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Multiple choice

Читайте также:
  1. Chapter 10. Binary choice models, tobit model and ML estimation
  2. Chapter 3 Mr Elton's Choice
  3. Chapter 3. Multiple regression analysis
  4. Choice of methods
  5. Choice of the generator polynomial of the cyclic code
  6. Context. Word Choice
  7. Criteria and methods of a choice of suppliers




1. Self-directed teams may mean having no supervision on the factory floor.

True (Job design, moderate)


2. The goal of a human resource strategy is to manage labor and design jobs so people are effectively and efficiently utilized.

True (Human resource strategy for competitive advantage, easy)


3. Equitable pay alone cannot achieve a reasonable quality of work life in an organization.

True (Human resource strategy for competitive advantage, moderate)


4. Mutual trust means that both management and employee strive to meet common objectives.

False (Human resource strategy for competitive advantage, moderate)


5. Technology, location, and layout decisions are all possible constraints on the human resource strategy.

True (Human resource strategy for competitive advantage, moderate)


6. Labor planning determines employment stability.

True (Labor planning, easy)


7. The two extremes of employment stability policy are "follow demand exactly" and "keep demand constant."

False (Labor planning, moderate)


8. Maintaining a stable workforce generally results in the firm paying higher wages than a firm that follows demand.

False (Labor planning, moderate)


9. Flextime is a system that allows employees, within limits, to determine their own work schedules.

True (Labor planning, moderate)

10. Labor specialization includes the development of specialized tools to reduce labor costs.

False (Job design, moderate)


11. An enlarged job has more responsibility than the same job enriched.

False (Job design, moderate)


12. Job rotation is an example of job enlargement.

True (Job design, moderate)


13. Fredrick W. Taylor is credited with introducing psychology into the workplace.

False (Job design, moderate)

14. Psychological factors have little relevance in the design of assembly line jobs since they involve physical products and production technology.

False (Job design, moderate)


15. Self-directed teams tend to be successful in work environments where there is little employee empowerment.

False (Job design, moderate)


16. The Hawthorne studies, which showed that there is a dynamic social system in the workplace, took place in the 1960s.

False (Job design, moderate)


17. Hackman and Oldham's five desirable characteristics of job design include job significance and autonomy.

True (Job design, moderate)


18. Job expansion can lead to increased labor cost because of the extra workers hired in the expansion.

False (Job design, moderate)


19. Profit-sharing is a motivation and incentive system where executives receive stock options.

False (Job design, moderate)


20. The physical environment in which employees work may affect the quality of work life, but it does not affect their performance and safety.

False (Job design, moderate)


21. Ergonomics is a branch of economics that deals with costs of scheduling workers.

False (Job design, moderate)

22. An operations chart, or right-hand/left-hand chart, points out wasted motion and idle time.

True (Job design, moderate)


23. Kanbans and andons are both elements of the visual workplace, because they are visual signals that replace printouts and paperwork.

True (The visual workplace, moderate) {AACSB: Communication}


24. "Visual workplace" is a term coined by Hawthorne, and refers to the need for proper lighting at employee workstations.

False (The visual workplace, moderate)


25. Because various employment laws now require it, "equal pay for equal work" is no longer an ethical concern in the work environment.

False (Ethics and the work environment, moderate) {AACSB: Ethical Reasoning}


26. Working around asbestos raised ethical concerns before its inherent dangers became known.

False (Ethics and the work environment, moderate) {AACSB: Ethical Reasoning}


27. The purpose of labor standards is to accurately define the skills required to complete a job.

False (Labor standards, moderate)



28. Workers in which of the following countries probably experience the least amount of job expansion, on average?

a. United States

b. Sweden

c. Japan

d. Sweden and Japan experience about the same amount, and less than the U.S.

e. They all experience about the same amount.

a (Job design, difficult) {AACSB: Reflective thinking}


29. Which of the following best describes mutual commitment in an organization?

a. an instance in which management is committed to the employees and the employees are committed to management

b. both management and the employees are committed to the same objective

c. both management and the employees are committed, but to different objectives

d. management obtains the commitment of the employees to a stated objective

e. both management and the employees can rely on each other

b (Human resource strategy for competitive advantage, moderate)


