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Christ wholeness

ВЕЛЕНИЕ О ЧИСТОТЕ 40.05 | I AM PURE | I AM Light | Дыхательное упражнение Джвал Кула | Conclude the giving of the call (three times) with | Завершите трехкратное произнесение призыва заклю- | Now let your head resume an erect posture, and hold without inbreathing or outbreathing to the final count of eight beats. | Теперь верните голову в исходное прямое положение и задержите дыхание так же, как в предыдущие разы, на счет восемь. | ДЖВАЛ КУЛ, ПРИДИ | FLAME OF HEALING |

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In the name of the beloved mighty victorious Presence of God, I AM in me, my very own beloved Holy Christ Self and beloved Jesus the Christ, I pour forth my love and gratitude to my beloved body elemental for his faithful service always. (Pause to visualize your precious body ele­mental in an ovoid of the pink flame of divine love.)

I now command my body elemental to arise and take complete dominion over every imperfect condition which may be manifesting within my physical body!

Beloved body elemental, move into action now to mend the flaws under the guidance and direction of my own beloved Holy Christ Self, beloved Jesus the Christ, and the immaculate design of my lifestream released from the heart of my own beloved Mighty I AM Presence – O thou Great Regenerator!

In the name of the mighty Presence of God which I AM and by and through the magnetic power of the sacred fire vested in the threefold flame burning within my heart, I decree:

1. I AM God's Perfection manifest

In body, mind, and soul –

I AM God's Direction flowing

To heal and keep me Whole!

Refrain: O atoms, cells, electrons

Within this form of mine,

Let heaven's own Perfection

Make me now Divine!

The spirals of Christ Wholeness

Enfold me by his might –

I AM the Master Presence

Commanding, «Be all Light!»

2. I AM God's perfect image:

My form is charged by Love;

Let shadows now diminish,

Be blessed by Comfort’s Dove!

3. O blessed Jesus, Master dear,

Send thy Ray of Healing here;

Fill me with thy Life above,

Raise me in thine arms of Love!

4. I AM Christ’s healing Presence,

All shining like a mercy sun –

I AM that pure Perfection,

My perfect healing won!

5. I charge and charge and charge myself

With radiant I AM Light –

I feel the flow of purity

That now makes all things right!

And in full Faith...

Copyright ©1965 Summit Lighthouse. Inc.


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