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Читайте также:
  1. ODBC-источники
  2. Quot;Статья 79. Источники формирования накопительной системы пенсионного страхования и использования ее средств
  4. Альтернативные источники материально-технических ресурсов для села
  5. Важнейшие источники по истории раннего средневековья.
  6. Внешние источники угрозы безопасности национальной экономики
  7. Внутренние источники угрозы безопасности национальной экономики
1. Khanna, J., van Look, P.F.A. and Griffin, P.D. (eds), Reproductive Health: a Key to a brighter future, Geneva, WHO, 1992, p4.
2. Ibid, p6.
3. Da Vanzo, J., Parnell, A.M., and Foege, W.H., "Health consequences of contraceptive use and reproductive patterns: Summary of a report from the US National Research Council", Journal of the American Medical Association, Vol 265, No 20, 22/29 May 1991, pp2692-6.
4. Jacobson, J.L., Women's Reproductive Health: the silent emergency, (World-watch Paper 102), Washington, Worldwatch Institute, 1991, p52.
5. Lethbridge, D.J., "Choosing and using contraception: toward a theory of women's contraceptive self-care", Nursing Research, Vol 40, No 5, Sep-Oct 1991, pp276-80.
6. Ibid.
7. Filshie, M., "Abortion", chapter 14 in: Filshie, M. and Guillebaud, J. (eds), Contraception: Science and Practice, London, Butterworth-Heinemann, 1989, pp250-74.
8. Potts, M. and Rosenfield, A., "The fifth freedom revisited: I, background and existing programmes", Lancet, Vol 336, 17 Nov 1990, pp1227-31.
9. Guillebaud, J., The Pill, Oxford, Oxford University Press, (4th edn) 1991, p227.
10. Jacobson, op cit, pp32-3.
11. Khanna, et al, op cit, p13.
12. Bang, R.A., Bang, А.Т., et al, "High prevalence of gynaecological diseases in rural Indian women", Lancet, No 8629, 14 Jan 1989, pp85-8.
13. Jacobson, op cit, p28.
14. Winters, SJ. and Marshall, G.R., "Editorial: Hormonally-based male contraceptives: will they ever be a reality?", Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, Vol 73, No 3, 1991, pp464A-B.
15. Hardon, A., "Contraceptive research: women's perspectives", in: Mintzes, B. (ed.), A Question of Control: Women's Perspectives on the Development and Use of Contraceptive Technologies, Amsterdam, WEMOS Women and Pharmaceuticals Project/HAI, 1992, p7.
16. Lethbridge, op cit, pp276-80.
17. Brown, P., "Cash for contraception will keep family sizes falling", New Scientist, 18 May 1991, p15.
18. Khanna, et al, op cit, p139.
19. Spieler, J., "US Agency for International Development: Support for NFP", in: Queenan, J.T., Jennings, V.H., et al, Natural Family Planning: Current Knowledge and New Strategies for the 1990s, (Proceedings of a conference held at Georgetown University, 10-14 Dec 1990), Washington, DC, Georgetown University, Apr 1992, p6.
20. UNFPA, 1984 Report, New York, UNFPA, 1985, p8.
21. LaCheen, C., "Population control and the pharmaceutical industry", in: McDonnell.K. (ed.), Adverse Effects: Women and the Pharmaceutical Industry, Penang, IOCU, 1986, p90.
22. Pappen, A., "The rise and fall of the IUD", in: McDonnell, op cit, p168.
23. Lappe, P.M. and Schurman, R., Taking Population Seriously, London, Eanhscan Publications, 1989, p22.
24. Ibid, pp26-7.
25. Ibid, pp40-2; LaCheen, op cit, pp120-24.
26. Jacobson, op cit, p39.
27. Lappe and Schurman, op cit, p45.
28. Letter from James D. Shelton, Chief, Research Division, and Cynthia Calla, Medical Officer, Family Planning Services Division, of the Office of Population, USAID, Washington, DC, to Carlos Huezo, Medical Director, International Planned Parenthood Federation, London, 21 Aug 1991.
29. Jacobson, op cit, p52.
30. Maranga, J., "A question of education", Orbit, Autumn 1988, p14.
31. United Nations Population Fund, The State of the World Population 1992, New York, 1992, cited in: Anon., "Women's status and world population", Lancet, Vol 339, 2 May 1992, p1107.
32. Guillebaud, J., Contraception: your questions answered, London, Churchill Livingstone, (revised edn) 1991, pp293-4.
33. WHO Task Force on Methods for the Regulation of Male Fertility, "Contraceptive efficacy of testosterone-induced azoospermia in normal men", Lancet, Vol 336, 20 Oct 1990, pp955-9.
