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Примечания 4 страница. 393 Hay, Andrew. Environmentalists Fear Brazil's Lifting of GMO Ban // Reuters, 7 March 2005.

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393 Hay, Andrew. Environmentalists Fear Brazil's Lifting of GMO Ban // Reuters, 7 March 2005.

394 McKie, Robin. GMO Corn Set to Stop Man Spreading His Seed // The Observer, 9 September 2001. МакКи пишет: «Растения, предотвращающие беременность, - ручная работа компании биотехнологии Сан-Диего «Эпицит», исследователи которой обнаружили редкий класс человеческих антител, которые атакуют сперму. Изолируя гены, которые регулируют производство этих антител, и помещая их в семена растений, компания создала крошечные садоводческие фабрики, которые делают противозачаточные средства… Противозачаточное зерно базируется на исследовании редкого условия свободного бесплодия, при котором женщина производит антитела, которые атакуют и [повреждают] сперму… По сути, эти антитела обволакивают рецепторы сперматозоида, по словам Хейна. Они захватывают и делают каждый сперматозоид настолько тяжелым, что он не может двигаться вперед. Он только колеблется, словно выплясывает ламбаду».

395 Там же.

396 Dow, Epicyte Enter Research, Licensing Agreement // PRNewswire, 5 September 2000.

397 Epicyte: Company of the Month // The San Diego Biotech Journal, June 2001.

398 Andrews, Wyatt. In Coming Harvests, Farm-aceutical Corn // CBS News, 8 October 2002 // http://www.muhammadfarms.com/News-Oct6-12-2002.htm.

399 Epicyte: Company of the Month // The San Diego Biotech Journal, June 2001. См. также: Epicyte Receives SBIR Grant to Fund HPV Antibody Development; Marks Fifth Grant for Epicyte to Develop Sexual Health Products // Business Wire, 5 June 2001.

400 Biolex Acquires San Diego Based Epicyte Pharmaceutical / Company Press Release, 6 May 2004. См. также: http://www.biolex.com и http://www.epicyte.com

401 DeSantis, S'ra. Mexico: Genetically Modified Organisms Threaten Indigenous Corn // Z Magazine, July/August 2002.

402 Clinical Trials of a WHO Birth Control Vaccine // The Lancet, 11 June 1988.

403 Miller, James A. Are New Vaccines Laced With Birth-Control Drugs? // HLI Reports, Human Life International, Gaithersburg, Maryland; June/July 1995.

404 Там же.

405 Там же.

406 Там же. Автор цитирует детали официальной статьи ВОЗ о контролировании детской вакцинации, включая «вакцины для регулирования фертильности», глава 11, с. 177-198, см.: Research in Human Reproduction / Biennial Report, 1986-1987/ WHO Special Programme of Research, Development and Research Training in Human Reproduction, WHO, Geneva, 1988.

407 Miller, James A. Are New Vaccines Laced With Birth-Control Drugs?

408 Jones, W. R. et al. Phase 1 Clinical Trials of a World Health Organisation Birth Control Vaccine //The Lancet, 11 June 1988. P. 1295-1298. Авторы пишут: «Вакцина контроля над рождаемостью, включающая синтетический антиген пептида, представляющий собой последовательность аминокислоты …человеческого хорионического гонадотропина (hCG-бета), была представлена клиническому испытанию первой фазы. Тридцать стерилизованных хирургическим путем добровольцев женского пола, разделенных на пять равных групп для различных доз вакцины, получили две внутримышечных инъекции в течение шести недель. По прошествии шести месяцев… потенциально противозачаточные уровни антител к hCG развивались у всех испытуемых. В группе с самой высокой дозой вакцины результаты дали обещание противозачаточного эффекта продолжительностью в шесть месяцев». См. также: Talwar, G. P. et al. Prospects of an Anti-hCG Vaccine Inducing Antibodies of High Affinity…// Reproductive Technology, 1989, Elsevier Science Publishers, 1990, Amsterdam, New York. P. 231.

409 Miller, James Л. Are New Vaccines Laced With Birth-Control Drugs? См. также: World Health Organization Challenges in Reproductive Health Research // Biennial Report, 1992-1993, Geneva, 1994. P. 186.

