Читайте также:
1. Sperber, S.J. and Hayden, F.G., "Chemotherapy of Rhinovirus Colds", Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, Vol 32, No 4, April 1988, pp409-19.
2. AMA, Drug Evaluations, (6th edn), Philadelphia, W.B. Saunders, 1986, p376.
3. Lowenstein, S.R. and Parrino, T.A., "Management of the Common Cold", Advances in Internal Medicine, Vol 32, 1987, pp207-34.
4. Hampson, N.B., Woolf, R.A. and Springmeyer, S.C., "Oral antibiotics for pneumonia", Clinics in Chest Medicine, Vol 12, No 2, Jun 1991, pp395-407.
5. Lode, H., "Respiratory tract infections: when is antibiotic therapy indicated?", Clinical Therapeutics, Vol 13, No 1, Jan-Feb 1991, pp149-156.
6. Anon., "Respiratory disease main cause of mortality in China", Scrip, No 1550, 19 Sep 1990, p22.
7. von Schirnding, Y.E.R., Yach, D. and Klein, M., "Acute respiratory infections as an important cause of childhood deaths in South Africa", South African Medical Journal, Vo1 80, 20 Jul 1991, pp79-82.
8. Anon., Childhood Pneumonia: strategies to meet the challenge, (Proceedings of the First International Consultation on the Control of Acute Respiratory Infections, 1991), London, AHRTAG, 1992, p1.
9. AMA, op cit, p376.
10. Sperber and Hayden, op cit, p410.
11. Jackson, D.M. and Soothill, R., Is the Medicine Making You Ill?, North Ryde, Australia, Angus & Robertson, 1989, p29.
12. Anon., "30% growth for OTC market", Scrip, No 1686, 24 Jan 1992, p19 (These figures refer to sales in the world's 15 largest markets.).
13. Anon., ОTС & Prescription Cough & Cold Products Market in the US, New York, Frost and Sullivan, 1989; cited in: Anon., "US growth predicted for cold products", Scrip, No 1453, 6 Oct 1989, p19.
14. Tan, M.L., Dying for Drugs, Quezon City, Health Action Information Network, 1988, p89.
15. Po, A.L.W., Non-Prescription Drugs, (2nd edn), Oxford, Blackwell Scientific, 1990, p9.
16. Anon., "UK OTC market worth L438 million in 1991", Scrip, No 1756, 25 Sep 1992, p3.
17. Anon., "Self-medication products in Germany", Scrip, No 1773, 24 Nov 1992, p4.
18. Berkowitz, R.R. and Tinkelman, D.G., "Evaluation of oral terfenadine for treatment of the common cold", Annals of Allergy, Vol 67, Dec 1991, pp593-7.
19. Ahmad, S.R., "USA: Antihistammes in cold remedies", Lancet, Vol 339, 25 Apr 1992, p1045.
20. Parish, P., Medicines: A Guide for Everybody, (6th edn, revised), London, Penguin, 1989, p101; Sperber, op cit, p414; AMA, op cit, p317; Reynolds, J.E.F. (ed.), Martindale: The extra pharmacopoeia, (29th edn), London, The Pharmaceutical Press, 1989, p444.
21. Gilman, A.G., Rail, T.W., Nies, A.S., and Taylor, P. (eds), Goodman and Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics, New York, Pergamon Press, (8th edn) 1990, p587.
22. Anon., "CSM on terfenadine/astemizole ADRs", Scrip, No 1777, 8 Dec 1992, p26.
23. Chan, К. and Chan, G., "A study of prescribed Hl-antihistamine preparations over a period of 12 months in community pharmacy", Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics, Vol 12, 1987, pp1-9.
24. Parish, op cit, p100.
25. Henry, J. (ed.), The British Medical Association Guide to Medicines & Drugs, London, Dorling Kindersley, (2nd edn) 1991, p89.
26. Rylance, G. (ed.), Drugs for children, Copenhagen, WHO, 1987, p59.
27. BMA and the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain, British National Formulary, London, BMA and the Pharmaceutical Press, No 23, Mar 1992, p130.
28. Parish, op cit, pp100-1.
29. Orson, J. and Bassow, L., "Over-the-counter cough formulas", Clinical Pediatrics, Vol 26, No 6, June 1987, p287.
30. Parish, op cit, p108; BMA and the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain, op cit, p385.
31. Anon., "Chloraseptic throat spray ADR warning", Scrip, No 1524, 20 Jun 1990, p31.
32. Parish, op cit, pp104-5.
33. Harris, M.F. and Fisher, R.R., "Management of acute lower respiratory infections", Medical Journal af Australia, Vol 155, 21 Oct 1991, pp538-46.
34. Parish, op cit, p103.
35. Phelan, P., "How the experts manage mild ARI", ARI News, No 8, Aug 1987, p2.
36. Parish, op cit, p103.
37. BMA and the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain, op cit, p129.
38. Parish, op cit, p104.
39. Lowenstein and Parrino, op cit, p221.
40. BMA and the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain, op cit, p127.
41. Ibid, p128.
42. Korppi, M., Laurikainen, K., et al, "Antitussives in the treatment of acute transient cough in children", Acta Paediatrica Scandinavica, Vol 80, 1991, pp969-71.
43. AMA, op cit, pp374-5.
44. WHO, The Use of Essential Drugs: fourth report of the WHO expert committee, (Technical Report Series No 796), Geneva, WHO, 1990.
45. AMA, op cit, pp374-5.
46. BMA and the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain, op cit, p129.
47. Lowenstein and Parrino, op cit, p218.
48. AMA, op cit, p385.
49. Chetley, A., Peddling Placebos: An analysis of cough and cold remedies, Amsterdam, HAI, 1990, p5.
50. Sundararaman, Т., "Essential Vs. Irrational Drugs", in A Decade After Hathi Committee, (Ekbal, В., ed.), Sivakashi, India, Kerala Sastra Sahitya Parishat, 1988, p199.
51. BMA and the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain, op cit, pp1128-31.
52. Anon., "New guide to OTC medicines in France", Scrip, No 1715/16, 6/8 May 1992, p8.
53. ARI News, No 8, 1987, p1.
54. Anon., Childhood Pneumonia..., op cit, p12.
55. Ibid.
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