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It isimpossiblethat the condition will be fulfilled because it refers to the past.

Читайте также:
  1. A future action in progress in adverbial clauses of time and condition
  2. A note on Foucault: limits to the conditions of possibility?29
  3. A) Procedure of canceling flights under VMC conditions.
  4. Adverbial clauses of this type contain some condition (either real or unreal) which makes the action in the main clause possible.
  7. Because of impossibility or unwillingness of a speaker to go on speaking.


If-Clauses Type I, 2 and 3

Conditional Sentences are also known as Conditional Clauses or If Clauses. They are used to express that the action in the main clause (without if) can only take place if a certain condition (in the clause with if) is fulfilled. There are three types of Conditional Sentences.

Conditional Sentence Type 0 (real condition)

They are used to express something that is always true.

Form: if + present simple + main clause: present simple

Example: If the sun shines, snow melts.

Conditional Sentence Type 1 (real condition)

It is possible and alsovery likelythat the condition will be fulfilled.

Form: if + Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous + main clause: will - Future, imperative, can, may, might, must, should + bare infinitive

Example: If I find her address, I’ ll send her an invitation.

Conditional Sentence Type 2 (unreal condition)

It is possible butvery unlikely, that the condition will be fulfilled.

Form: if + Past Simple, Past Continuous + main clause: Conditional I (= would, could, might) + bare infinitive

Example: If I found her address, I would send her an invitation.

Conditional Sentence Type 3 (unreal condition)

It isimpossiblethat the condition will be fulfilled because it refers to the past.

Form: if + Past Perfect, Past Perfect Continuous + main clause: Conditional II (= would / could / might + have + Past Participle – Perfect infinitive)

Example: If I had found her address, I would have sent her an invitation.

· We do not normally use will, would, should in an if-clause. However, we can use will or would after if to make a polite request or express insistence. We can use should after if to talk about something which is possible, but not very likely to happen.

E.g. a) If the weather is fine tomorrow, we will go camping.

b) If you will fill in this form, I’ll process your application.(Will you please fill in– polite request)

c) If you will not stop shouting, you’ll have to leave. (If you insist on shouting– insistence)

d) If Tom should call, tell him I’ll be late. (We do not think that Tom is very likely to call)

· We can use unless instead of ifnot in the if-clause of Type 1 conditionals. The verb is always in the affirmative after unless. E.g. Unless you leave now, you’ll miss the bus. (= If you don’t leave now, you’ll miss the bus.)

· We can use were instead of was in the if-clause of Type 2 conditionals. E.g. If Rich was / were here, we could have a party.

· We use If I were you when we want to give advice. E.g. If I were you, I wouldn’t complain about it.

· The following expressions can be used instead of if: provided / providing (that), as long as, supposing / suppose, in case, on condition (that), but for + -ing form / noun, even if, only if, otherwise, or else.

E.g. You can see Mr. Carter provided you have an appointment. Suppose the boss came now, what would you say? Get up now or else you’ll be late. But for his advice, I wouldn’t be able to solve my problems.

Note that when only if begins a sentence, the subject and the verb of the main clause are inverted. E.g. Only if you have a ticket will you be allowed in.

· We can omit if in the if clause. When if is omitted, should (Type 1), were (Type 2), had (Type 3) and the subject are inverted.

E.g. Should Peter come, tell him to wait. (=If Peter should come,…)

Were I you, I wouldn’t trust him. (If I were you,…)

Had he known, he would have called. (=If he had known,…)

1. Make Type 1 conditional sentences as in the example.

E.g. If we cut down all the forests, the world climate will change.

1. cut down / all forests / world’s climate / change; 2. not stop / use / aerosols / destroy / ozone layer; 3. find / alternative sources of energy / solve / some of our environmental problems; 4. temperatures / go up / by a few degrees / sea level / rise; 5. recycle / waste / save / natural resources; 6. population / continue to increase / not be enough food for everyone.

2. Translate into English. Use Type I conditional sentences.

1. Якщо завтра буде морозно, ми не підемо кататися на лижах. 2. Цікаво, чи він прийде. Якщо прийде, він буде дуже здивований, побачивши нас тут. 3. Якщо я знайду її адресу, я відвідаю її. 4. Вона буде хвилюватися, якщо ви не зателефонуєте. 5. Вони отримають повідомлення вчасно, якщо ви відішлете його негайно. 6. Він із задоволенням прийде, якщо його запросять. 7. Якщо я буду вільним завтра ввечері, я відвідаю своїх батьків. 8. Вона розсердиться, якщо ти не виконаєш завдання. 9. Якщо він буде працювати, коли ви повернетеся, порадьте йому піти спати.

