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Complete the sentences.

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  1. Complete the sentences


surfboard kangaroos surf koala bears swimsuit beach


1) On Christmas day people go to the ________.

2) They swim, play cricket and ______________.

3) Santa Clause arrives on a ________________.

4) Santa Clause wears _____________________.

5) The decorations which you can’t see in America are toy ________ and ________.


Урок 4 6 клас

Тема. Birthday parties

Тип уроку. Комбінований.

Мета. Формувати навички вживання нових лексичних одиниць.

Формувати навички вимови.

Удосконалювати навички аудіювання і читання.

Закріпити навички говоріння, вчити виконувати мовленнєве завдання.

Розвивати пам’ять, творче мислення.

Виховувати зацікавленість у розширенні своїх знань.

Обладнання і матеріали. Підручник, робочий зошит, віршик “My birthday”, картки з лексичними одиницями, картки для гри “Bingo”, листівки-привітання до дня народження, картка із граматичним завданням (Past Continuous Tense).

Хід уроку.

І. Привітання, повідомлення теми і мети уроку.

Teacher. Good morning, dear pupils. Today we are going to speak about the holiday which is your personal one, it’s your birthdays. We will revise the words and word-combinations we need to know on the topic, you will answer the questions, listen to the text and do some exercises. And I need to tell you something special: our pen-pal from Great Britain Tom is going to celebrate his birthday next week, so today you will try to make up a greeting card for him.

ІІ.Фонетична зарядка

Today is my birthday. Lighten candles, lots of sweets,

It’s the happiest day, Greetings, kisses, many gifts

I invite all my guests Dances, games, a lot of fun,

To sing and to play. How happy is everyone.

ІІІ. Мовленнєва зарядка

Teacher. Let’s play a game “Bingo”. Ask your classmates questions and fill in the table.

Teacher. Answer the questions.

1. When is your birthday?

2. Do you like your birthday? Why?

3. Do you like to get or to give presents?

4. What presents do you like to get?

5. When is your mother’s/father’s birthday?

6. Do you always invite your friends to you birthday parties?

7. How do you help you mother to lay the table?

8. What do you usually do at you birthday parties?


IV. Активізація лексичного матеріалу.

Teacher. Let’s revise the words we need to know. Read the words and word-combinations and translate them into Ukrainian.

Party Enjoy the party greatly

Fun School actors and actresses

Joy Act out the play

Plays Have a good time

Shows Special prize

Dancers Many surprises

Prizes Interesting games

Songs Different contests

Winners Tasty prizes

Presents A very delicious apple pie

Contests Winners get prizes


Teacher. Make up sentences with them.

V. Фізкультхвилинка

Relaxation exercises

Can you swim like a fish?

Can you run like a rabbit?

Can you jump like a kangaroo?

He can, she can,

You can, they can,

And I can too.

Can you fly like a bird?

Can you walk like a cat?

Can you climb like a monkey in the zoo?

He can, she can,

You can, they can,

And I can too.



Teacher. Now I am going to read you a very interesting story about old Mrs. and Mr. Jefferson. But this story is unfinished. Listen very attentively, please, and try to make up the end of it.

Who is coming?

One morning old Mrs. Jefferson gets up at seven o’clock. She has so many things to do. Someone is coming today. She says to the old Mr. Jefferson, “Get out of bed! You know who is coming today!”

After breakfast old Jack Jefferson goes to the shop. He buys milk, butter, eggs and sugar. He also buys bananas, apples and sweets.

Old Mrs. Jefferson makes a beautiful cake of sugar, bananas, eggs and butter. The cake is ready. It is on the table.

“Oh, we must have some ice-cream,” says Mrs. Jefferson to old Jefferson. “Go back to the shop. Buy some ice-cream, please”.

Then old Mrs. Jefferson puts on her beautiful dress. Old Mr. Jefferson puts on his blue jacket with a red tie. “We are ready. When is he coming?” they say.


Teacher. Continue the story. Try to guess who is going to come. (Відповіді учнів).

Teacher. Listen the story up to the end and be ready to do some tasks.

It’s five o’clock. The door opens. In comes a boy, young Jack Jefferson. He is four years old today. It is his birthday today.


1. Mark the statements true(+) or false(-).

1) Mrs. and Mr. Jefferson get up early today.

2) They are waiting for a guest.

3) After breakfast Mr. Jefferson goes to the cafe.

4) He buys milk, sugar and butter.

5) He doesn’t buy any sweets.

6) Mrs. Jefferson needs bananas and sugar for fruit jelly.

7) Mr. Jefferson goes to the shop again to buy some ice-cream.

8) The old Mrs. Jefferson puts on her new blouse.

9) Mr. Jefferson tie is brown.

10) At three o’clock the door opens.

11) A small boy comes in.

12) Today is little Jack’s four birthday.

2. Multiple choices.

1) Old Mrs. Jefferson gets up early and asks Mr. Jefferson …

a) to make his bed;

b) to get out of bed;

c) to go and have breakfast.

2) Mr. Jefferson goes to the shop to buy …

a) some flowers;

b) a new jacket;

c) some fruit and products.

3) Then Mrs. Jefferson asks her husband …

a) to go to the shop again;

b) to clean the room;

c) to help her with cooking.

4) The man puts on his …

a) blue jacket;

b) blue suit;

c) brown shirt.

5) Mrs. and Mr. Jefferson are waiting for …

a) their daughter;

b) their cousin;

c) their grandson.

6) The boy is today …

a) three years old;

b) four years old;

c) six years old.

Key: 1) 1. + 2. + 3. – 4. + 5. – 6. – 7. + 8. – 9. – 10. – 11. + 12. +

3) 1b. 2c. 3a. 4a. 5c. 6b.


VII. Закріплення граматичного матеріалу

T. Thank you. To know English well means to know its grammar. Today we are going to revise Past Continuous Tense. First of all let’s revise the rules of its formation.

Let me introduce Nelly. She is celebrating her birthday today. Look at the blackboard. Here you can see the names of different pupils. They came to Nelly’s birthday party. They were doing a lot of things when Nelly’s mother brought a birthday’s cake. So, what were they doing?

Nick (to play) computer games

Tom and Mary (to watch) TV

Bill (to drink) coke when mother brought a cake

Liz (to take) photo

Ann and Ted (to eat) salad

XI. Письмо.

Teacher. It’s time to write greeting for Tom. Everybody has a postcard. Before writing let’s revise the greetings and words we usually use to write a postcard. I wish you health, happiness, success,

Many happy returns of the day

Happy birthday to you

I want you to be… happy

a good pupil



XII. Підсумок уроку. Домашнє завдання.

Teacher. Make up a short story about your birthday.



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