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Define the parts of speech and translate them without a dictionary.

Читайте также:
  1. Flags and national symbols of the parts of the UK.
  2. Read and translate the text
  3. Read and translate the text.
  4. Read and translate the text. Write out all the words concerning the properties and characteristics of this metal.
  5. Read and translate.
  6. Read the following words and define the parts of speech. Mind

to weigh – weighing – its weight – weightless – weightlessness – weighty; to measure – measure – measurement; define – definition – definite – indefinite – definitely; evaporate – evaporation – vapour(vapor); simple – simply – simplicity – simplify – simplification; to vary – variation – variety – various – variable; ignite – ignition.

3. Read and translate the following word combinations:

ventilating hood, weighing bottles, hydrogen chloride, hydrochloric acid, sulphuric acid, sodium chloride, suffocating odour, sodium acid, sulphate nitric acid, sodium nitrate.

Study the following chart:

There is a some bulb paper on the bench in the box
There are some papers on the desk
There is no paper in the box
There are no papers on the desk
There isn’t a any bulb paper on the bench in the box
There aren’t any papers on the desk


Is there a bulb any acid on yourbench? in the bulb?
Are there any acids on the shelf?

4. Fill in the gaps with the verb “to be” in the correct form:

1. There … many pipes in the drawer. 2. There … some chalk in the box. 3. There … not any acid in the tube. 4. There … no tubes in the state. 5. There … some tools on that shelf. 5. … there any glassware for the next experiment? 6. There … not any samples in the safe. 7. There … some lead in this ore. 8. There … a flask, a pipette, a funnel and a burner on the bench for each student. 9. … there a crucible in that drawer before our practice? – No, there … any. 10. There … much practical work tomorrow. 11. … there any students in the lab yesterday? – Yes, there … only five.

5. Form the words with the preffix “self” and translate them.

Model: control – self-control

ionization, oxidation, ignition, monitoring, purification, regulation.


6. Translate into Russian:

1. В нашем городе несколько Университетов и Академий. 2. В Университете действуют 10 факультетов и 5 Институтов. 3. На нашем факультете действуют несколько лабораторий. 4. В лаборатории много химической посуды и приборов. 5. На стене висит Периодическая таблица Менделеева и таблица растворимости (solubility). 6. У студентов химического факультета много лабораторных занятий. 7. На полках стоят колбы, пробирки, мензурки. 8. В сейфе хранятся концентрированные кислоты и некоторые щелочи. 9. Экспериментальный образец находится в верхнем ящике. 10. Завтра будет встреча со специалистами ведущей лаборатории. 11. В соседней лаборатории есть электронные весы? 12. Вчера была лекция по неорганике?

Compare the Indefinite Pronouns translate these word-combinations correctly:

manysolutions (acids, metals) muchsolution (acid, metal)
fewalkalis (ores, solvents) littlealkali (ore, solvent)
a fewsamples of water (air, substance) a littlewater (air, substance)

Дата добавления: 2015-12-01; просмотров: 48 | Нарушение авторских прав

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