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Читайте также:
  1. ODBC-источники
  2. Quot;Статья 79. Источники формирования накопительной системы пенсионного страхования и использования ее средств
  4. Альтернативные источники материально-технических ресурсов для села
  5. Важнейшие источники по истории раннего средневековья.
  6. Внешние источники угрозы безопасности национальной экономики
  7. Внутренние источники угрозы безопасности национальной экономики
1. Gilman, A.G., Rail, T.W., Nies, A.S., and Taylor, P. (eds), Goodman and Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics, New York, Pergamon Press, (8th edn) 1990, p1402.
2. Berer, M., "Contraception", chapter 15 in: Phillips, A., Rakusen, J. (eds) and the Boston Women's Health Collective, The New Our Bodies, Ourselves (2nd UK edition), London, Penguin Books, 1989, p290.
3. LaCheen, C., "Population control and the pharmaceutical industry", in: McDonnell, K. (ed.), Adverse Effects: Women and the Pharmaceutical Industry, Penang, IOCU, 1986, pl08.
4. Wharton, C. and Blackburn, R., "Lower-dose pills", Population Reports, Series A, No 7, Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University, Nov 1988, p1.
5. Anon., "ОС needs in developing countries", Scrip, No 1696, 28 Feb 1992, p21.
6. Anon., "Sobering AG's prospects", Scrip, No 1500, 28 Mar 1990, p1O.
7. Milne, R. and Vessey, M., "The pill and mortality - an overview", Journal of Public Health Medicine, Vol 14, No 1,1992, pp9-16.
8. Anon., "US use of OCs at highest level since 1975", Scrip, No 1653, 20 Sep 1991, p28.
9. Anon., The US Market for Selected Products Associated with Fertility & Infertility, New York, Frost & Sullivan, 1991.
10. Anon., "Decline of oral contraceptive use in Mexico", Scrip, No 1684, 17 Jan 1992, p20.
11. Wharton and Blackburn, 1988, op cit, p12.
12. Ibid, p13.
13. Finger, W.R., "Using oral contraceptives correctly: progress on package instructions", Network, Vol 12, No 2, Sep 1991, pp14-17 and 27; Potter, L.S., "Oral contraceptive compliance and its role in the effectiveness of the method", chapter 16 in: Caramer,J.A. and Spilker, B. (eds), Patient Compliance in Medical Practice and Clinical Trials, New York, Raven Press, 1991, pp195-207.
13a. Guillebaud, J., The Pill, Oxford University Press, (4th edn) 1991, pp58-65 and 209-14.
14. Gilmer, M.D.G., "Metabolic effects of combined oral contraceptives", chapter 2 in: Filshie, M. and Guillebaud, J. (eds), Contraception: Science and Practice, London, Butterwonh-Heinemann, 1989, pp31-2.
15. Guillebaud, J., op cit, p70.
16. Guillebaud, J., Contraception: у our questions answered, London, Churchill Livingstone, (revised edn) 1991, pp102-3 and 117.
17. Pike, M.C., Henderson, B.E., et al, "Breast cancer in young women and use of oral contraceptives: possible modifying effect of formulation and age at use"; and Vessey, M.P., Lawless, M., et al, "Neoplasia of the cervix uteri and contraception: a possible adverse effect of the pill", Lancet, No 8356, 22 Oct 1983, pp926-30 and 930-4.
18. UK National Case-control Study Group, "Oral contraceptive use and breast cancer risk in young women", Lancet, No 8645, 6 May 1989, pp973-82.
19. Romieu, I., Willett, W.C., et al, "Prospective study of oral contraceptive use and risk of breast cancer in women", Journal of the National Cancer Institute, Vol 81, No 17, 6 Sep 1989, pp1313-21.
20. Wingo, P.A., Lee, N.C., et al, "Age-specific differences in the relationship between oral contraceptive use and breast cancer", Obstetrics and Gynecology, Vol 78, No 2, Aug 1991, pp161-70.
21. Staffa, J.A., Newschaffer, C.J.,et al, "Progestins and breast cancer: an epidemiologic review", Fertility and Sterility, Vol 57, No 3, Mar 1992, pp473-91.
