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Translate into Ukrainian.

A) Read the article to find the answers to these questions. | Grammar Test. Choose the correct answer. | The Will to Win |

Читайте также:
  1. A) Read and translate the text.
  2. A) Read, translate and dramatise the interview about admission into the U.S.
  3. A. Read and translate the text.
  4. A. Read and translate the text.
  5. A. Read and translate the text.
  6. A. Translate the following letters to a teen magazine and express your attitude toward the two opposing views of the conflict most university students face.
  7. A. Translate the terms in the table below paying attention to their contextual meaning.

to be of a great educational importance, in accordance with, to be determined by, to be arranged by, elimination-circlic system, a quitted system, to create a training process, the development of sport, to increase skill, receive payment.

Translate into English.

Повністю або частково, вирішувати завдання, заборонені дії, головна суддівська колегія, олімпійська відбіркова система, попередня стадія тренування, правила суддівства, професійний підхід, гравці-любителі, рівень популярності спорту, учасники індивідуальних змагань.

Find the definition of the following words.

rule/ competition/ activity/ to promote /fitness

a) thing that you do for interest or pleasure or in order to achieve a particular aim;

b) to help sth to happen or develop;

c) the state of being physically healthy and strong;

d) a statement of what may, must or mustn’t be done in particular situation or when playing a game;

e) an event in which people compete with each other to find out who is the best at sth.

Continue the sentences.

1) The control competitions permit _________.

2) The main official competitions, the Olympic Games _______.

3) The choice of a certain system of holding the competitions depends upon ____________.

4) Sports competitions are regulated by the rules __________.

5) The task of the model competitions is __________.


Fill in the gaps in the sentences using the words or word-combinations from the box.

well-being / survival / impact / defense / to sustain / development / in order to / component /extent /influence /peculiar / the objective demand of a society

1) Physical training reflects ___________ for the regular, systematic and purposeful physical training of the younger generation and in practice.

2) Sport is the second ___________ of physical culture.

3) Science can help an athlete to some ___________ in his preparation.

4) The struggle for ___________ demanded good physical condition.

5) Besides creating pleasure, exercise helps___________ agility and alertness.

6) Exercise improves muscle tone and creates a sense of ___________.


10. Which of the alternatives is correct in the following sentences? Choose the right verb.

1) Millions of people watch / view the Olympic Games on TV.

2) Athletes from all around the world are going to compete / oppose for the championship.

3) The winner is the team which won / scored more goals than their opponents.

4) I know a good sports centre where we can do / play tennis for free.

5) Jayne does / exercises yoga every Thursday evening.

6) In field hockey players use a stick to hit / score the ball into the goal.

7) Ellen MacArthur has sailed / driven around the world in her boat.

8) Golf plays / is played on a golf course.



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Read the words and practice their pronunciation.| Symbols of the Olympic Games

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