30. Mutual trust is

a. when employees have gained the trust of management

b. reflected in reasonable, documented employment policies, honestly and equitably implemented to the satisfaction of both management and the employees

c. when management has gained the trust of the employees

d. when management recognizes that the employees are competent, motivated people both able and willing to perform at the level required to produce a quality product

e. when management and the employees both agree on the objectives

b (Human resource strategy for competitive advantage, moderate)


31. The objective of a human resource strategy is to

a. produce the demand forecast at lowest labor cost

b. match employment levels with demand

c. achieve a reasonable quality of work life at low cost

d. manage labor and design jobs so people are effectively and efficiently utilized

e. all of the above

d (Human resource strategy for competitive advantage, moderate)


32. The two most basic policies associated with employment stability are

a. job enrichment and job enlargement

b. employment for life and guaranteed minimum wage

c. follow demand exactly and hold employment constant

d. incentive plans and piece-rate plans

e. none of the above

c (Labor planning, moderate)


33. Four of the components of job design are

a. employment stability, work schedules, work sampling, motivation, and incentive systems

b. job specialization, job expansion, psychological components, and self-directed teams

c. labor specialization and enrichment, motivation and incentive systems, employment stability, and work sampling

d. ergonomics and work methods, method time measurement, work schedules, and incentive systems

e. labor specialization, time studies, work sampling, and pre-determined time standards

b (Job design, moderate)


34. Job rotation is an example of

a. job enrichment

b. job scheduling

c. job training

d. job enlargement

e. job incentive

d (Job design, moderate)


35. The behavioral approach to job design that involves giving the worker a larger portion of the total task is

a. job enlargement

b. job enrichment

c. job enhancement

d. job rotation

e. job involvement

a (Job design, moderate)


36. When a worker has a say in the work methods that he/she wishes to utilize, his/her job is characterized by

a. skill variety

b. job identity

c. job significance

d. feedback

e. autonomy

e (Job design, moderate)


37. Which of the following terms implies an increase in responsibility and control?

a. job rotation

b. job enrichment

c. job re-design

d. job enlargement

e. job satisfaction

b (Job design, moderate)


38. Which of the following statements describes job rotation?

a. The job contains a larger number of similar tasks.

b. The job includes some planning and control necessary for job accomplishment.

c. The operator works on different shifts on a regular basis.

d. The operator's schedule is flexible.

e. The operator is allowed to move, for example, from one type of CNC machine to the other.

e (Job design, moderate)


39. The difference between job enrichment and job enlargement is that

a. enlarged jobs involve vertical expansion, while enriched jobs involve horizontal expansion

b. enriched jobs enable an employee to do a number of boring jobs instead of just one

c. job enlargement is more psychologically satisfying than job enrichment

d. job enrichment is suitable for all employees, whereas job enlargement is not

e. enriched jobs involve vertical expansion, while enlarged jobs involve horizontal expansion

e (Job design, moderate)


40. A job characterized by _______ allows a worker to use his/her dexterity, physical strength, and skills to do his/her work.

a. feedback

b. skill variety

c. job identity

d. job significance

e. autonomy

b (Job design, difficult)


41. When a worker obtains clear and timely information about his/her performance, his/her job is characterized by

a. feedback

b. skill variety

c. job identity

d. job significance

e. autonomy

a (Job design, moderate)

42. Which of the following is not a limitation of job expansion?

a. higher capital cost

b. higher wage rates

c. smaller labor pool

d. higher training costs

e. All of the above are limitations of job expansion.

e (Job design, moderate)


43. Management and labor share the labor cost reductions in which of these compensation schemes?

a. bonus system

b. quota system

c. Scantron plan

d. Scanlon plan

e. measured day work plan

d (Job design, moderate)

44. Which of the following statements regarding incentive systems is false?

a. Bonuses are often used at the executive levels.

b. About half of all American manufacturing firms use productivity incentives.

c. Knowledge-based pay systems are increasing in use.

d. The Scanlon plan is based on team productivity.

e. Increasing use of cross-training has led to increasing use of knowledge-based pay systems.

d (Job design, moderate)


45. Ergonomics is not concerned with

a. levels of illumination, noise, temperature, and humidity

b. adjusting and providing input to the machine

c. feedback (providing information to the operator)

d. adequate compensation schemes

e. the design of functional and comfortable office furniture

d (Job design, moderate)