3. Study the situations, then make Type 2 conditional sentences.

A: 1.You don’t have a car, so you have to wait for the bus every day. If I ________ (have) a car, I _________ (not / have to) wait for the bus every day. 2. I never do my homework, so my teacher always gets angry with me. If I ___________ (do) my homework, my teacher _________ (not / be angry) with me. 3. I live in a small house, so I can’t invite friends over. If I __________ (live) in a bigger house, I ___________ (be able to) invite friends over. 4. I never get up early, so I am always late for university. If I …………… (get) up earlier, I ……… (not/be) late for university.

B: If I _______ (know) his number, I _________ (phone) him. 2. I _______ (not/buy) this coat if I were you. 3. I _________ (help) you if I could, but I’m afraid I can’t. 4. We would need a car if we ___________ (live) in the country. 5. If we had a choice, we ____________ (live) in the country. 6. This soup isn’t very good. It _________ (taste) better if it ________ (not / be) so salty. 7. I wouldn’t mind living in London if the weather _________ (be) better. 8. If I ______ (be) you, I __________ (not/wait). I _______ (go) now. 9. You’re always tired. If you __________ (not/go) to bed so late every night, you ________ (not/be) so tired all the time. 10. I think there are too many cars. If there __________ (not/be) so many cars, there _________ (not/be) so much pollution.

4. Translate into English. Use Type 2 conditionals.

1. Якби ви знали граматику краще, ви б не робили стількох помилок у ваших вправах. 2. Якби він був зараз тут, він, звісно, допоміг би нам. 3. Якби не було так пізно, я зателефонував би їй зараз. 4. Якби вона була більш терплячою, з нею було б легше мати справу. 5. Я б зайшов до тебе наступного тижня, якби мав вільну годину. 6. Ви почувалися би краще, якби проводили більше часу на свіжому повітрі. 7. Якби ви справді любили читати, ви б завжди знайшли час для читання. 8. Якби в нього зараз були заняття, нам довелося б довго чекати. 9. Ви не запізнювалися б на заняття, якби виходили на 10 хвилин раніше. 10. Не будь він таким ледачим, він був би найкращим учнем. 11. Якби в нас було менше багажу, ми могли б піти до вокзалу пішки. 12. Вона не губила би речі так часто, якби не була такою неуважною.

5. Complete the sentences to make Type 3 conditional sentences.

1. If he ________________ (not/notice) the mould in one of his glass dishes, Alexander Fleming _______________ (never/discover) penicillin. 2. If he ____________ (sell) some of his paintings, Van Gogh ____________ (get) some recognition during his lifetime. 3. If Barbara Streisand ___________ (change) the form of her nose, her career ____________ (never/be) the same. 4. If Anne Sullivan ____________ (not/teach) her, Helen Keller ___________ (not / be able) to communicate. 5. If Naomi Campbell ___________ (not/be) so beautiful, she _________ (never / become) a supermodel.

6. Put the verb into the correct form.

1. I didn’t know you were in hospital. If I __________ (know), I ____________ (go) to see you. 2. Sam got to the station just in time to catch the train to the airport. If he ___________ (miss) the train, he ____________ (miss) the flight. 3. I’m glad that you reminded me about Amanda’s birthday. I ____________ (forget), if you ____________ (not/remind) me. 4. Unfortunately I forgot my address book when I went on holiday. If I ___________ (have) your address, I _________ (send) you a postcard. 5. A: How was your holiday? Did you have a nice time? A: It was OK, but we _____________ (like) it more if the weather_____________ (be) nicer. 6. I took a taxi to the hotel, but the traffic was bad. It _______________ (be) quicker if I _________ (walk). 7. I’m not tired. If I ________ (be) tired, I’d go home now. 8. I wasn’t tired last night. If I _________ (be) tired, I _____________ (go) home then.

