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Container_r type ref to cl_gui_custom_container, grid_r type ref to cl_gui_alv_grid.

Wa_sbook-loccurkey. | SELECT-OPTIONSname FORdata_object. | MESSAGE e045(bc400) WITH pa_car. ENDIF. | CALL SCREEN 100. | CLEAR wa_sbook. | MODULE user_command_100. | SET PF-STATUSand SET TITLEBAR | MODULE status_0100. | MESSAGE e149(bc400). ENDIF. | DATAreference_name TYPE REF TOclass_name. |





* fill internal table

SELECT * FROM spfli INTO TABLE gdt_spfli.





Flow logic for screen 100:



MODULE status_0100. MODULE clear_ok_code.

MODULE create_control.



MODULE user_command_0100.


Source code excerpt: Module CREATE_CONTROL



MODULE create_control OUTPUT.

IF container_r IS INITIAL.

CREATE OBJECT container_r

EXPORTING container_name = ’CONTAINER_1’. CREATE OBJECT grid_r

EXPORTING i_parent = container_r.

CALL METHOD grid_r->set_table_for_first_display

EXPORTING i_structure_name = ’SPFLI’ CHANGING it_outtab = gdt_spfli.





You should now be able to:

• Execute the basic steps in object-oriented ABAP programming (instantiation and method calls) to use the classes and methods shipped in the SAP standard system.

• Use the SAP Grid Control (ALV List Viewer) to display an internal table on a screen




Working with BAPIs


Lesson Duration: 30 Minutes



Lesson Overview


This lesson deals with the importance as well as the search for and use of BAPIs.



Lesson Objectives


After completing this lesson, you will be able to:


• Search for suitable BAPIs

• Call BAPIs in your program



There is no exercise for this lesson, but you should still avoid giving the impression that this subject is purely theoretical. Again, it is important to show how to find these reusable components quickly and integrate them in an application.


The short introduction to object-orientation in the lesson “Working with Methods”

will help the participants understand the object model in the BOR.


For obvious reasons, we shall only deal with the use of BAPIs within the same SAP system. Appropriate systems integration courses provide detailed information on calling up BAPIs remotely.


Business Example


You want to use standard functions in your program that are encapsulated in



Working with BAPIs






Figure 217: Business Objects and BAPIs


The Business Object Repository (BOR) of the SAP system contains business objects. Formally, a business object is a class and corresponds to a SAP table or a table hierarchy. A Business Object has BAPIs (Business Application Programming Interfaces) as methods. You can call these BAPIs to access the corresponding table(s). Hence, a BAPI is a means of accessing the data of the SAP system.


BAPIs usually exist for basic functions of a business object, such as:


• Creating an object

• Retrieving the attributes of an object

• Changing the attributes of an object

• Listing the objects


The functions of a BAPI are encapsulated in a function module that can be called up remotely. Therefore, BAPIS can be called by ABAP programs of the same SAP system as well as by external programs.



Figure 218: BAPI Use


The graphic above illustrates how BAPIs can be used.


There are standard methods in the form of BAPIs with standardized names. Some of the most important standard BAPIs are listed here.


Standard BAPIs



Returns a list of available objects that meet the specified selection criteria.



Returns detailed information (attributes) for an object (the complete key must be specified).


Create, Change, Delete, Cancel

Allows you to create, change, and delete objects


AddItem, RemoveItem

Adds and removes subobjects (for example, item for an order)



Figure 219: BAPI Explorer


You can use the BAPI Explorer to list business objects as well as the corresponding BAPIs with reference to the application. To call up the BAPI Explorer use the following path in the SAP Easy Access menu: Tools → Business Framework → BAPI Explorer or transaction BAPI.


Once you have found the required business object or BAPI, you can display its details on the right part of the screen by selecting the BAPI. You can navigate into its display by using the Function Builder by double-clicking on the displayed function module.




Figure 220: Attributes of a BAPI Function Module


Function modules for BAPIs must fulfill the following technical requirements:


• Naming convention BAPI_<business_object_name>_<method_name>

• Remote enabled

• Contain neither user dialogs nor messages

• Interface parameters are typed with components of structures from the ABAP Dictionary that were created for this BAPI. (Name prefix for such structures: BAPI_)

• may not contain any changing parameters until release 4.6.

• Do not trigger any exceptions: Errors are reported to the user through the special export parameter RETURN.




