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The protection and rational use of ground and bowels

Читайте также:
  1. A. Protection of minority rights
  3. Article 240. Violation of rules related to the protection of mineral resources
  5. B) Overseeing the execution and monitoring of IT operational events and activities
  6. Background and general topic(s)
  7. Background and History of Contextual Design


Soil is a surface fertile part of the earth's crust, which was formed by continuous influence of moisture, air, heat, vegetative and animal organisms on the surface layer of the earth. Fertility is ability to supply plants with moisture and nutritious substances what is the most important property of the soil.

Less than 1/3 part of the Earth is dry land - continents, islands; 90 % of this territory is the people living space, and 10 % of it is ice.

Growing amount of the population and technical progress increase anthropogenous loading on the ground resources and require the magnification of food production. The decreasing of agricultural areas caused by ruining soil (erosion, salinization, ravaging, swamping, mudflow, landslides, avalanches and contamination) and direct reduction of space is recently observed.

The erosion arises under influence of water, wind and anthropogenous factors on the soil and under-layer. Protection from erosion includes applying of the whole complex of protective measures.

Salinization is a process of accumulation natrium, cadmium, manganese saline in the soil in unacceptable concentration. Especially widespread is the secondary salinization – salt accumulation caused by incorrect watering and filtration of water.

Ravaging is transformation of fertile ground to infertile desert.

Swamping is the excess moisture contents in soil. It takes place close to channels and artificial reservoirs. The drainage is used to dry a ground.

Mudflow is the stream of a stone, mud, which appear in river bed after heavy flood. The flow speed reaches 10 m/s and more, and the volume of emissions - up to millions of cubic meters. Methods for mudflow struggling are: growing vegetative cover on the slopes; clearing off accumulation of loose rock; stabilization of mountain river-bed with systems of dams.

The land-slide is shifting of mountain masses down the slope caused by their moistening, seismic waves and human's activity.

Avalanche is a takeoff and falling of big masses of mountain rock on mountain slopes. Measures for struggling landslide and avalanche are the following: drainage structures, fixing of slopes with piles, planting of vegetation.

Contamination is covering of a surface or penetration of the soil by industrial or economic activity waste. There're so-called «industrial desert» - land space where the ground is polluted with industrial waste appeared due to people activity. The industrial sewage is expedient to be used or reprocessed. The perspective industrial trend is wasteless and low-wasted technologies.

Tearing away is transferring of agricultural areas or wood for cities, industry, highways, pipelines and other needs construction.

Fertile soils which due to economic activity have destroyed vegetation, changed land relief are named affected.

Bowels are the upper accessible part of lithosphere. Bowels are used for extracting minerals, storing of rare and gaseous minerals, building, up the structures and transport communications, burial of sewage and waste water.

The mineral refers to nonrenewable resources but their extraction reaches large numbers (more than 200,000,000,000 tons of mountain rock, over 30,000,000,000 tons annually). Thus, there is a progressing exhaustion of mineral' reserves, and also their structural modifications.


Дата добавления: 2015-11-16; просмотров: 59 | Нарушение авторских прав

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