7. Translate into English. Use Type 3 conditionals.

1. Якби ти відправив мені SMS, я зайшов би до тебе вчора. 2. Ми б не запізнилися на потяг, якби взяли таксі. 3. Якби я не був так зайнятий на минулому тижні, я приєднався би до вашої екскурсії. 4. Якщо б він не відмовився допомагати нам, ми би вже закінчили роботу. 5. Якби вчора не було так холодно, ми, можливо, пішли на каток (skating-rink). 6. Можливо, ми б не заблукали, якби не було так темно. 7. Якщо ти прийшов би на лекцію вчора, ти б почув багато цікавого. 8. Якби я знав, що тобі потрібна ця книга, я б взяв її з собою. 9. Я б не зробив цієї помилки, якби був більш уважним, коли писав диктант. 10. Навіть якщо ти зателефонував мені вчора, я б не зміг прийти. 11. Він не впав би, якби не були так слизько. 12. У мене пішло багато часу, щоб перекласти цю статтю. Якщо б у мене був гарний словник, я б витратив менше часу.

8. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense,

1. A: Lauren was walking down the street and found a wallet. She took it to the police. B: If I ____________ (find) it, I ____________ (not/take) it to the police. 2. A: I decided against taking the examinations. Now I regret. B: Well, if you __________ (pass) them, you _________ (can/become) a successful businessman. 3 A: Should I buy that car? B: Why not? If I________ (be) you, I __________ (buy) it myself. 4. A: My sister seems very upset at the moment. B: If she ________ (be) here, I _________ (talk) to her about it. 5. A: What time will you be home tonight. B: I’m not sure. If I _________ (have to) work, I ___________(call) you. 6. A: Unless you ___________ (hurry), you _______ (be) late again. B: No, I won’t. There’s plenty of time. 7. A: Oh! I forgot to ask Sarah over to dinner. B: If I __________ (speak) to her, I __________ (ask) her for you. 8. A: May I go out? B: Provided you _________ (do) your homework. 9. A: Mums seems very busy at the moment. B: If I _______ (be) you, I _________ (offer) to help you. 10. A: Hurry up, or else we ________ (miss) the train. B: I know, I’m being as quick as I can 11. A: Unless you _________ (work) hard, you ________ (fail) your exam. B: I know. I’ve been studying hard every evening.

9. Choose the correct answer

1. The state of the economy …… provided that there is a change of the government.

a) improve; b) will improve; c) would improve;

2. ……. his advice, they couldn’t have hoped to receive such results anyway.

a) But for; b) Provided; c) Unless;

3. ‘Where is my book?’ – ‘If you ….. in the drawer, you’ll find it.’

a) will look; b) would look; c) look

4. ….. we get up on time, we will catch the train. a) Unless; b) Provided; c) Supposing;

5. Were I you, I ….. him. a) wouldn’t trust; b) won’t trust; c) don’t trust;

6. ‘You … a lot if you watch the news.’ – ‘I know. I watch it every day.’

a) learn; b) were learning; c) would learn;

7. ‘…. you wear warm clothes, you won’t get cold. a) Unless; b) Providing; c) Supposing;

8. ‘Shall I invite John to the party?’ – ‘Well, if I were you, I …. him.’

a) would invite; b) will invite; c) invited;

9. Suppose you …. the exam, what would you do? a) failed; c)would fail; c) have failed;

10. …. the teacher comes back now, what will you do? a) When; b) Providing; c) Supposing

11. ‘Could I see the menu, please?’ – ‘Yes, sir. If you... a seat, I will fetch it for you.’

a) had taken; b) take; c) will take;

12. ‘Don’t cry. Everything will be all right.’ – ‘Yes, but if I … the bus, I wouldn’t have been late for school.’ a) didn’t miss; b) hadn’t missed; c) don’t miss;

13. When water boils, it … steam. a) would produce; b) produce; c) produces;

14. ‘Can you help me, please?’ – ‘Well, if I wasn’t studying, I …. you.’

a) would help; b) help; c) will help;

15. ‘John crashed his car yesterday.’ – ‘I know. If he hadn’t been changing the CD, he …’

a) won’t crash; b) wouldn’t crash; c) wouldn’t have crashed;

16. ‘Can I have some chocolate, please?’ – ‘If you behave yourself, I … some later.’

a) would buy; b) might buy; c) buy;

17. ‘Should you see Colin, … and tell me.’ – ‘I will.’ a) come; b) to come; c) will come;

18. If you hadn’t watched that film, you … nightmares.

a) wouldn’t have; b) wouldn’t have had; c) won’t have;

19. If I were rich, I … around the world. a) will sail; b) can sail; c) could sail;

20. ‘Dad shouted at me today.’ – ‘Well, if you … the window, he wouldn’t have shouted at you.’ a) didn’t break; b) hadn’t broken; c) wouldn’t have broken

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