Figure 221: BAPI Call in an ABAP Program


If you would like to use a BAPI in the same SAP system, you can call the function module containing it. Note the restrictions already mentioned.


Hint: BAPI interfaces are created according to the requirements for the “external” call - that is, from an external, non-SAP System. Therefore, amounts are expected in an external format with 4 or 9 decimal places. During the call, the amounts must be transferred to the interface in an appropriately converted format, even if the corresponding currency has no decimal places.


For this conversion or re-conversion you can use function modules from the BACV function group (package SBF_BAPI).


Facilitated Discussion


You now have the opportunity to discuss any questions.



Discussion Questions

Use the following questions to engage the participants in the discussion. Feel free to use your own additional questions.


See list of course objectives.



You should now be able to:

• Search for suitable BAPIs

• Call BAPIs in your program



You should now be able to:

• Search for function modules

• Acquire information on the functionality and use of function modules

• Call a function module in your program

• Execute the basic steps in object-oriented ABAP programming (instantiation and method calls) to use the classes and methods shipped in the SAP standard system.

• Use the SAP Grid Control (ALV List Viewer) to display an internal table on a screen

• Search for suitable BAPIs

• Call BAPIs in your program


Related Information


... Refer to the online documentation for each tool.


Unit 11


357 Adjusting the SAP Standard Software




See the introductory instructors’ notes in the lessons


Unit Overview


Refer to the lesson objectives for an overview of this unit.




After completing this unit, you will be able to:


• Explain the terms original, copy, correction, repair, customizing, modification, and enhancement

• Describe which options are available for adjusting the SAP standard software to your company's requirements

• List the disadvantages of modifications and the advantages of SAP


• List and explain the different enhancement types



Unit Contents


Lesson: Adjusting the SAP Standard Software (Overview)...............390




Adjusting the SAP Standard Software (Overview)


Lesson Duration: 30 Minutes



Lesson Overview


This lesson provides an overview of the options for adjusting the SAP standard software to your company's requirements.


Lesson Objectives


After completing this lesson, you will be able to:


• Explain the terms original, copy, correction, repair, customizing, modification, and enhancement

• Describe which options are available for adjusting the SAP standard software to your company's requirements

• List the disadvantages of modifications and the advantages of SAP


• List and explain the different enhancement types



You must avoid giving the participants the impression that this lesson is advertising the course BC425. The important thing here is that the many alternative solutions or the consequences of specific actions are taken into consideration before the start of development.


Business Example


You want to make adjustments to the SAP standard but, in doing so, you want to avoid modifications because of their disadvantages.


Basic Terms and Options of SAP Software Adjustment






Figure 222: Originals and Copies


In the system in which it was developed, a Repository object is called original. In another system, in which the object arrives by means of transport, it only exists as a copy. The original system (the “birth place”) of a Repository object is noted

in the attributes of the object.


Usually, changes are only to be made to the original. These changes are then transported to subsequent systems to change the corresponding copies. This ensures that Repository objects are consistent in all systems. It is possible to change copies, but you should avoid that in order to avoid the systems becoming inconsistent if the changes are not made to the respective original.


Originals can never be overwritten in transports.




Figure 223: Corrections and Repairs


Changing an original is called a correction. Corrections are made in

development/correction type tasks.


In contrast, changes to a copy are called repair. Repairs are made in repair type tasks.


After a customer object has been repaired (for example, as a consequence of an emergency in the production system), the change should always be reproduced in the original to ensure the systems remain consistent.


Repairing an SAP object in a customer system is also called modification.




Figure 224: Modifications During Upgrade


During an upgrade, the modified SAP objects in your system might be overwritten by new versions of the objects that are supplied by SAP. You need to make a modification adjustment to get your modification back into the system. When you do this, you must compare your old, modified version with the newly supplied version and copy earlier changes to the SAP standard into the new version.


Such a comparison can be very time-consuming. Hence, you should use an SAP enhancement instead of a modification. Enhancements also provide the option of adjusting the SAP functionality. However, they do not depend on the release and are thus “low maintenance”. You will be provided with an overview of existing enhancement types later on in this lesson.


We recommend only making the modification adjustment in the development system and then transporting the adjusted objects to subsequent systems

(by releasing the request you used). This ensures consistency between the development system and the subsequent systems.