34. Bremner, W.J., Bagatell, C.J. and Steiner, R.A., "Gonadotropin-releasing hormone antagonist plus testosterone: a potential male contraceptive", Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, Vol 73, No 3,1991, рр465-9.
35. Winters and Marshall, op cit, pp464A-B.
36. Taylor, G.T., Griffin, M.G. and Bardgett, M., "Search for a male contraceptive: the effect of gossypol on sexual motivation and epididymal sperm", Journal of Medicine, Vol 22, No I, 1991, pp29-44.
37. Jeffcoate, S.L., "Progress towards a systemic male contraceptive", chapter 17 in: Filshie and Guillebaud, op cit, pp305-9.
38. Ibid.
39. Grubb, G.S., "Experimental methods of contraception", Current Opinion in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Vol 3, 1991, pp491-5.
40. Anon., "Ortho's contraceptive vaccine", Scrip, No 1687, 29 Jan 1992, p26.
41. Pain, S., "Hopes grow for Óperfect' contraceptive", New Scientist, 2 Mar 1991.
42. Khanna, et al, op cit, p91.
43. Hardon, A., "An analysis of research on new contraceptive vaccines", Women and Pharmaceuticals Bulletin, Nov 1990, pp22-4.
44. Djerassi, C., "The bitter pill", Science, Vol 245, July 1989, pp356-61.
45. Khanna, et al, op cit, pp98-9; Anon., "Mifepnstone approved in Sweden", Scrip, No 1752, 11 Sep 1992, p27.
46. Djerassi, op cit, pp356-61.
47. Anon., "UK approval for mifepristone", Lancet, Vol 338, 13 Jul 1991, pp111-2.
48. Williams, C. (ed.), The "Abortion Pill: widening the choice for women", London, birth Control Trust, 1990, p6.
49. Anon., "UK pro-lifers boycott Roussel/Hoechst", Scrip, No 1656, 1 Nov 1991, p7.
50. Potts, M., "USA; Access to mifepristone", Lancet, Vol 339, 9 May 1992, pp1161-2.
51. Charo, A., "USA: Personal importation of mifepristone", Lancet, Vol 340, 25 Jul 1992, p229.
52. Anon., "Prof Baulieu on mifepristone", Scrip, No 1542, 22 Aug 1990, p19.
53. Anon., "New York Mayor's mifepristone campaign", Scrip, No 1608, 17 Apr 1991, p18.
53а. Anon., "Mifepristone", Lancet, Vol 341, 1 May 1993, p1146.
54. Anon., Scrip, No 1542, op cit, p19.
55. Fonseca, W., Misago, C. and Kanji, N., "Misoprostol plus mifepristone", Lancet, Vol 338, 21/28 Dec 1991,p1594.
55a. Nau, J.-Y., "Drug firm defends marketing strategy on abortion pill", Guardian Weekly, 19 Aug 1990 (from an article in Le Monde, 1 Aug 1990).
56. Silvestre, L., Dubois, C., et al, "Voluntary interruption of pregnancy with mifepristone (RU 486) and a prostaglandin analogue: a large-scale French experience", New England Journal of Medicine, Vol 322, No 10, 8 Mar 1990, pp645-8.
57. LeGrand, A., "The abortion pill: A solution for unsafe abortions in developing countries?", Social Science and Medicine, Vol 35, No 6, 1992, pp767-76.
57a. Nau, J.-Y., op cit.
58. Kambic.R.T., "Natural family planning use-effectiveness and continuation", American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Suppl. to Vol 165,.No 6, Pan 2, Dec 1991, pp2046-2048.
59. Ryder, R.E.J., "Abortion", Lancet, Vol 339, 20 Jun 1992, p1544.
60. Queenan, J.T. and Moghissi, K.S., "Natural family planning: looking ahead", American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Suppl. to Vol 165, No 6, Pan 2, Dec 1991, pp1979-80
61. Gross, В.A., "Is the lactational amenorrhea method a part of natural family planning? Biology and policy", American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Vol 165, No 6, Part 2, Dec 1991, pp2014-19.
62. Labbok, M. and Koniz-Booher (eds), Breastfeeding: protecting a natural resource, Washington, Georgetown University, 1990, p8.
63. WEMOS/HAI, Guidelines for the Distribution and Use of Fertility Regulation Methods, Amsterdam, WEMOS/HAI, 1991.



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