410 Harris, Robert and Paxman, Jeremy. A Higher Form of Killing. New York: Noonday Press, 1982. См. также: Rosie, George. Churchill's Anthrax Bombs: UK Planned to Wipe out Germany with Anthrax // Sunday Herald, London, 14 October 2001.

411 Kadlec, Robert P. Biological Weapons for Waging Economic Warfare and Twenty-First Century Germ Warfare // http://www.airpower.maxwell.af.mil/airchronicles/battle/bftoc.html.

412 Там же.

413 Sunshine: Biological Weapons and Genetical Engineering Genetic Engineering is Regularly Used to Produce Lethal Bacteria // http://www.sunshine-project, org/bwintro/gebw.html.

414 Там же.

415 Nugent, Helen. Gene Wars Only a Few Years Away, Say Doctors // London Times, 26 October 2004.

416 Shwartz, Mark. Biological Warfare Emerges as 21 Century Threat. Stanford Report, 11 January 2001 // http://news-service.stanford.edu/ news/2001/January17/bioterror-l17.html

417 Bush, George W. President Outlines Pandemic Influenza Preparations and Response. Washington D. C, NIH // http://merln.ndu.edu/archivepdf/hls/WH/20051101-l.pdf.

418 Sciences? Gilead/ Donald H. Rumsfeld Named Chairman of Gilead Sciences / Press Release, Foster City, CA., 3 January 1997 // http://www.gilead.com/wt/sec/pr_933190157/.

419 Winkenwerder Jr., William. Department of Defense Guidance for Preparation and Response to an Influenza Pandemic caused by the Bird Flu (Avian Influenza) // US Department of Defense, 21 September 2004.

420 Engdahl, F. William. Is Avian Flu another Pentagon Hoax? // http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=viewArticleamp;code=%20EN20051030 amp;articleId=l169, 30 October 2005.

421 Waxman, Henry A. Halliburton's Iraq Contracts Now Worth over $ 10 Billion, Committee on Government Reform / US House of Representatives, Washington, D. C, Fact Sheet, 9 December 2004 // http://oversight.house.gov/docu-ments/20050916123931-74182.pdf.

422 Horowitz, Leonard G. Emerging Viruses: AIDS amp; Ebola, Nature, Accident or Intentional? Idaho: Sandpoint, Tetrahedron Publishing Group, 2001. P. 275-288.

423 Там же. P. 411.

424 Там же. P. 410-411.

425 Wolfert, Ira. Chickens: Cheaper by the Mission // The Reader's Digest, February 1968.

426 WATT Poultry USA: WATT Poultry USA's Rankings. October 2006.

427 Viva! USA Chicken/ Broiler Industry Media Briefing // http://www.vivau-sa.org/campaigns/chickens/media.html, 2005.

428 United States Government Accountability Office Safety in the Meat and Poultry Industry, While Improving, Could Be Further Strengthened. Washington, D. C, January 2005, GAO-05-96.

429 Viva! USA Chicken/Broiler Industry Media Briefing.

430 USDA Animal Welfare Issues Compendium // A Collection of 14 Discussion Papers, September 1997 // http://warp.nal.usda.gov/awic/pubs/97issues.htm. Accessed on 30 September 2005.

431 Foods, Tyson, Inc. Annual Report. 2006 // http://www.tyson.com/Corporate/.

432 GRAIN Fowl Play: The poultry industry's central role in the bird flu crisis // http://www.grain.org/briefings/?id=194, February 2006.

433 Там же.

434 Beyond Factory Farming Coalition: Fact Sheet: Avian Flu // http://www. beyondfactoryfarming.org/get-informed/health/avian-flu; GRAIN Fowl Play: The poultry industry's central role in the bird flu crisis. См. также: World Health Organization: Bird Droppings Prime Origin of Bird Flu. 17 January 2004, Geneva.

435 Sontag, Walter. Der Fluch der Vogel // Wiener Zeitung, 5 November 2005.

436 Детали на веб-сайте CP Group http://www.cpgroup.cn, и в статье: The Families that Own Asia // Time Asia magazine // http://www.time.com/time/asia/covers/501040223/chearavanont.html.

