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Attending a meeting

Читайте также:
  2. A Meeting With Dan Harvey
  3. C) adverbial modifier ofattending circumstances
  4. Chapter 1 Many Meetings
  5. CHAPTER 4-Meeting Dickon
  6. CHAPTER 5-Meeting Colin

However informal the meeting, it always pays to prepare a few key points in note form to put across or discuss. If you’re unprepared, you will not be able to concentrate on what your colleagues are saying and others are less likely to listen to you because you will either waffle or sound hesitant.

Don’t memorize notes or read them out like a sermon. This inhibits your natural gestures: the eye contact and body language that is essential to effective communication. If you cannot answer a question, don’t be afraid to say, ‘I don’t know but I’ll find out and get back to you by …’ (give a definite date). Phrase your criticism and proposals positively. Seek to offer solutions rather than to complain.

Arrive early and sit close to the chairperson to ensure that you aren’t ignored. If you’re late, apologize and find a seat quickly and quietly. Don’t try to sneak in as if you are invisible.


Exercise 3. Give English equivalents to the following words.


Уточнювати час та місце уточнять время и место

Питання для обговорення вопросы для обсуждения

Проводити збори проводить собрание

Тривати длиться

Відділ отдел

Протокол зборів протокол собрания

Підготувати ключові питання підготовить ключевые вопросы

Створювати продуктивну атмосферу создавать продуктивную атмосферу

Виділяти выделять

Оптимальна кількість оптимальное количество

Exercise 4. Completethe following sentences with appropriate words from the list.

agenda casting vote consensus minutes circulate

apologies chairperson items arising conduct

1 In all formal meetings and most informal meetings, there is a ……………. Whose job it is to …………… the business of the meeting and to ensure that the meeting’s objectives are achieved.

2 It is helpful in both formal and informal meetings to have an ……….., listing the points that are to be discussed. It is usual to ………. This in advance so that participants can prepare adequately for the meeting.

3 If there are too many ………….. on the agenda, it is inevitable that the meeting will be over-long and so less effective.

4 After formal meetings, the secretary writes up the …………, an official record of the discussion that has taken place.

5 If you cannot attend a meeting, it is customary to send your ………… to the chairperson, who reads out the names of any absentees at the beginning of the meeting. After naming absentees, the chairperson may ask if there are any matters ………… out of the minutes of the last meeting.

6 When decisions must be taken, the chairperson hopes there will be a …………on what should be done. Otherwise, a vote must be taken and sometimes the votes for and against are equal. If this happens, the only way to break the deadlock is for the chairperson to give his or her …………..


Exercise 5. Complete the following sentences using an appropriate form of the verb given.


1. Exports ….. significantly between 1991 and 1992. (fall)

2. Since 1995 they ….. steadily, however. (rise)

3. Overheads ….. sharply since last year. (rise)

4. Domestic sales ….. steadily over the past 4 years. (increase)

5. The workforce ….. by 25% since 1994. (shrink)

6. Salary costs ….. sharply over the last few years. (go up)

7. There ….. a slight fall in domestic sales in 1991. (be)


Exercise 6. Insert these expressions containing have into the gaps in the sentences. Note that you may need to change the form of the verb in some cases.


a. have a guess c. have a word e. have a look

b. have a go d. have a chance f. have no alternative

1. There’s not much we can do. We ….. but to accept their terms.

2. Things look quite hopeful. I think we still ….. of getting the order.

3. I’m sure what the price is. I’ll have to ….. at the price list.

4. You seem to be having trouble with that. Why don’t you let me …..?

5. I didn’t know the exact number, but I ….. and, amazingly, I was absolutely right.

6. Can I ….. with you about this fax I’ve just received?


Exercise 7. Answer the questions to the text in writing.


1. What information should a memo contain?

2. What are you supposed to do if you can’t answer a question immediately?

3. What should take up the bulk of the meeting minutes?

Варіант 2.


Exercise 1. Read the following words and word combinations. Memorize them.


Participant учасник участник

Fail зазнати невдачі терпеть неудачу

Accomplish an objective досягти мети достигнуть цели

Purpose of the meeting мета зборів цель собрания

Exchange information обмінюватися обмениваться

інформацією информацией

Reward performance винагороджувати вознаграждать

якісну роботу хорошую работу

Create an opportunity створювати можливість создавать возможность

Professional development професійний розвиток профессиональное развитие

Introduce new products вводити нові товари вводить новые товары

Top customer основний клієнт основной клиент

Business environment бізнес оточення бізнес окружение

Attend a meeting відвідувати збори посещать собрание

Social activities суспільна діяльність общественная деятельность

Chances of success шанси на успіх шансы на успех

Company gathering збори компанії собрание компании

Equipment обладнання оборудование

Shortcoming недолік недостаток

Corporate culture корпоративна культура корпоративная культура

Senior executive керівник вищого рангу руководитель высшего ранга


Exercise 2. Read and translate the text (paragraphs 2, 3 and 4 should be translated in writing).


