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Повідомлення нової теми.

Читайте также:
  1. A Гальмування парасимпатичного відділу автономної нервової системи.
  2. Актуальність теми.
  3. Взаємодія клітин в імунній відповіді. Роль окремих клітин імунної системи. Антигенрепрезентуючі клітини, Т- та В-лімфоцити. Інтерлейкіни.
  4. Влада як системоутворюючий чинник політичної системи.
  5. Зміст теми.
  6. Зміст теми.
  7. З’єднання кульшової та стегнової кiсток.

§ Читання, переклад, опрацювання нової лексики:

1) To comprise – містити в собі;

2) executive – виконавчий;

3) commander-in-chief – головнокомандуючий;

4) Navy – флот;

5) to еlect – обирати;

6) legislative – законодавчий;

7) to be vested in – бути сконцетрованим у;

8) the House of Representatives – Палата Представників;

9) to approve – ухвалити;

10) law – закон;

11) essential role – значна роль;

12) the Supreme Court – Верховний Суд;

13) declare – проголосити;

14) to be contradictory – бути суперечливим;

15) of their own – їх власний;

16) determine – визначати;

17) governor – губернатор;

18) financial matters – фінансові питання;

19) domestic affairs – внутрішні справи;

20) state authoritу – влада штату.

§ Читання, переклад тексту:



The United States of America is a federative republic. From 1959 the Federation comprises 50 states. The president is the head of the state and of the executive departments. He is also the commander-in-chief of the army and Navy of the USA. The president and vice-president are elected for a term of four years. All legislative powers are vested in Congress, which consists of the Senate and the House of Representatives. There are 100 senators and 435 members of the House of Representatives. The senators are elected by popular vote for a term of six years two from each state; the Representatives are elected for two-years terms. Both houses must approve the bill for it to become a law.

An essential role in the US political system is played by the Supreme Court, which may declare a law, passed by a Congress, to be contradictory to the Constitution of the country.

The various states have legislative bodies of their own. Their structure, function and competence are determined by the Constitution of each state. There is an elected governor at the head of each state. States enjoy independence in their domestic affairs, including financial matters. However state laws and actions of state authorities must not conflict with the Constitution of the USA.



1) Who is the head of the state?

2) What term is the president elected for?

3) Where is the legislative power vested in?

4) How many senators are elected from each state?

5) What does Congress consist of?

6) What role does the Supreme Court play?

7) Who is the head of each state in the USA?

8) What kind of independence do the states enjoy?



§ Визначення правильності висловлювань:


1) The president is the commander-in-chief of the Navy of the USA. T

2) The senators are elected by popular vote for a term of five years. F (six)

3) The senators are elected by popular vote for a term of six years. T

4) There are 453 members in the House of Representatives. F (435)

5) The various states have legislative bodies of their own. T

6) The Senate may declare a law, passed by a Congress, to be contradictory F(The Supreme

to the Constitution of the country. Court)


Дата добавления: 2015-07-21; просмотров: 38 | Нарушение авторских прав

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