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Complete the conversation. Choose the correct form of the verb.

In pairs, ask and answer questions using the prompts below, as in the example. | Complete the conversation. Put the verbs in the Present Perfect Continuous or Simple. | Choose the correct answer. | Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense. | Философия жизни | Translate into English. |

Читайте также:
  1. a) Put the verbs in brackets into the correct present forms.
  2. B. Choose the right variant and explain your choice
  3. B. Choose the right variant and explain your choice.
  4. B. Compose your own word-combinations or sentences with the use of Participle II of the notional verb.
  5. C. Choose the right variant. Explain your choice.
  6. Choose and fill in the correct form of the verb.
  7. Choose the antonym

Emma: Hi, Matthew. What do you look /are you looking at?

Matthew. Oh, hi. These are photos of me when I was a child.

Emma: Oh, look at this one. (1) I think/I’m thinking you look lovely, Matthew.

Matthew: (2) I have/I'm having some more photos here.

Emma: Look at this. Why such a big coat?

Matthew: It was my brother's. That's why (3) it didn't fit/it wasn't fitting properly.

Emma: Oh, (4) I see/I'm seeing. And (5) you have/ you’re having your tea here. And in this one

(6) you think/you're thinking about something very serious.

Matthew: This is a photo of the village (7) I come/I'm coming from.

Emma: Oh, that's nice.

Matthew: And 1 caught this fish, look. (8) It weighed/ was weighing about half a kilo.

Emma: What a nice little boy! And what a sentimental old thing you are now!


15.Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or the present continuous.

1 A: Why ... are you smelling... (you/smell) the soap? B: It...............................(smell) lovely. It's like roses!

2 A: Why.....................................(you/taste) the soup? B: To see if it..............................(taste) good. I think it needs

more salt.

3 A: I.....................................................(feel) very tired. B: You should go to bed early.

4 A: I.......................................(see) Andy this evening. B: I.................................(see). So, you don't want to come to

the cinema with me, do you?

5 A: How much....................................................................................................(the bag of apples/weigh)?

B: I don't know yet. The man......................................(weigh) the bag now.

6 A: I.................(think) about buying a new car soon. B: Why? I................................(think) your car is fine. You don't need

a new one.

7 A: What................................................(you/look) at? B: The sky. It................(look) as if it's going to rain.

8 A: I really...........................(enjoy) home-made food. B: So do I, and I...............................(enjoy) every bit

of this meal.

9 A: Why...................................(you/feel) the radiator? B: It......................................(feel) cold in here. Is the

heating on?

10 A: That famous opera singer.......................(appear) at the opera house tonight. B: Yes. He………………

...............................(appear) to be feeling better after his operation.

11 A: Chris......................... (be) a sensible-person, isn't he? B: Yes, but in this case he

...................................(be) rather foolish.

12 A: My dad................................(fit) the old blind from the living room in my bedroom today. B: Really?

.....................................(it/fit) that window?

13 A: My back........................................................(hurt).

B: Why don't you lie down for a while?



Present Perfect and Perfect Continuous Tenses


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Complete the sentences by putting in the verbs. Use the Present Simple. You have to decide if the verb is positive or negative.| Trevor and Laura are decorating their house. Put in the verbs. Use the Present Perfect.

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