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That could be the solution! Brilliant!
Decision page 126
The gold mining company, (^ildcorp, has discovered gold at its Red Lake mine in northern Ontario. The new discovery contains high grade gold ore and could make C^oldcorp the richest gold mine in the world.
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CEO Rob McF.wen, shocked the industry recently when he held a competition for the world's geologists to help him find gold. Mr McEwen put details of the area's geology on the internet and offered prize money to anyone who could suggest the best place to dig for gold. More than 1,100 entnes were received from scientists around the world. The judges were surprised at the creat'vity of the competitors, who had never visited the mine and carried out their research using only- computer models. The top prize of $105,000 went to a group of geologists from Australia whose
work led to the new discovery. 'I he results have been a spectacular success and the Red Lake mine is now producing 504,000 ounces of high grade gold per year.
Unit 15 |
attention to these factors so that their staff will be more productive.
Listening 3 page 133
Listening 1 page 128
Dilys Breeze
Unit 15 |
Motivation means different things to different people. Some people are motivated by money and competition; others are motivated by working in a friendly environment, or being able to have tun. Most people feel motivated when they know they are making a contribution, and doing something useful. People need to receive praise. They want to fed that others listen to their problems or suggestions. And most want to develop their skills and learn new things.
Unit 15 |
It's important for managers to stimulate and encourage their staff to get the best from them. Staff will be more motivated rfthey have a challenge, arid the work is interesting. But they also need to believe that they can do the job. So it's important for managers to support their staff, listen to their problems and help them feel more confident. People only get satisfaction from work if they feel they can do it well.
Listening 2 paga 13?
Interviewer + ca:>didat 1
Why did you leave your previous job? Because the pay wasn't very good, so I decided to look for something better.
Why did you leave your previous job? because it wasn't a clia'lenge any more. The job was the same every day, so there was nothing new to learn.
Why have you applied for this job? So that I can learn something new and develop my skills.
Why have you decided to change your job? The company I work for at the moment is very small. That means that the career prospects aren't very good.
Why have you applied for this job? 'n order to improve my carec prospects. This is a bigger company, so I think I'll have more opportunities.
Clatk Morris
To feel motivated, workers have four kinds of needs called the four Cs. The first С is connection. To feel connected to the company, people need to understand their role and feel that they are helping to achieve the company goals. The second С is content. Workers need to enjoy the job in order to get satisfaction from it. The third С is context: the company's systems and organisation. This can include the IT network, machine maintenance, or the pay system. If things don't work smoothly - because the computer system is outof date, for example - workers will soon become dpmotivated because they can't do a good job. The final С is climate, or company culture. It depends on the relationships between management and staff. In order to create a good climate, managers need to listen to the stiff and respond to their suggestions. They should encourage staff to have ideas and use №eir initiative; and support their team when they need help. Employees may fee1 angry or stressed if the climate is poor. So it's very important to create a good climate. Companies should pay close
Decision page 134
Kok Tan Hiang
Unit 15 |
When we moved, we changed our office design. We built larger working spaces where people could sit together. We only needed work spaces for two-thirds of our staftj so hotdesking was the obvious solution. We also wanted to create a more democratic workplace. We wanted better communication between people at all levels. Was it a good decision? Well, hot-desking was a good solution for us. We already had the technology to implement the new working arrangements. Many of our staff, such as sales and technical teams, like the hot-desking arrangement. They have a dynamic environment to work in and it helps them to be more creative. However, we had to make permanent work spaces for people who were dissatisfied with the new- arrangement. rhe lawyers, for example, needed permanent space to store books. In the business world of today, you have to be ready to change. Fortunately, most of our workers adapted easily.
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PEARSON Longman |
The Economist |
I * Read the article on the opposite page and choose the sentence, a
or b, that best describes the main point.
Companies that receive no complaints offer the best service. It's good for companies to receive complaints.
Г)о people in your country complain a lot? What about? How would you describe the quality of service 'n your country?
[1] / We think it's best to... We need to...
That's a gcoci strategy because. It could be difficult because... Perhaps we couid...
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