Figure 225: Options of SAP Software Adjustment


The illustration above shows the four options for adjusting the SAP software to customer requirements:


• Customer development:


You can develop your own Repository objects under consideration of the customer name space. This may be necessary when there is not a similar functionality to the functionality you require available in the SAP standard.


• Customizing:


You can set certain system properties and functionalities by means of appropriate maintenance transactions. SAP has planned for and organized such adjustments. Customizing is a mandatory part of setting up an SAP system.


• Enhancements:


SAP Repository objects can be adjusted without modifications by means of enhancements. Enhancements are release-independent and do not require any adjustments. However, not all customer requirements are covered by enhancement options.


• Modifications:


Modifications should only be made when there is no appropriate enhancement option in the system as they might cause a significantly increased workload due the adjustments that might be required. To support an organized modification and to facilitate the subsequent adjustment, the Modification Assistant has been integrated in the system since SAP R/3 4.6b. For detailed information on the Modification Assistant, refer to the online documentation for the ABAP Workbench (changes to the SAP standard).


The following section explains the different types of enhancements.



Enhancement Types






Figure 226: The Concept of a Program Exit


SAP has implemented program exits in some SAP programs, to which you as the customer can attach the appropriate source code. This is also processed at the runtime of the SAP program. This way, you have the option of realizing additional or alternative functions without changing the SAP program. Program exits are the most important type of enhancement.


SAP uses different techniques for implementing program exits: User Exits, Customer Exits, Business Transaction Events (BTEs), and Business Add Ins (BAdIs). There is a special search function for each enhancement technique, which you can use to find the program exits prepared by SAP. You can find out more about this in course BC425.




Figure 227: Other Enhancement Types


In addition to program exits, the following enhancement types exist:


Menu exit

Some SAP menus contain entries prepared by SAP, which you can link to your own functionality (customer source code) and activate.


Screen exit

Some screens contain SAP subscreens areas in which you can integrate your own screens.


Field exit

Customized input checks on SAP screen fields can always be implemented without modifications by means of field exits. This does not require any preparation by SAP.


Furthermore you can overwrite the field documentation and field labels of an SAP

data element in the ABAP Dictionary:


Overwriting the field documentation

You can replace the SAP field documentation that is displayed when the user presses F1 with your own texts.


Overwriting the field labels

You can overwrite the different field labels of an SAP data element with your own texts.


Apart from the enhancement type already mentioned, there are also others, such as:


Append structure

You can attach an append structure with the required additional fields to most transparent table. With that you can implement additional columns in the database table of SAP applications without modifications.


Source texts areas commented out by SAP

Some SAP programs contain source code areas that have been commented out. If recommended by SAP, you can remove the comments to obtain additional functionality. Technically, however, this is a modification.


Course BC425 provides detailed information on all enhancement types.






Figure 228: SAP Software Change Registrations


As soon as a developer creates or changes a Repository object for the first time, the system will prompt him for his developer key. He can obtain this key by means of a corresponding one-time SSCR developer registration. The developer key is linked to the developer's user ID and the license number of the SAP system.


You need an object-related access key (object key) for every SAP Repository object that is to be modified. You can get this by means of SSCR object registration. When you register, you must specify the Repository object name, the object type, and the SAP system license number and its release.


Facilitated Discussion


You now have the opportunity to discuss any questions.



Discussion Questions

Use the following questions to engage the participants in the discussion. Feel free to use your own additional questions.


See list of course objectives.



You should now be able to:

• Explain the terms original, copy, correction, repair, customizing, modification, and enhancement

• Describe which options are available for adjusting the SAP standard software to your company's requirements

• List the disadvantages of modifications and the advantages of SAP


• List and explain the different enhancement types



You should now be able to:

• Explain the terms original, copy, correction, repair, customizing, modification, and enhancement

• Describe which options are available for adjusting the SAP standard software to your company's requirements

• List the disadvantages of modifications and the advantages of SAP


• List and explain the different enhancement types


Related Information


... Refer to the articles “Transport Organizer ” and “Changing the SAP Standard”

in the online documentation.



You should now be able to:


• Create an ABAP program containing user dialogs and database accesses

• Describe the different types of development objects and their typical intended purposes

• Use appropriate tools to create simple examples of the development objects presented


Related Information


... Refer to the online documentation for all the concepts, keywords and tools addressed.



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REFRESH_TABLE_DISPLAY| DATA it_spfli TYPE sbc400_t_spfli. DATA wa_spfli LIKE LINE OF it_spfli.

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