46. One of the elements of ergonomics is

a. allocating work time based on economic studies

b. the cost justification of technology

c. designing tools and machines that facilitate human work

d. the use of automation in a manufacturing organization

e. the establishment of time standards

c (Job design, moderate)


47. Managers should seek to control such work environment factors as

a. illumination

b. noise and vibration

c. temperature

d. air quality

e. all of the above

e (Job design, moderate)


48. Which of the following is not an analytical target of methods analysis?

a. movement of capital

b. body movement

c. movement of individuals

d. movement of materials

e. crew activity

a (Job design, moderate)


49. Methods analysis focuses on

a. the design of the machines used to perform a task

b. establishing time standards

c. reducing the number of skills needed for the completion of a task

d. issues such as the movement of individuals or materials

e. evaluating training programs to see if they are efficient

d (Job design, moderate)


50. Which of the following is used by methods analysis in analyzing body movement at the workstation level?

a. MTM chart

b. flow diagram

c. operations chart

d. process chart

e. improvement chart

c (Job design, moderate)


51. "Designed to show economy of motion by pointing out waste motion and idle time" describes

a. flow diagrams

b. an activity chart

c. an operations chart

d. all of the above

e. none of the above

c (Job design, moderate)


52. In a large aerospace company, it has been discovered that some insulators have been damaged. A methods specialist is sent out to follow the insulators through the production and storage processes and to try to find out where in the process they are damaged. The specialist should use

a. left- and right-hand charts

b. man-machine charts

c. job analysis charts

d. flow diagrams

e. activity charts

d (Job design, difficult)


53. Methods analysis employs which of the following charts in its analysis of the movement of workers and materials?

a. micro-motion chart

b. flow diagram

c. activity chart

d. man-machine chart

e. movement chart

b (Job design, moderate)


54. Flow diagrams are used to analyze

a. movement of people and materials

b. utilization of an operator and machine

c. body movements

d. time taken by various activities

e. unnecessary micro-motions

a (Job design, moderate)


55. Activity charts help analyze

a. movement of people and materials

b. utilization of an operator and machine

c. body movements

d. activities that can cause injuries

e. unnecessary micro-motions

b (Job design, moderate)


56. "Schematic used to investigate movement of people or material" describes a(n)

a. flow diagram

b. activity chart

c. operations chart

d. right-hand / left-hand chart

e. none of the above

a (Job design, moderate)


57. The visual workplace includes

a. painted symbols to indicate the proper place for tools and equipment

b. labeling of parts, bins, and tools to reduce waste

c. kanbans, andons, and statistical process control (SPC) charts

d. color-coded lights and signs to indicate that there is a problem

e. all of the above

e (The visual workplace, moderate) {AACSB: Communication}


58. Shadow boards and foot printing are elements of

a. the Hawthorne studies

b. workplace noise reduction

c. project management in service firms

d. the visual workplace

e. specialization of labor

d (The visual workplace, moderate) {AACSB: Communication}


59. The visual workplace

a. uses low-cost visual devices to share information

b. is an effective means of rapid communication in a dynamic workplace

c. helps with both "big picture" and "housekeeping" issues in the workplace

d. eliminates non-value added activities by making problems and standards visual

e. all of the above

e (The visual workplace, moderate) {AACSB: Communication}


60. Ethical work environment decisions by managers may be guided by

a. state agencies

b. trade associations

c. insurers

d. employees

e. all of the above

e (Ethics and the work environment, moderate) {AACSB: Ethical Reasoning}


61. Which of the following is an ergonomics issue with ethical implications?

a. job enrichment

b. equal opportunity

c. equal pay for equal work

d. a noisy workplace

e. foot printing

d (Ethics and the work environment, moderate) {AACSB: Ethical Reasoning}


62. Which of the following is not a work environment issue with ethical implications?

a. hazardous materials in the workplace

b. equal opportunity

c. equal pay for equal work

d. danger on the job

e. All of the above have ethical implications.

e (Ethics and the work environment, moderate) {AACSB: Ethical Reasoning}


63. Labor standards are defined as the

a. preset activities required to perform a job

b. amount of space required by a specific crew to perform the job

c. standard set of procedures to perform the job

d. standard labor agreements

e. amount of time required to perform a job or part of a job

e (Labor standards, moderate)

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