Pitfalls of International Meetings (Part I)

More than six years ago the US futurist John Naisbitt wrote: ‘…the more technology in his society, the more people want to get together.’ But even he could not have envisaged the dramatic growth in the number of international meetings over the past few years.

Unique with all these meetings, which range in size from a few to more than a thousand, is that many of the participants leave their culture to meet in another. Unfortunately, what is not unique is that many of the meetings fail to accomplish their objectives to a very high degree.

The purposes of these meetings are varied, ranging from exchanging information to rewarding performance and creating opportunities for professional development. Often, as in the case of IBM Europe and other companies, the meetings are staged to introduce new products and make a sales pitch to top customers. IBM tries to get its top customers away from their normal business environment and gather them in a location that creates an atmosphere that ‘puts them in the right frame of mind and then allows us to do some high level selling’.

During the past year, I have attended a number of international meetings and witnessed first-hand serious administrative and planning problems, all of which undermined the chances of success.

A classic bungle (=error) was the arrival of participants’ material three days after one meeting ended. In another case, the audio visual equipment required by a presenter was delivered as the meeting was ending. At yet another meeting, the audio visual equipment was the wrong format, and the presenter was unable to show his video tapes.

International meeting organizers are sometimes guilty of even the most fundamental blunders. For example, at one meeting, pork was the only meat served to the many Moslems attending. At a three-day seminar, staged by an American company, the absence of any scheduled social activities drew complaints from the many European participants.

Company gatherings often show the most serious shortcomings. One very ‘process’ oriented meeting reflected the corporate culture. It encouraged small group discussions and group reports. Many of the participants wanted, and were expecting, more formal presentations by senior executives.

Exercise 3. Give English equivalents to the following words.


Обмінюватися інформацією обмениваться информацией

Створювати атмосферу создавать атмосферу

Продаж на високому рівні продажа на высоком уровне

Створювати можливість создавать возможность

Міжнародні збори международное собрание

Бути свідком бать свидетелем

Підривати шанси на успіх подрывать шансы на успех

Учасники з Європи участники из Европы

Суттєві недоліки существенные недостатки

Обговорення в невеликих группах обсуждение в небольших группах


Exercise 4. Complete the sentences below using the following verbs in the passive:


take make up transmit make process

store use display operate power

1. This machine ….. of four basic parts.

2. The frame ….. of lightweight plastic.

3. The machine ….. by a small electric motor.

4. It ….. by pressing this small orange button.

5. Readings ….. by a small electronic sensor.

6. The information ….. to the machine’s inbuilt computer.

7. The information ….. by the computer.

8. The readings ….. on the visual display unit.

9. The machine ….. for measuring levels of static electricity.

10. Previous readings ….. in the computer’s memory.


Exercise 5. Put the appropriate part of do or make in the following:


1. We ….. a lot of business with the Third World.

2. I think I ought to ….. an appointment.

3. I don’t want to ….. difficulties, but it is very short notice.

4. I ….. a number of useful contacts at the Fair.

5. We ….. progress but it’s a long job.

6. If we don’t ….. much of a profit, at least we won’t ….. a loss.

7. We need someone to ….. the cleaning.

8. You can’t ….. business without taking risk.

9. I can never ….. any work on the plane.

10. I think they ….. a special weekend price.

11. It looks as if someone has ….. a silly mistake on this invoice.

12. It ….. a lot of damage to their reputation.

13. We’d be delighted to ….. the job for you.

14. Their factory ….. a very poor impression on me.

15. I’ll ….. enquiries for you and get back to you later today.


Exercise 6. This is a description of the meetings held in a company. Rewrite the sentences in an appropriate order:

1. meeting have a a board we once month.

2. place this boardroom in the takes.

3. attend board meetings members always these.

4. usually spend matters most financial we time on.

5. rarely sales these are marketing at meetings discussed and.

6. left matters such are departmental to meetings generally.

7. are held on normally weekly these Fridays.

8. also we have meetings often management fairly.


Exercise 7. Answer the questions to the text in writing.

1. What is unique with international meetings?

2. How do some leading companies manage to do high level selling?

3. What serious shortcomings might company gatherings show?



Варіант 3.

Exercise 1. Read the following words and word combinations. Memorize them.

Fail зазнавати невдачі терпеть неудачу

Achieve results досягати результатів достигать результатов

Purpose of the meeting мета зборів цель собрания

Consider an issue розглядати питання рассматривать вопрос

Participant учасник участник

Unique issue унікальне питання уникальный вопрос

Get through customs проходити митний проходить таможенный

контроль контроль

Take into account брати до уваги принимать во внимание

Attend a meeting відвідувати збори посещать собрание

Avoid stereotypes уникати стереотипів избегать стереотипы

Attendee учасник, відвідувач учасник, посетитель

High-ranking position високе положення высокое положение

Make a presentation робити презентацію делать презентацию

Be responsible for бути відповідальним быть ответственным

Exercise 2. Read and translate the text (paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 should be translated in writing).


