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Задание 5. Найдите и исправьте ошибки

Задание 7. Найдите и исправьте ошибки. | Страдательный залог (Passive Voice) | Задание 4. Переведите предложения на русский язык. | Задание 1. Укажите предложения, содержащие инфинитив. | Задание 3. Определите действие, выраженное | Задание 8. Переведите предложения на английский язык. | Задание 1. Укажите предложения, содержащие герундий. | Задание 4. Определите функцию герундия в следующих | Задание 6. Употребите нужную форму герундия. | ЧЛЕНЫ ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЯ |

Читайте также:
  1. AlllЗадание 3 семестр.
  2. B тексте содержатся орфографические ошибки. Выпишите предложения с ошибками и исправьте их. Переведите текст на русский язык.
  3. II. Индивидуальное задание студента на практику
  5. III. Задание на дом.
  6. VI. Диктант с заданием.
  7. VI. Задание по производственной (преддипломной) практике

1. There is an new school in the our street. 2. The Moscow is a capital of the Russia. 3. What the good student you are! 4. The our country is washed by Arctic and Pacific

Oceans. 5. Is your flat on a first or on a second floor? 6. The July is a hottest month of a year. 7. This is the Peter's new car. 8. Do you like a tea with a lemon? 9.Open an book and the two texts. 10. Ivanovs are the my old and best friends. 11. The Smirnov, a captain of the this ship, is very experienced seaman. 12. A engineer returned from the Great Britain the last week.

Задание 6. Переведите следующие предложения на анг­лийский язык, употребив соответствующий артикль.

1. Вчера Ивановы уехали в Крым. 2. Красная пло­щадь — сердце Москвы. 3. Какие прекрасные цветы! 4. Байкал — самое глубокое озеро в мире. 5. Лондон — столица Великобритании. 6. По вечерам наша семья бы­вает дома. 7. Какой он хороший друг! 8. Смотри, там — машина. Машина — иностранная. 9. Рим — один из кра­сивейших городов мира. 10. Кто ответит на первый и вто­рой вопросы? 11. Летом мы жили в деревне на правом берегу Дона. 12. Она учитель или инженер по профессии? 13. Мы — студенты этой группы.14. Посмотрите на кар­тинку на странице десять. 15. На прошлой неделе завод выполнил план.


Задание 1. Укажите исчисляемые и неисчисляемые суще­ствительные

House, water, friend, milk, machine, music, snow, money, idea, family, darkness, sea, happiness, time, student, speed, book, tree, hour, silver, meat, pen, paper, picture, air, word, coffee, world, gold, minute, umbrella, cup.

Задание 2. Прочитайте и переведите следующие предло­жения. Объясните, в каком случае выделен­ные существительные являются исчисляемы­ми, а в каком — неисчисляемыми.

1. Our school is built of brick. 2. How many thousands of bricks are produced by this factory daily? 3. Two coffees, please. 4. I like strong coffee. 5. Give me two glasses. 6. Are the cups made of glass or plastics 7. There were some sheets of paper on the table. 8. The old man read all wall papers.

9. How many times a week do you attend these lectures?

10. Time is the best doctor.

Задание З. Употребите следующие существительные во множественном числе.

Box, place, library, photo, lady, dress, country, bus, party, bush, wife, day, knife, knowledge, month, pen, hero, company, goose, life, deer, tomato, sheep, city, fish, man, play, news, child, fruit, shelf, mouse, leaf, information, foot, glasses, woman, money, tooth, book, page, gentleman, word, tree, family, house.

Задание 4. Измените число выделенных существитель­ных.

1. Put these books on the shelf. 2. We remember our hero.

3. The last leaf fell from the tree. 4. Soon his child will come home.
5. I like your story. 6. The man entered the room. 7. Have you
seen this woman before? 8. My son is afraid of your goose.
9. Would you like a tomato? 10. Don't cut it with a sharp knife.
11. New patient didn't like to fill his tooth. 12. Little mouse, where
is your house? 13. A coal fell out of the fire. 14 He gave his sheep
to drink water. 15. Do you like the north deer?

Задание 5. Образуйте сложные существительные.

1. A post, a man. 2. A school, a girl. 3. A week, an end.

4. A bed, a room. 5. A birth, a day. 6. News, paper. 7. A class,
a room. 8. A tape, a recorder. 9. A chair, a man. 10. Craft,
air. 11. A text, a book. 12. A house, a wife. 13. Rain, a coat.
14. A class, a mate. 15. A sea, a man. 16. A rail, a way.
17. English, a man. 18. A ship, space.

Задание 6. Переведите следующие фразы на русский язык.

1. My father's library. 2. Your doctor's glasses. 3. Our teacher's book. 4. My son's toys. 5. The boys' mother. 6. Our engineer's plan. 7. His parents' house. 8. Today's news. 9. Ann's best friend. 10. This year's events. 11. Peter's elder brother. 12. Britain's main industries. 13. The clock's hands. 14. The girl's voice. 15.My son's room. 16.The company's staff. 17.His brothers' toys.

Задание 7. Замените существительные с предлогом «of» формой притяжательного падежа.

1. The walls of our room. 2. The poems of Lermontov. 3. The birthdays of my best friends. 4. The capital of Russia.



1 1

5. The books of my younger sister. 6. The library of our institute.7. The longest rivers of Britain. 8. The collection of Mr. Brown. 9. The life of our students. 10. The flat of Mike. 11. The names of friends of Ann. 12. New plays of this writer. 13. The hands of the boy. 14. The main street of our city. 15. The economy of the country.

Задание 8. Поставьте существительные в скобках в при­тяжательном падеже.

1. (Peter) flat is in the center of the city. 2. This (woman) children are very little. 3. (Ann) best friend is a sailor. 4. This is my (parents) car. 5. Are you that (man) son? 6. (Yesterday) information was rather interesting. 7. I like you (daughter) dog very much. 8. Is your (grandmother) house large or small?

9. There are many interesting books in my (father) library.

10. This (clock) hands are made of some rare metal. 11. What
are his (sons) names? 12.1 was greatly impressed by your (city)
places of interest. 13. Do you like our (sisters) dresses?
14. (Today) graduates must know some foreign language.

Задание 9. Переведите на русский язык следующие бес­предложные словосочетания.

1. Rocket industry. 2. Spring day. 3. World championship. 4. College students. 5. Country climate conditions. 6. October weather. 7. City parks and squares. 8. State University faculties. 9. Moscow underground stations. 10. Village school. 11. Home work. 12. Telephone number. 13. School time- table. 14. London museum visitors. 15. Picture gallery. 16. Research work results. 17. Five story brick building. 18. Two year course. 19. Public transport. 20. School wall newspaper. 21. National economy branches. 22. Cosmic space exploration. 23. Book pages.

Задание 10. Замените предложные словосочетани беспред­ложными.

l.The hand of your friend. 2. The transport of our city. 3. Both banks of the river. 4. The members of our family. 5. The capital of our Motherland. 6. New classmates of his daughter. 7. The coasts of this country. 8. The best student of our group. 9. The students of the state University. 10. The minute hand of the clock. 11. The Organization of the United Nations. 12. New books of my favourite writer. 13. The car of my parents. 14. Research work of students.

Дата добавления: 2015-07-20; просмотров: 125 | Нарушение авторских прав

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ББК 81.2Англ.| Задание 12. Найдите и исправьте ошибки.

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