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Write these sentences correctly.

Unscramble the sentences. | Rewrite the following sentences from Present Simple to Future Simple making necessary changes. | Read the following texts about English food and answer the questions. | Vocabulary | Grammar | Past Continuous (Прошедшее продолженное время) | Vocabulary | Read and study the currency used in the USA and Great Britain. | In pairs remember what currency the following countries use. | Look at the following sentences and try to translate them. |

Читайте также:
  1. A) Read and translate the sentences paying attention to the use of modal verbs.
  2. A) Write a letter in response stating your agreement or disagreement.
  3. Agree appear continue disappear move reach show solve write
  4. And write your own sentences with the same word-combinations,
  5. Answer, apply, be, be, listen, make, see, try, use, wash, work, write.
  6. B) Compare the sentences and explain the difference.
  7. B) Translate the sentences into English paying attention to Complex Subject.

Example: haveyougotthisinabiggersize
Have you got this in a bigger size?

a) theredshirtisnicerthantheblueone
b) thisoneisnicerbutitsmoreexpensivetoo
c) theyarentasfashionableastheclothesintheothershop
e) thisjumperistoosmallIneedabiggersize
f) itsbeautifulbutitsthemostexpensivethingintheshop
g) wehavethewidestrangeofhatsinthecountry
h) hebuysallhisclothesatthebestshopsintown
i) ithinkthisisthemostbeautifuldressintheworld
j) themostimportantthingistofeelcomfortableinyourclothes


Make up questions and interview two of your group-mates.

Example: wrote a letter last week

Did you write a letter last week? – Yes, I did/No, I didn’t

Activity 1st person 2nd person
yes no yes no
a) ate breakfast this morning        
b) played basketball last Saturday        
c) visited relatives last weekend        
d) talked over the telephone after 7.00 last night        
e) watched TV after 11.30 last night        
f) ate dinner at home last night        
g) watched TV last night        
h) read a book last week        
i) went to the beach last summer        
j) did homework last night        
k) kissed someone yesterday        
l) gave someone a birthday card last week        
m) brought any money to school today        
n) grew up in the country        
o) slept well last night        
p) walked to school today        

Дата добавления: 2015-07-20; просмотров: 102 | Нарушение авторских прав

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Remember the following verbs in three forms.| Put the words into the correct order.

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