Pitfalls of International Meetings (Part II)

International meetings can be costly to stage, especially if there are poorly organized and fail to achieve the desired results. To have any chance of success, the foremost issue to consider is the purpose of the meeting. Only when that has been clearly articulated can organizers begin to plan the meeting and determine whether it has been a success.

At international meetings with participants from many different cultures, unique issues are bound to arise. For example, the timing of meals and the selection of the menu, the listing of names and titles, the use and language of business cards, the necessity of interpreters or translators and getting materials through customs are all factors that must be taken into account by the organizers.

It’s especially important to allow participants who travel long distances sufficient time to rest, physically and mentally, before the meeting begins. One large US-based organization ignores this completely, expecting travelers from Europe after a nine-hour-plus flight to attend a four-hour meeting the day they arrive. The following day, meetings are scheduled to begin at 8 a.m. and continue until 10 p.m. Most European participants are exhausted by the demanding regime and find that they benefit only marginally from the meetings.

A mini-checklist for any international meeting should begin with efforts to identify the nationalities of potential participants and make provisions that cater to their specific cultural needs.

Warnings to avoid national stereotypes, condescending attitude and above all jokes, which are easily misunderstood, are among the tips given to organizers and speakers at international meetings by Dr Ernest Dichter, a motivational psychologist. He suggests that honoured attendees should be welcomed and that, when appropriate, deference (= respect) should be shown to participants because of their high-ranking positions.

Speakers making presentations in English at an international meeting in a country where it is not the national language, should tailor their presentations so that they will be understood by the entire audience. There are important considerations for persons responsible for the introduction of speakers. For example, personal information or the sharing of insights about one’s family life, which is common in North America, is not appropriate in Europe or Asia.

Exercise 3. Give English equivalents to the following words.

Бажані результати желаемые результаты

Найважливіші питання самые важные вопросы

Візитна картка визитная карточка

Відвідувати збори посещать собрание

Виснажливий режим изнуряющий режим

Задовольняти культурні потреби удовлетворять культурные потребности

Почесний учасник почетный участник

Пропонувати предлагать

Виказувати повагу проявлять уважение

Аудиторія аудитория


Exercise 4. Rearrange these words to form sentences.

1. targeting a Europe lot companies are now Eastern of.

2. European some Eastern growing quickly economies are very.

3. these companies foreign are in numerous countries investing.

4. to companies are joint trying ventures many establish.

5. in some European now currencies rising value Eastern are.

6. under goods companies are these producing licence in countries some.

7. is the of goods improving quality domestic.

8. improving the other of and services is also quality hotels.

9. output rising industrial again is.

10. is unemployment unfortunately the rising also rate.


Exercise 5. Complete each of these sentences with the correct forms of the verb given in brackets.

1. It normally ….. about two weeks, but this one ….. longer than usual. (take)

2. We usually ….. everything by post, but we ….. this package by courier so we can track it if there are any problems. (send)

3. The company usually ….. us business class tickets, but they ….. us economy tickets for this trip because there are so many of us going. (give)

4. We normally ….. a London firm but we ….. somebody local this time so we can keep an eye on every detail. (use)

5. Typically we ….. prices once a year, from January the first, but this time we ….. the dollar prices immediately because of the big change in the exchange rate. (increase)

6. We ….. a couple of hundred pounds on gifts every Christmas, but this is our tenth anniversary, so we ….. a good deal more this year. (spend)

7. We always ….. to keep firm control over expenses, but in the present climate we ….. even harder than we usually do. (try)


Exercise 6. Make full sentences using the words given; you also need have to, must or mustn’t in each case.

1. You/forget/back up the file.

2. You/remember/save changes.

3. You/load/new version/before/works.

4. You/use/until/new version/loaded.

5. You/overload/memory/opening too many files.


Exercise 7. Answer the questions to the text in writing.

1. What factors must be taken into consideration by organizers of international meetings?

2. Why is considering specific cultural needs important when organizing international meetings?

3. How should presentations in English be made?



Варіант 4.


Exercise 1. Read the following words and word combinations. Memorize them.


Research дослідження исследование

Negotiations переговори переговоры

Negotiator учасник переговорів участник переговоров

Create a harmonious atmosphere створювати гармонійну создавать гармоничную

атмосферу атмосферу

Make an effort робити зусилля делать усилие

Good rapport взаємна довіра взаимное доверие

Opposite number друга сторона вторая сторона

переговорів переговоров

Make concessions йти на поступки идти на уступки

Reach an agreement досягати згоди достигать соглашения

Meet the interests відповідати інтересам соотвествовать интересам

Long-term довгостроковий долгосрочный

Relationship відносини отношения

Flexible гнучкий гибкий

Range of objectives низка цілей ряд целей

Limited objectives обмежені цілі ограниченные цели

Resolve the problem вирішувати проблему решать проблему

Key argument основний аргумент основной аргумент

Exercise 2. Read and translate the text (paragraphs 3, 4, 5 and 6 should be translated in writing).

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