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A Lawyer

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Читайте также:
  2. Task 2. Listen to the interview with the American lawyer and fill in the blanks.
  3. The Profession of a Lawyer
  5. Wigs and Lawyers

Module 1

Lawyer is My Future Profession

Words and Phrases for the Topic:

to regulate social relations - регулировать общественные отношения

to provide full degree of security – обеспечивать максимальную степень безопасности

to restrict – ограничивать

to punish - наказывать

to litigate – судиться (с кем-либо), оспаривать

to protect – защищать

to conduct case in the court – представить дело в суде

to entrust – возлагать (обязанности)

application – применение

Labor Law – трудовое право

Theory of State and Law – теория государства и права



Civil Law – гражданское право

Criminal Law – уголовное право

Land Law – земельное право

Criminal Procedure – уголовно-процессуальное право

to deal with – иметь дело с

suspect – подозреваемый

prisoner – заключенный

victim – жертва

witness – свидетель

court – суд

notary office – нотариальная контора

the Bar - адвокатура

the Prosecutor’s office – прокуратура

tax inspection – налоговая инспекция

judge – судья

customs officer – таможенник


A Lawyer

Read the text and say why the profession of a lawyer is one of the most popular professions with the young people.

It is obvious to everyone, that in a community such as the one in which we live, some kind of law is necessary because every day of our lives we are restrained and guided by law. It protects us while it restricts us. Sometimes it punishes us.

Law can also be defined as a standard of conduct, which regulates the relation of the individual to the central government, the relation of the government to the individual, and the relations among the individuals. If there is a conflict in these relations, the law also provides an institution, the court system, through which the respective sides can litigate a problem and reach a solution. So, the scope of the law necessarily makes it complex, and complexity has created the need for specialists, namely a lawyer.

Nowadays the profession of a lawyer is one of the most popular professions with the young people not only because of its necessity in regulating social relations and providing security in the state. It is popular because of the prestige and salary. The average salary of an experienced lawyer is still substantially greater than that of many other professionals. The profession of a lawyer is considered to be difficult, interesting and noble at the same time. A future lawyer has to deal with various sorts of people: the poor and the rich, educated and uneducated, suspects, prisoners, victims, witnesses, recidivists and a general public. In economy, for example, lawyers are entrusted the control on the legality of orders and instructions issued by governing body: they participate in drawing up different agreements and contracts, which are concluded with other enterprises; lawyers also inform workers on the current legislation and give help in legal matters, conduct their cases in courts.

Almost all universities and academies of Russia have a department of Law. University professors, readers and lecturers teach students. To be a good specialist a lawyer should know many laws and their proper application. The curriculum of a law school includes many compulsory and optional subjects important for their future work. Thus, first-year students study such subjects as Philosophy, Psychology, History of Russia, Foreign language, Mathematics, Computer Science, Sociology, Latin, History of Religion, Economics and others.

During their next years of education the students of Law Departments begin to attend more specialized courses like Labour Law, Theory of State and Law, Civil Law, Criminal Law, Family Law, Constitutional Law, Land Law, International Law, Criminal Procedure and many others.

The graduates of any law higher school can work in different courts, in notary offices, at the bar, in organs of militia/police, in organs of the prosecutor’s office, in organs of tax inspection, as well as in different banks, companies, enterprises and firms. They can work as legal counsels, advocates, prosecutors, judges, inspectors, notaries, customs officers and other workers of law enforcement agencies. In addition to this professional group there are nonprofessional legal counselors who give advice on various legal problems and are often employed by business firms. In almost all civil-law countries there are notaries, who have exclusive rights to deal with such office work as marriage settlements and wills. All lawyers in our country are incorporated either in the national or regional (territorial) bar. Members of the bar work at legal advisory offices, which function in every town administrative district.


1. Give Russian equivalents of the following:

Obvious, to be restrained, standard of conduct, the scope of the law, to reach a solution, necessity, in the state, regulating social relations, citizens, average salary, well-paid, proper application, curriculum, compulsory, optional, thus, foreign language, Computer Science, Family Law, International Law, Criminal Procedure, Civil Law, experienced lawyer, prisoner, the poor and the rich, educated, suspect, witness, general public, noble, to be considered as, at the same time, a graduate, at the Bar, in organs of police, enterprise, legal counsels, advocate, worker of law enforcement agency, civil-law countries, marriage settlement, will, legal advisory office.

2. Suggest the English for:

Профессия юриста, популярна среди молодежи, для регулирования общественных отношений, безопасность граждан, почти все, юридический факультет, чтобы стать хорошим специалистом, курс обучения включает, социология, теория государства и права, уголовно-процессуальное право, необразованный, жертва, рецидивист, считается, выпускник, в адвокатуре, органы налоговой инспекции, фирма, судья, работник правоохранительных органов, функционировать, наказывать, завещание, юридическая консультация, коллегия адвокатов, составлять различные соглашения и контракты, акт о распоряжении имуществом по случаю заключения брака.

3. Find in the text the synonyms to the following words and phrases:

1. to defend; 5. case; 9. norm of behavior;

2. society; 6. Law Faculty; 10. lawyer;

3. to restrict; 7. general public; 11. juridical;

4. a variety of people; 8. at the present time; 12. course of studies.


4. Match two parts of the sentences in two columns:

1.The profession of a lawyer is a. notaries, customs officers, judges.

2. To be a good specialist b. a standard of conduct.

3. The curriculum of the law school includes c. in courts, at the Bar, in militia.

4. Law students study such special subjects as d. suspects, victims, general public

5. The legal profession is considered to be e. civil law, labour law and others.

6. The would-be lawyer deals with f. a lawyer should know many laws.

7. Graduates of any law high school can work g. Sociology, Latin, Philosophy.

8. They can work as h. necessary for providing security.

9. Law can be defined as i. as very interesting, noble, prestigious.


5. Find twelve words to the topic and make up sentences:

c t b r d k s m n i y k
o p j u d g e h o r n d
u r t e s w a n l o b t
l t a s q а а o i k n c
a p p l i c a t b k t e
t x l a w z b a n v a p
i h c r i m e r j e x s
n p d b a r d y k o s u
a c u r r i c u l u m s

6. Finish the following statements using appropriate words and word combinations :

1. Law is necessary because …

2. The profession of a lawyer is popular nowadays because ….

3. In Russia almost all universities have ….

4. To be a good lawyer ….

5. The curriculum of the law school includes ….

6. First-year law students study ….

7. Law students study specialized subjects such as ….

8. Future lawyers deal with ….

9. The legal profession is considered to be ….

10. Graduates of any law high school can work ….

11. They can work as ….


7. Answer the following questions:

1. What higher schools train lawyers?

2. Why is it one of the most popular professions nowadays?

3. What professions of lawyers do you know?

4. Where can graduates of law schools work?

5. What compulsory and optional subjects do you study at the Law Faculty?

6. What special subjects do you study?

7. Why is the profession of a lawyer popular/difficult/ interesting/ noble?

8. Where can you work as a lawyer?


Дата добавления: 2015-07-20; просмотров: 169 | Нарушение авторских прав

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