22. Harlap, S., "Oral contraceptives and breast cancer: cause and effect?", Journal of Reproductive Medicine, Vol 36, No 5, May 1991, pp374-95.
23. Thomas, D.B., "Oral contraceptives and breast cancer: review of the epidemiologic literature", Contraception, Vol 43, No 6, Jun 1991, pp597-642.
24. Szarewski, A. and Guillebaud, J., "Contraception: current state of the art", British Medical Journal, Vol 302, 25 May 1991, pp1224-6.
25. McPherson, К., "Combined progestin and estrogen (oral) and other forms of hormonal contraception", Current Opinion in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Vol 3, 1991, pp486-90.
26. Djerassi, С., "The bitter pill", Science, Vol 245, 28 Jul 1989, pp356-60.
27. Vessey, M.P., "Oral contraception and cancer", chapter 4 in: Pilshie and Guillebaud, 1989, op cit, p63.
28. Thomas, D.B., "The WHO Collaborative Study of Neoplasia and Steroid Contraceptives: the influence of combined oral contraceptives on risk of neoplasms in developing and developed countries", Contraception, Vol 43, No 6, June 1991, pp695-710.
29. Guillebaud, 1991, Contraception, op cit, p43.
30. Arron., "Japan's wait for low dose 'pill", Lancet, Vol 339, 4 Apr 1992, p865.
31. Guillebaud, 1991, Contraception, op cit, p152.
32. Vessey, 1989, op cit, pp63-4; Hsing, A.W., Hoover, R.N., et al, "Oral contraceptive use and primary liver cancer among young women", C ancer Causes and Control, Vol 3, 1992, pp43-8.
33. AMA, Drug Evaluations, Philadelphia, W.B. Saunders Co., (6th edn) 1986, p724.
34. Parish, P., Medicines: a guide for everybody, London, Penguin (6th edn, revised), 1989, p247.
34a. BMA and the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain, British National Formulary, London, BMA and The Pharmaceutical Press, No 23, Mar 1992, pp23\83 and 286.
35. Ibid, p240.
36. Berer, 1989, op cit, p292.
37. Drife, J., "Complications of combined oral contraception", chapter 3 in: Filshie and Guillebaud, 1989, op cit, p45.
38. Petitti, D.B. andPorterfield, D., "Worldwide variations in the lifetime probability of reproductive cancer in women: implications of best-case, worst-case and likely-case assumptions about the effect of oral contraceptive use", Contraception, Vol 45, No 2, Feb 1992, pp93-104.
39. Mishell Jr, D.R., "Contraception", New England Journal of Medicine, Vol 320, No 12, 23 Mar 1989, pp777-87.
40. Parish, 1989, op cit, p247.
41. Guillebaud, 1991, Contraception, op cit, p120.
42. AMA, 1986, op cit, p720.
43. Mishell, 1989, op cit, pp777-87.
44. Anon., "PDA warns ОС manufacturers", Scrip, No 1630, 3 Jul 1991, p18.
45. von Eickstedt, K.-W., "Sex hormones and related compounds including hormonal contraceptives", chapter 42 in: Dukes, M.N.G. and Beeley, L., (eds), Side Effects of Drugs Annual 14, Amsterdam, Elsevier, 1990, p349.
46. BMA and the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain, 1992, op cit, p285.
47. Guillebaud, 1991, The Pill, op cit, p222.
47a. Lewis, P.J. and Hurden, E.L., "Breast feeding and drug treatment", in Hawkms,D.F. (ed.), Drugs and Pregnancy, London, Churchill Livingstone, (2nd edn) 1987, pp304-32.
48. Gilman, Rail, et al, 1990, op cit, p1409.
49. AMA, 1986, op cit, p723.
50. LaCheen, 1986, op cit, p108.
51. Guillebaud, 1991, Contraception, op cit, p127.
52. BMA and the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain, 1992, op cit, p284.
53. Wharton, Blackburn, 1988, op cit, p9.



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