol. IV. No. 1. P. 75-89. Trtica, Aleksandra. Trans-Balkan Oil Pipelines through no-man's land. Banja Luka, Srpska, February 27, 2001.


Примечания к главе 13

(1) Strategic Energy Policy: Challenges for the 21st Century // James Baker Institute for Public Policy and the Council on Foreign Relations. Houston, April 2001, www.rice.edu.

Tom Regan. When contemplating war, beware of babies in incubators // Christian Science Monitor. September 6, 2002. Cheney, Dick. Autumn Lunch Speech // London Institute of Petroleum. London, 1999, www.petroleum.co.uk. O'Neill. Statements // Mid-East Realities / Washington, January 10, 2004, www.MiddleEast.org.

(2) Rebuilding America's Defenses // The Project for the New American Century. Washington D.C., September 2000. Oliver Burkeman and Julian Borger. The ex-presidents' club //The Guardian. October 31, 2001.

(3) Rashid, Ahmed. Taliban: Militant Islam, Oil and Fundamentalism in Central Asia. London: LB. Tauris & Co., 2001. John Pilger. America's bid for global dominance // Pakistan Daily Times. December 15, 2002. Jean-Charles Brisard and G. Dasquie. Forbidden Truth: U.S.-Taliban Secret Oil Diplomacy... // Thunders' Mouth Press/Nation Press. New York, 2002. The Karzai Unocal link // Le Monde. December 13, 2001. News of the signing of the Afghan pipeline agreement with Pakistan and Turkmenistan was reported in www.after-words.org/grim, January 3, 2003. Ron Callari. The Enron-Cheney-Taliban Connection? // Albion Monitor. February 28, 2002.

(4) Meacher, Michael. The War on Terrorism is Bogus //The Guardian. London, September 6, 2003. Whitaker, Raymond. Powell withdraws al Qaida claim as hunt for Saddam's WMD flags //The Independent. January 11, 2004. George Wright. Wolfowitz: The Iraq War was about oil // The Guardian. London, June 4,2003. Timothy Garten Ash. Next Stop Syria? // The Guardian. London, January 22, 2004.

(5) Zbigniew Brzezinski. A geostrategy for Eurasia // Foreign Affairs / 76:5, September/October 1997. Mark Ames. Cheney Starts New Cold War Over Oil // eXile / June 1, 2006, http://www.alternet.org/story/3688l/ Chalmers Johnson. Nemesis: The Last Days of the American Republic // Metropolitan Books / New York, 2007.

(6) J.F. Kenney. Considerations about recent predictions of impending shortages of petroleum evaluated from the perspective of modern petroleum science // Energy World: Special Edition on the Future of Petroleum, British Institute of Petroleum / London, June 1996. V. A. Krayushkin, T. I. Tchebanenko, V. P. Klochko, Ye. S. Dvoryanin, J.F. Kenney. The Drilling & Development of the Oil & Gas Fields in the Dnieper-Donetsk Basin // Energia / 2001. Volume 22/3, P. 44-47.

Pentagon Office of Net Assessments head, Andrew Marshall, according to a first hand account provided to the author, was fully appraised by knowledgeable US physicists of the Russian abiotic work in 2006, far too late to alter the strategic short-term equation of control of oil embedded in the US strategy of militarizing control of oil in the Middle East, Africa and elsewhere. US refusal to take up an offer by the leading Russian abiotic scientists to share their work may go down in history as one of the greatest, strategic blunders of alltime.

George W. Bush. Remarks by the President at National Governors' Association Meeting // Washington DC, February 27, 2006, www.white-house.gov.

(7) Simon Romero. Coup on tiny African Islands felt in Texas oil offices // New York Times // July 18, 2003. Iran and Japan close to signing deal despite U.S. Pressure // Dow Jones / July 3, 2003. Lieven, Anatol. The Push for War // London Review of Books / 3 October 2002. Volume 24, No. 19.

Wayne Madsen. Big Oil and James Baker Target the Western Sahara // All Africa / January 9, 2003. Turmoil in Georgia Linked to Oil // Dawn Group of Newspapers / Pakistan, November 24, 2003. Africa Oil Policy Initiative Group. Africa Oil: A Priority for U.S. National Security // Institute for Advanced Strategic and Political Studies / Washington, January 2002.

(8) Todd, Emmanuel. After the Empire: The Breakdown of the American Order // Columbia University Press / New York. 200.

Said, Edward. Preface to Orientalism // Al-Ahram/ 7-13 August, 2003.


Примечания к главе 14

(1) World Military Expenditures and Arms Transfers // US State Department Bureau of Verification and Compliance.

(2) George H. W. Bush. President Bush's speech to Congress // March 6, 1991. George H. W. Bush and Brent Scowcroft. A World Transformed. George H. W. Bush. Toward a New World Order // speech to Joint Session of Congress/ September 11, 1990. Eric A. Miller and Steve A. Yetiv. The New World Order in Theory and Practice: The Bush Administration's World-view in Transition // Presidential Studies Quarterly / March 2001.

(3) Daniel Widome. The Six Most Important US Military Bases // www.foreignpolicy.com / May 2006. Chalmers Johnson. America's Empire of Bases // http://www.TomDispatch, com/, January 15, 2004. Zoltan Grossman. New US Military Bases: Side Effects or Causes of War? // www.counterpunch.org/zoltanbases. html "http://www.counterpunch.­org/zoltanbases.htmi" / February 2, 2002. Ramtanu Maitra. US Scatters Bases to Control Eurasia // Asia Times Online / Gonkong, March 30,2005. William Clark. Will US be asked to leave key military bases? // www.csmonitor.com / July 5, 2005. Thorn Shanker and Eric Smit. Pentagon Expects Long-Term Access to Four Key Bases in Iraq // New York Times / April 20, 2003. Christine Spolar. 14 'Enduring Bases' Set for Iraq // Chicago Tribune / March 23, 2004. www.globemaster.de/cgi-bin/bases provides a profile of every listed US airbase. Zbigniew Brzezinski. A Geostrategy for Eurasia // Foreign Affairs / September/October 1997. Ron Callari. The Enron-Cheney-Taliban Connection? // www.alternet.org "http://www.alternet.org/" / February 28, 2002.

(4) Gene Sharp. The Politics of Nonviolent Action // Porter Sargent Publishers / Boston, 2000. Roger Cohen. Who Really Brought Down Milosevic? // New York Times Magazine / November 26, 2000, www.nytimes.com/library/magazine provides a first-hand documentation of the US role in the Serb regime change. Michael Barker. Regulating revolutions in Eastern Europe: Polyarchy and the National Endowment for Democracy // www.zmag.org. / November 1, 2006. Julie A. Corwin. East: Regime Change on the Cheap // Radio Free Europe /April 19, 2005. John Arquilla and David Ronfeldt. Swarming – The Next Face of Battle // Aviation Week & Space Technology / September 29, 2003. H.Van Dyke Parunak. Making Swarming Happen // Altarum Institute paper presented to Conference on Swarming and C4ISR / Tysons Corner, Va, 3 January 2003., Howard Rheingold. Smart Mobs: The next social revolution-Mobile communication, pervasive computing, wireless networks, collective action // Perseus Books / New York, 2002.

(5) F. William Engdahl. Ukraine: Oil politics and a mockery of democracy // Asia Times / January 20, 2005, www.atimes.com. F. William Engdahl. Ukraine gas dispute – Has Putin gone nuts? //Global Research, Jan. 12, 2006, www.globalresearch.ca.

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