437 Trilateral Commission: The 2005 Trilateral Commission Membership. New York, May 2005.

438 Roslin Institute: Practical Environmental Enrichment to Improve Poultry Welfare // Research Reviews. P. 55-60.

439 Mark Henderson Scientists Aim to Beat Flu with Genetically Modified Chickens// The Times, 29 October 2005.

440 Viragen // http://www.viragen.com/aviantransgenicbio.htm (компания больше не существует)

441 Monsanto Corporation: Monsanto Company to Acquire Delta and Pine Land Company for $1,5 Billion in Cash / Press Release, 15 August 2006 // http://monsanto.mediaroom.com/index.php?s=43 amp;item=211.

442 Pollack, Andrew. Monsanto Buys Delta and Pine Land, Top Supplier of Cotton Seeds in US // The New York Times, 16 August 2006.

443 См. гл. 12, примеч. 9.

444 Питер Кастильо, электронное ответное письмо автору без заголовка, 12 февраля 2007 года и 9 февраля 2007 года.

445 См. гл. 12, примеч. 12.

446 Sharatt, Lucy. The Public Eye Awards 2006: Delta amp; Pine Land / Ban Terminator Campaign // http://www.evb.ch/cm_data/NOM-DELTAPINE.pdf.

447 United Nations Development Program: The Convention on Biological Diversity, Fourth meeting, Granada, Potential Socio-economic Impacts of Genetic Use Restriction Technologies (Gurts) on Indigenous and Local Communities… 23-27 January 2006 // http://www.biodiv.org.

448 Там же.

449 Engdahl, F. William. Monsanto Buys «Terminator» Seeds Company / Financial Sense Online, 28 August 2006 // http://www.financialsense.com/editorials/engdahl/2006/0828.html.

450 Wood row, Wilkins Jr. D amp;PL Storm Losses Top $1 Million // Delta Democrat Times, 30 August 2005.

451 Dillon, Matthew. And We Have the Seeds: Monsanto Purchases World's Largest Vegetable Seed Company / The Seed Alliance // http://www.seedalli-ance.org/index.php?page=SeminisMonsanto, 24 January 2005.

452 Там же.

453 Gillam, Carey. Crop King Monsanto Seeks Pig-Breeding Patent Clou // Reuters, 10 August 2005.

454 Shaw, Jeff. Monsanto Looks to Patent Pigs Breeding Methods. New Standard, 18 August 2005 // http://newstandardnews.net.

455 Там же.

456 Gillam, Carey. Crop King Monsanto Seeks Pig-Breeding Patent Clou.

457 Watch, Gene. UK Techniques for the Genetic Modification of Animals // http://www.genewatch.org.

458 Rothschild, Max F. Patenting of Genetic Innovations in Animal Breeding and Genetics / Center for Integrated Animal Genomics, Iowa State University, 2003, Ames, Iowa // http://www.poultryscience.org/pba/1952-2003/2003/2003%20Rothschild.pdf.

459 US Patent and Trademark Office: US Patent Application Publication, Systems and Methods for Optimizing Animal Production using Genotype Information // Pub. No. US 2007/0026493 A1, Washington, D. С, 1 February 2007.

460 Cargill Corporation // http://www.cargill.com/

461 Various ЕС Member State Safeguard Measures Prohibiting the Import and/ or Marketing of Specific Biotech Products (hereafter the «Member State Safeguard Measures») //World Trade Organization, undated. WT/DS291-3/R. P. 343.

462 Engdahl, F. William. WTO, GMO and Total Spectrum Dominance: WTO Rules Put Free-Trade of Agribusiness Above National Health Concerns // Global Research. 29 March 2006. // http://www.globalresearch.ca.

463 European Commission General Overview of Active WTO Dispute Settlement Cases Involving the EC as Complainant or Defendamt and of Active Cases Under the Trade Barriers Regulation // Directorate-General for Trade. Brussels, 23 February 2007.

464 What Europeans Think about GMOs // Friends of the Earth of Europe. На вебстранице http://www.foeeurope.org/GMOs/What_Europeans.htm.

465 Ruth Gledhill Pope Condemns Geneticists «Who Play at Being God» // The Times. 14 April 2006.

466 BUND Drittes Gesetz zur Anderung des Gentechnikgesetzes // Deutschnald. // http://www.bund.net



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